
SECOND CHANCE: With a system

DROPPED DROPPED DROPPED If you guys don't understand some of the stuff you could always read the original novel. (bcs i'm lazy) Hello! My name is Ning Jia. As you can see I am a girl. You might think I was an otaku and died because of truck-kun. FYI I wasn't an otaku I was just an average girl who liked to read novels. I didn't have any other hobbies. My life wasn't boring but it also wasn't interesting. I always dreamed about reincarnating or travelling to different worlds with a system and stuff. I always though it was just a dream until after I died. (Ning Jia's not Chinese. I really liked reading novels so I learned Chinese. When people learn Chinese their names are hard to pronounce so they get a Chinese name.) Some of you might think I met GOD or any other powerful being but I didn't meet them. I met our worlds conscience, he/she gave me a soulbound companion (system) and let me pick a world to reincarnate. Unfortunately I didn't know I had to live my life as a BOY. THERE MIGHT BE OOC. FOLLOW ME AS I LIVE MY LIFE TO THE FULLEST. It's my first novel so don't be too harsh. I will try to correct it if I have time.

iEatChocolate · Others
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8 Chs


Ling Feng:[Big "brother"😉 do something. Mom's gonna blow.]

Ling Lan:[What do you mean my "baby brother"😏? Why don't YOU do something?]

Ling Feng:[You're the older one so you should be responsible. I'm just a weak baby that doesn't know anything about the darkness of the world.]

Ling Lan:[Fine, next time it's your turn.]

Then Ling Lan holds Lan Luofeng's finder. Ling Lan's action soothed Lan Luofeng's anger. She knew that there were representatives from the Federation's government and the military. She won't ruin this inheritance ceremony due to her emotions.

After calming down, she asked "What are your intentions, Grand Elder?"

The Elder's eyes narrowed and said "Among the children of the Ling family, let us select the child with the best potential from age three and below."

From birth to the age three was the critical period for cultivation and to make a solid foundation. After age three the effects of cultivation will become less effective as time passes.

Lan Luofeng scoffed, "Do you think any of the Ling family children will be as talented as Ling Xiao's descendants? Genetics decide everything. A commoner suddenly having extraordinary talent or physical quality is very rare. Children's talents are gradually nurtured and built up from generation to generation. So you should know Ling Xiao's own children will have much better talent than the branch families children."

"The Ling family has produced Ling Xiao, we can definitely produce another genius" said the Elder with certainty. He was confident because he already found a child with stats similar to Ling Xiao. The Ling family must produce another Ling Xiao to have a foothold on Planet of Doha.

The Planer of Doha was a premium planet and was the capital of the Federation. The people who lived on Doha were either high officials with power or authority, military families or supremely wealthy noble families with long history and great influence.

The Ling family was originally a small family that lived on a third rate planet. But Ling Xiao's father whose name was Ling Suzheng accumulated many battle honors and was allowed to bring his entire family to Doha. The Ling family head and elders made a vow to make him a legimate heir.

And also the family head will be inherited by Ling Suzheng's descendants from then on.

Ling Suzheng felt he needed his family's support to establish himself on Doha, so he had agreed. But what he didn't know was that he brought wolves into the family. The branch family used to put pressure on Ling Xiao now that he was dead they are trying to steal his children's military benefits.

The Ling family who enjoyed it's benefits for several decades, had no intention of going back to how things were before they came to Doha. They won't allow it to happen.

The Grand Elder signalled a woman who was carrying a one year old baby and said "This is the child the Ling family has chosen. If the Young Master Lan and Young Master Feng's result exceeds his, we shall have no objection to the twins inheriting the benefit."

While they were arguing the representatives didn't say anything and didn't even try to protect the twins. And just sat there without talking.

Lan Luofen saw self-satisfaction from the elder's eyes. She smiled a mocking smile and thought that sealing the twins assessment results were a mistake. She made a bet with the elder and said "If Lan and Feng's results were better we will stay in Doha and if their results were worse than the child you chose we will leave from Doha. We won't have anything to do with the Ling family."

When the elder heard the bet he hesitated but thought that she was bluffing and was trying to trick him. He said "Very well, if the twins inherit the Ling family will leave Doha, however if the child we chose inherites then the twins will have to leave Doha. They shall never be allowed to enter Doha within their lifetime, and shall not be allowed to enter any military system of the Federation." These will allow the twins to never have the chance to gain rank or have the chance to take revenge.

After listening to this Lan Luofeng decided to not give them any way out. Because the twins would have to live as a working class for a lifetime.

They used the military's assessment machine and the child from the Ling family was first to take the assessment.

The child's results were:

Physical Fitness: [S] rank!

Spiritual Power: Tier-1!

Potential: [A+] rank!

Assessment overview: Excellent, heavy cultivation recommended.

The Elder was satisfied with the military representative's reaction. However, he didn't show his satisfaction on his face but acted as a nice person and said "There is still time to take back your words now and surrender the inheritance, the Ling family will raise the twins with utmost care."

Lan Luofeng didn't care and put twins one at a time. When the twins results came out the military reprentatives were both happy and decided that the premium military benefits would be given to the twins.

The decisiveness of the representatives were due to the twins potential. It might seem that there isn't that much of a big difference in their results but the potential of children decided everything. The stats could be improved later on but the potential couldn't be changed.

Lan Luofeng finally let out a sigh of relief. Eventhought she already knew her children's results were better she was still nervous.

When the results came out the Elder knew he had fallen into a trap. His face turned red due to anger, and he wished he could slice Lan Luofeng into pieces. On the other hand, Lan Luofeng faces him fearlessly because the military representatives were still there.

Since Lan Luofeng decided to cut all ties with the Ling family she didn't need to be polite with them anymore. Lan Luofeng said "You know the way out."

The elder knew they had overstayed their welcome from most of the visitor's disdainful faces. The Ling family had to leave from Doha within a months time.