
Second Chances vol 1

lies, lies, and more lies, he has been hurt so many times trying to find true love but does it really exists, or is true love just a fantasy

Donna_Cooper_9608 · Realistic
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246 Chs

Chapter 206 Stuck

"Excuse me!" Samson asks in shock. "Yeah, you heard me. I visit my other two girlfriends a few days ago with the intention of breaking things off with them only to find out that they're both carrying my child, now I'm stuck with them and I don't know how she's going to handle that.

She's already trying to deal with everything she now knows about me. The thing is Maya already told me that she'll never give me a divorce, and even though I don't really know what my future holds, I know I can't let her go, I can't lose this girl and that's why I deliberately got her pregnant." Caleb said biting his lips.

"Wait, Aisha is also pregnant?" "Yep, as long as she is the mother of my child, we'll always be connected; she'll always be in my life, Maya or no Maya." Caleb smiles. "But at that time I was only thinking about getting around Maya but now that the other two are involved..." Caleb's voice trails off and he sighs.

"What about Aisha's goals and dreams?" Samson asks. "Don't worry, I'll make it my duty to ensure she achieves all her goals." "Okay, so how far along is each of them?" Samson asks filling his mouth with rice noodles. "Well Latoya is four months, Shania is three months…."

"Stop, Shania? As in Maya's sister Shania?" Samson asks choking on his noodles. "Yes and don't judge me, Mr, I've slept with more women than any one man should," Caleb said narrowing his eyes at a coughing Samson. "Your words, not mine," Caleb adds. "Yes but with protection man, can you imagine the predicament I would be in right now if I didn't use protection?"

"One similar to mine I guess and yeah, Aisha is six weeks." "Do you even know what a condom looks like?" Samson asks. "You mean those little rubber things you roll onto your cock, yeah, I know what they look like, it's just that sometimes I forget to wear them." Caleb chuckles.

"Why are you sleeping with Shania, Caleb?" Samson asks running his fingers through his hair. "Because she is sexy as hell and fun to be with." Caleb laughs. "And the fact that you can still laugh about this means you haven't quite come to terms with just how serious this situation is," Samson said in a serious tone.

"This can end badly Caleb, very badly and doesn't she have like four kids already?" "And now the fifth one is mine, so what? But look having these kids isn't the problem, I can afford it…." "The fact that you can afford it isn't the problem Caleb, how do you expect to be a good father to these kids when they're scattered all over the place?" Samson asks with a frustrated sigh.

"Well, it's not like I wanted this to happen." Caleb snaps. "You didn't do anything to prevent it either did you?" Samson snaps back. "Alright, enough with the lecture; what I'm most concerned with right now is how I'm going to keep this from her. Nothing scares me man, nothing, but what I feel for this girl does.

I never wanted this…to…to be this …vulnerable to any woman...to be put in a position where I could be hurt like Ty was…..and that's why I jump from one woman to the next without giving a shit but then I met her and everything changed…..everything is..." "Different," Samson finish for him as Caleb's voice broke.

"Yeah," Caleb said in a soft tone. "You know, Alan said that the less these girls know the better, and that work for a while but not with this girl, every time I'm with her the guilt I feel makes me want to spill my guts." "No offense to your best friend but secrets and lies can be very destructive to any relationship, so I say go for it, tell her the truth and if she feels the same about you as you feel for her then she will forgive you," Samson advised.

"This from the man whose wife doesn't know he wants to become a Seventh-day Adventist." Caleb snorts. "You're good at that, using my words against me but f y I my wife may not be ready to accept the fact that I want to become an S D A but she knows." He said with his mouth full. "She does?" "Hm-mmm." "Shit, well aren't you just a pillar of responsibility?" Caleb said rolling his eyes.

"Being responsible isn't easy but it sure does make things a lot more simple, for instance, you and her are in the early stages of your relationship, and you're just getting to know each other, it will be easier to come clean now than later on," Samson said taking a sip of his drink.

Thank you for reading

A word of prayer

Heavenly Father starting today I'm going

to begin changing the flow of my thoughts