
Second Chances vol 1

lies, lies, and more lies, he has been hurt so many times trying to find true love but does it really exists, or is true love just a fantasy

Donna_Cooper_9608 · Realistic
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246 Chs

Chapter 210 Hot Stones

Fabian stifle a yarn as he took up another tin of formula from the shelf. "You look exhausted." A voice said from behind him, he turns and rolls his eyes as he saw Samson standing there looking like a million bucks with his flawless skin and bouncy, shiny, well groom hair. "I hate how you always look like you just step off the damn cover of a magazine," Fabian said in a disgusted tone.

"Thank you," Samson said with a proud smirk. "Now I hope you didn't drive yourself here." He said in concern as Fabian stifle another yarn. "No, Peter is my driver for the rest of the week. I'm tired as hell right now, who knew raising twins could be so exhausting?" "I do." Samson laughs. "Yeah right, I forgot."

"Are you switching them to formula already?" Samson asks looking at the tins in the trolley. "Yeah we have to; the breast isn't enough for them anymore, greedy little terrorists. They're up at all hours of the night screaming their heads off for more food." Fabian snorts.

"When was the last time you had a haircut?" Samson asks looking at Fabian's messy hair. "Dude please, I've two screaming kids at home, I don't even have time to sleep much less think about my hair." Fabian groans. "Okay, so who is at home with your twins right now?" Samson asks. "Amara and two of my female cousins."

"So would you say they're in good hands then?" "Yeah, sure, why?" "I have an idea, give Peter those things and come with me," Samson said with a mischievous grin on his face. "To where?" "You'll see."


Fabian slowly opens his eyes as he felt someone shaking him. "Hmm...please go away." He mumbles. "Sorry dude can't do that, it's time to go." Fabian slowly got up and stretch like a panther arousing from a slumber.

"Damn, I feel amazing right now." "I know you would, get dressed and meet me outside," Samson said leaving the room. A few minutes later Fabian came out of the room and Samson held out a bouquet of red roses and a box of Chocolate to him.

Fabian raises his brow in curiosity and then snorts. "Come on man, don't tell me that you've spent so much time with Chris that his gay has rubbed off on you?" "In your dreams, and don't ever say things like that around Chris, being gay isn't contagious, these are for your wife," Samson said. "You bought my wife roses and chocolate?" Fabian asks narrowing his eyes at Samson. "No, you did. You owe me three grand by the way, now let's get you home to your wife."

"How long was I out?" Fabian asks. "Four hours.' "Most peaceful four hours I've had in a long time."

Thirty minutes later Fabian enters his room and Amara's mouth literally drops as she saw him, then her eyes widen when he reveals her surprise from behind his back. "Wow, what happened to you?" She asks her eyes raking over him. "Samson happened." He laughs as he sat next to her and kissed her passionately.

"What did he do?" She asks against his lips. "Oh my gosh, baby, he took me to this spa, I got a hot stone massage, facial, mani-pedi, and had my hair washed, cut, blow-dried, and styled. They then put me in a room and asks me what sounds relax me the most and I told them the sound of rain falling, so they put in a cd with the sound of rain falling and I was out like a light for four hours baby, four hours." He said kissing her cheeks. "You look amazing baby." She said in admiration. "And thank you for my surprise, I love them." "You're welcome, angel."

"And they are up, again." She groans getting up as the babies began crying. "Ah, nope, have you had your bath yet?" He asks. "No." "Then go get a long soak in the tub, I got this and I booked you a one pm treatment at the spa tomorrow okay." He said heading towards the door. "You did!?" "Yep." "Thank you, thank you, I love you." She said hugging him and kissing him all over his face. "I love you too angel, now get your sexy butt in that bathroom." He orders walking over to his screaming twins.

Thank you for reading

A word of prayer

Help me Heavenly Father to enjoy being the

person you created me to be and to live

each day knowing that you have placed

me on this earth at this time, on purpose.