
15. Chapter 15

Christmas was right around the corner. Christmas itself wasn't was Adrien feared. No. That was easy. It was the chaos the holidays wracked on his schedule that he dreaded. He also dreaded the fact that Marinette, being as immensely competent as she was, meant he now had the ability to attend holiday parties.


A knock sounded on his door, and Emma was up like a shot. "Marinette's here. Marinette's here!"

Adrien chuckled as he answered the door. "Hi."

She gave him a bright and cheery grin. "Hi."

"You look lovely," he said, taking in her curled hair and red dress as she walked inside.

"Thanks. You aren't the only one with a holiday party to attend. Speaking of which," she said looking down at Emma. "I think you need a dress. Am I right?"

Emma gasped as Marinette pulled a gift from her ever-present large, red bag and handed it to her. She eagerly took the gift with a squeal, immediately sitting on the ground to open it.

Adrien watched with a grin as Emma tore through the paper, then opened the gift box to reveal a dress with a black top and fluffy, multicolored skirt.

Emma gasped and squealed and hugged it close.

"What do you say, Emma?" Adrien reminded.

"Thank you, Marinette!" she cried, wrapping her arms around Marinette's neck.

"You're welcome," Marinette said, returning the hug before pulling away. "Now, let's go get ready, shall we?"

"Okay!" Emma whipped around and bounded up the stairs.

Marinette and Adrien chuckled as they watched her scamper to her room.

"Thank you again for doing this, Marinette," Adrien said. "I really appreciate it. And Emma will have a good time for sure."

"You're welcome. It will be a blast, I know it. Alya and Nino are coming as well, so it's going to be a lot of fun. My parents will love her and she'll love them."

"Marinette! Marinette!" Emma cried from the top of the stairs. "Come on!"

"Coming Emma." With that, she headed up the stairs.

Adrien followed her up. After all, he had to get ready as well. Though, he was certain that the party he had to attend wouldn't be half as much fun as the party Marinette had organized.

Before he could turn off to his room, Marinette stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Really quick, I was wondering if it was okay to curl her hair? I thought it would be really cute in curls and ribbons, but I'm not going to use a curling wand if you say no."

Adrien paused for a second. "Yeah. That's fine. Thanks for asking."

She flashed him a smile. "Okay." And just like that she was off.

Adrien took his time getting ready, making sure he was impeccable in his tuxedo. When he was certain that not a hair was out of place, he walked to his office, doing last minute paperwork as he waited for the call from his father saying the limousine was here.

Instead, the doorbell rang. Adrien got quite a surprise upon seeing his father at the door.

But his heart sank when he saw more paperwork.

"Trust me, I dreaded giving you this unfortunate gift."

"At this rate, I'm going to have to hire an assistant of my own."

"Can you make it through the holidays?"


"Because I don't want to put any more stress on you or Nathalie in terms of hiring."

"Don't you have a manager for that?"

"Apparently, after our little meeting, he decided to look for work elsewhere. I only just received his two weeks."

"You cut him early?"

"No use in having him roll over into the new year."

Adrien couldn't help but agree with that.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Adrien turned to see Emma bounding down the stairs. Her curled hair bounced with each step and her skirt fluttered like the wings of a butterfly. "Look at the dress Marinette made me!" She paused with a gasp. "Grandfather! Look at my dress! Marinette made it just like the dress in the picture you gave me."

It took a moment to recall that design, but Adrien soon remembered which one she was talking about. Emma's favorite dress.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes as he stared down at the dress. "Yes, she did."

"And look at your hair," Adrien added. "She made it all curly."

"She said I had to sit really still," Emma said with a sudden seriousness. "Otherwise, she wouldn't make my hair curly."

"But you did so well," Marinette said, appearing by the door. "And you look like a princess."

With a grin, Emma started bouncing again. "Just like you."

Marinette's eyes sparkled with a gentle fondness that made her seem twice as precious.

"You did quite a nice job on Emma's dress, Mrs. Kurtzburg," Gabriel said. "I'm impressed."

"Thank you. It was such a nice design that I wondered why it didn't make it to a collection?"

"It didn't fit with the rest of the pieces," he answered simply. "But I always did like the design. Nice to see that you rendered it so well."

Marinette just blushed. "Thank you, sir."

"Can I get a picture?" Adrien asked.

Marinette stepped back and let Adrien take a couple photos of Emma. But Marinette was soon pulled in front of the camera, and the girls happily posed for shots.

"Daddy-daughter shots next," Marinette said, leaping up to take the phone from Adrien's hand before he could react. Still, he happily posed with Emma for several shots before dragging his father into the fray.

He smiled for one picture and called it good.

"Marinette, why don't you pose with Emma and Adrien?" Gabriel said, his hand extended for the phone.

She hesitantly put the phone in his hand and stood beside Adrien holding Emma for the shot.

After Gabriel captured the image, he handed the phone back to Adrien. "Now, as enjoyable as that was, we should be going."

Adrien set Emma down. "All right. I believe those two have their own dinner part to make it to."

Marinette nodded. "Her car seat," she quickly realized.

"Yes," he said, already heading to the garage. "Let me grab it."

Adrien pulled the seat from his car, passing it off to Marinette on the porch before locking the front door. She wished him a goodnight, and he bid her the same, watching as she headed to her car with Emma bouncing excitedly behind her.

Adrien opened the limousine door for his father to reveal Nathalie sitting in the back, tablet in hand. "You two certainly took a while," she commented as she set the tablet aside.

"Yes," Gabriel said, taking a seat beside her and placing a hand on her knee in an affectionate gesture. "Emma was dressed up for the evening and Adrien took some pictures."

Adrien slipped inside the limousine, shutting the door behind him before taking out his phone to show Nathalie.

She accepted the phone, her smile appearing immediately. "She looks fit to be seen at one of your events."

"That she does," Gabriel agreed, which filled Adrien with quite a bit of pride.

"I particularly like this one of all three of you."

"I'd like it on my wall."

"Canvas or photograph."

"Canvas, framed."

"Done. I have the perfect spot in mind."

"I'll not question your judgement."

Adrien grinned at the exchange, his eyes falling to Nathalie's hand on which sat the engagement ring. None of the five diamonds the ring held could be over a carat, yet the ring was undoubtedly impressive. It wasn't showy or gaudy and one might have passed over the ring at a glance, yet the detail there was striking. He thought it fit Nathalie very well.

Though his father never answered him on where he got such a ring.

"Clearly there were plans for the evening if Emma and Mrs. Kurtzburg were dressed up," Nathalie commented, handing the phone back to Adrien.

He replaced his phone back in his pocket. "Marinette organized a bit of a dinner party at her parents' house. Alya and Nino were going as well."

"That certainly sounds like an enjoyable evening."

Adrien nodded his agreement. Honestly, he wished he could be there instead of at this event. Whatever it entailed, it was guaranteed to be far more entertaining than the party he was headed off to. After all, he would much rather enjoy the company of Marinette than Lila Rossi.

And he tried not to dwell on how severe of an understatement that was.

Emma held Marinette's hand as they entered the apartment above the bakery. "This is where I live."

Emma looked around just as Maman came into view. "Why you must be Emma," Maman said, coming up to greet her and kneeling down to her level.

"Emma, this is my Maman, Mrs. Cheng."

Emma shyly waved hello.

That's when her papa rounded the corner. He waved. "Hi, Emma."

"And that's my papa," Marinette pointed out. "Mr. Dupain."

Emma now hid behind Marinette's leg.

"No reason to be shy," Maman coaxed. "I heard you like baking with Marinette."

Emma looked out from behind Marinette's skirt and nodded.

"I like baking, too. So much that I bake every day."

Slowly, Maman managed to pull Emma from her shell with talk of pastries and cookies, which morphed into Emma sharing all the times that she and Marinette had baked together.

Her papa eventually got in on the conversation, and soon they were talking about 'so many cupcakes you could fill a mansion' which left Emma in awe.

The knock at the door was undoubtably Alya and Nino, whom Marinette let in.

"Auntie Alya!" Emma cried before running into Alya's arms.

"And Uncle Nino," Alya reminded.

"High five, little dudette."

Emma planted a hand against Nino's.

In no time at all, Emma pulled everyone into the story of how she and Marinette had made a gingerbread house for the holidays. One that had fallen apart and they'd had to rebuild. Emma told them how Elves had traveled all the way from the North Pole because her house was so amazing, but they accidently broke it and were so embarrassed that they ran away.

But that's because Marinette didn't have the heart to tell her she caught Adrien eating the roof one evening.

A timer rang from the kitchen. "That's the turkey," Papa said, heading to the kitchen to take it from the oven.

"We'll need to let it rest a bit before carving," Maman called after him.

"Then that will give us just enough time for a picture," Alya said, standing from the table and grabbing her camera. "You didn't think I wasn't going to take some photos, right?"

So, after a handful of pictures were taken, Alya set up a tripod with the intend of lining everyone up on the couch and taking a group shot. It took a handful of tries, but eventually, they captured a really good one.

"And one more for my phone," Alya said, propping her phone on a stand.

By that time, the turkey was ready for carving. Emma was curious as she watched Papa cut slices from the bird, standing on her tiptoes in hopes of looking over the counter.

Instead, her papa stopped and hoisted little Emma up on his shoulders. Marinette relished the squeal of happiness the little girl made. Her maman took over carving duty, and Marinette felt nostalgic at the scene, watching her papa hold Emma's little legs while Emma looked over his head to watch maman cut perfect slices off a turkey. It was like watching her childhood. She remembered when she was still small enough to sit on her papa's shoulders while he cooked. It was one of her favorite memoires, and she was so glad to share it with Emma.


She nearly jumped from her skin at Alya's voice suddenly beside her.

Alya looked at her with a smug smile. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," Marinette dismissed maybe a bit too quickly.

"Yeah? Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with a little girl you would secretly love to adopt?"

It was a shock to her core. She was doing it again, just like she was in the fabric shop. Emma had become such a large part of her life, and she was beginning to treat her like a daughter. But she was not her mother. Nor would she ever be. And it would be best if she could remember that fact.

The buzz in his pocket called his attention and served as a distraction from the evening. He pulled it out to check it just in case it was regarding Emma. Which, in a sense, it was. He smiled at the picture Alya sent him of Emma, Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Marinette's parents all dressed up and sitting on a couch for the photo. It was precious, and Adrien couldn't pull his eyes away. However, he eventually caught sight of the caption.

Hope you're enjoying yourself! Love, your future family ;)

Adrien had to pause at that, his heart beating an unsteady rhythm.

He'd never been so thankful for a distraction, even if it came in the form of Mr. Rossi.

"I hear a congratulation is in order."

Gabriel gave the man a practiced smile. "Yes, thank you."

Mr. Rossi hummed, looking over to where Nathalie was standing conversing with another investor while the man's wife was gushing over Nathalie's ring. "She's pleasing enough, I suppose. But I never would have guessed you would have been trapped down by a gold digger."

Adrien's jaw nearly fell to the floor. Luckily, he'd practiced his poker face enough to prevent that from happening.

"And just what are you insinuating, sir?" Gabriel ground out.

"Come now, Gabriel," Mr. Rossi said. "I've watched many a man fall for a woman who wants only his money or status. I never would have guessed you would have been one."

"I'm not."

Mr. Rossi scoffed. "Gabriel, you do realize that out of all the women you could have chosen, you picked a secretary? Not just any secretary, but one that works for you in your company? Do you know how that looks to the public?"

"If the public believes that I'm marrying her for my personal pleasure, it would behoove them to pull their heads from the gutter."

"Just something to think about."

"Trust me," Gabriel growled. "I will."

At least Mr. Rossi could take the hint, departing to find someone else to converse with.

"Adrien, how substantial of a loss would it be if Mr. Rossi was suddenly dropped from our board of investors."

"You will do no such thing."

Gabriel and Adrien turned to Nathalie.

"I will not stand for him insulting you," Gabriel countered.

"Let the press talk," she dismissed. "I knew full well what I was getting into when I agreed to your proposal. It is a bit scandalous for the gossip columns, but considering that nothing unseemly has occurred between us, I see no reason to worry nor hide lest we want people to speculate that as a confirmation."

Gabriel's frown deepened, and so did Adrien's. "Yes, but you shouldn't have to live with that, Nathalie," Adrien said.

She simply shrugged. "Cost of fame. Far worth the price, in my opinion."

It was barely noticeable, but Gabriel's posture relaxed. "I still won't stand for it."

"I know," she said, reaching up to straighten his bow tie and pat it down in a comforting gesture considering his father was always picture perfect. "But you cannot drop Mr. Rossi. The money is minimal compared to the damage of reputation that will surely happen for each of you. Therefore, whether he is a fool or not, you will keep him on the board out of your best interest."

Gabriel still looked none too happy about it.

The rest of the night went by smoothly with plenty of people offering their congratulations for Gabriel and Nathalie. Nothing was set in stone yet, but that would be worried about after the chaos of the holiday had passed.

The night finally came to a close, and Adrien was excited to get home and get some sleep. The biggest and last holiday party was over, meaning he got to spend time in piles of paperwork and evenings with Emma.

And maybe Marinette.

She'd been staying longer than necessary as of late, eating dinner with them more often than not, asking him about his day, helping clean up dishes, and occasionally watching a movie with them. Adrien felt spoiled by her presence, and Emma was hardly objecting.

The limousine stopped in front of Nathalie's apartment. His father, ever the gentleman, helped her out of the car.

Adrien couldn't help but spy on the two of them, watching smiles be exchanged before his father leaned down to give Nathalie a chaste kiss good night. He'd never seen Nathalie glow like that, but it was a good look on her.

When his father returned, Adrien pulled out his phone to show him the photo Alya had sent him.

"I forgot to show you. Emma had a good time, apparently."

Gabriel stared at the photo for a while. "I'm going to assume that man beside Alya is her fiancée?"

"Yes. Nino."

Gabriel nodded. "They make a nice-looking couple."

Adrien grinned at that.

"And then those are Marinette's parents I'm going to assume? She looks very much like her mother."

"I met them once. They're very nice."

"Acceptable for in-laws?"

Adrien's gaze hit the floor as his cheeks warmed.

His father chuckled as he returned the phone to him. "I will be interested to meet them sometime in the future."

"Far future," Adrien corrected, taking his phone back.

The spark in his father's eye was unsettling. "We'll see."

Adrien awkwardly rubbed his neck.

"By the way," his father continued. "I finally had the chance to look over Mrs. Kurtzburg's portfolio."

Adrien quirked a curious brow. "And?"

"Had those positions not been filled, I would have insisted she be hired. However, I won't offer her a job as of yet because I would not want to steal your only capable nanny from you."

Adrien wasn't quite sure how to respond.

It wasn't long before they stopped in front of Adrien's house. His eyes immediately went to the red bug—Tikki, for good luck, Marinette had once told him —in the driveway.

"I think you should go relieve your babysitter for the night."

"I think she'll appreciate that. Good night, Father."

"Good night, Adrien."

Once he was inside, he found Marinette asleep on the couch, Emma curled up beside her, the television on yet blank. Adrien grinned fondly at the scene. He had told Marinette that Emma could stay up late this once because of the occasion, but he was glad she was asleep by this time.

He walked over to pull Emma, now in her pajamas, off Marinette's chest and held the little girl against his own. He took her up to her room, tucked her under the covers with Plagg, then kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams, Emma," he whispered before tip-toeing from the room and back down stairs.

Where Marinette was still asleep.

He lightly shook her shoulder. "Marinette."

She frowned, scrunching her eyelids and turning over to block him out.

He grinned. "Marinette," he tried again, shaking her a little harder. "Wake up."

Her brow furrowed again in frustration before he eyes blinked open. "Hmm?"

"I'm home."

"Oh," she said, rubbing her eyes. "Sorry, we were watching a movie. I don't remember the ending."

Adrien chuckled. "I don't think Emma does, either. Thank you for watching her tonight, by the way."

"We had a fun time," Marinette said, sitting up. "My parents loved her."

"I'm glad."

"They want her over to help in the bakery sometime."

"Well, you know where her car seat is."

A soft smile graced her lips. "They may never give her back."

"As long as she's happy, I'm happy."

Marinette chuckled. "I guess I should head out."

"If you need a moment to wake up—"

"If I stay on the couch, I'm going to fall asleep again."

With a chuckle, Adrien reached down to grab Marinette's hands, helping her stand from the couch.

And not letting go.

"You have a really comfortable couch, just so you know."

He grinned, though it was strained by the fact she was still standing so close. "Clearly, considering you've fallen asleep on it twice."

She gave him a soft smile. "Did you have a good time at the party?"

"More or less."

She hummed.

"There's one investor that got on my father's last nerve this evening."

Marinette cringed.

"Yeah, it wasn't pretty."

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you." He then leaned close and grinned. "Now go home and get some sleep."

She chuckled sleepily. "Okay. Okay. I hear you."

He was disappointed when he had to let go of her hands, but she patted his chest in her sleepy haze in an affectionate manner that he wasn't sure she was even fully aware of. It sent his heart rate soaring.

She walked over to the door, grabbed her purse, and slipped on her shoes.

"Drive safely," he said once he managed to pull himself together a bit.

"I will."

"And text me when you get home."

"I promise."

"Sleep well, Marinette."

"You too, Adrien."

"But only when you get home."

She chuckled, her laughter tired but her eyes twinkling. "Okay."

"I'll see you Monday."


With that, she stepped out into the chilly night to her car. She glanced back at him with a smile that was a lovely mix of sweet and sleepy, and he couldn't help but let a similar one grow on his own face. She gave him one last wave before getting into her car and driving off into the night.

He shut the door and leaned against it, allowing his eyes to fall shut as he let go a heavy sigh. Heaven help him, it was getting harder to restrain himself. Especially if she does any more affectionate gestures like that. Especially when she shot him a smile in that way. Especially when her eyes twinkle because she's laughing at something he said.

He loved her.

But she…

Was she ready?

Instead of thinking about the possible answer and getting his hopes up too high, he focused on changing out of his stuffy tux and into his pajamas. He got into bed, but he couldn't turn off the light until the phone rang. He smiled when it finally did.

Goodnight, Adrien. Sweet dreams.

He smiled. As long as they had her in them, they would be.