

(Back in the present)

"So what's up you here to play a bit?" (Paul)

Amelia kept quiet, but you could see from her face that she was anxious to play music with Jax again.

"Yeah I am, but I'm going to need a new guitar." (Jax)

"Why? What's wrong with the old one?" (Paul)

"It broke when the moving company's truck got into an accident. My other things are fine but, yeah my guitar broke." (Jax)

Paul looked unhappy, but Jax noticed Amelia was angrier than Paul seemed to be, he then remembered a rare conversation he had with Paul about his deceased wife.

Back then he had told Jax, that his wife used to play songs gently, instead of singing lullabies to Amelia.

It seems like the reason both of them love music so much, guitars, in particular, is because of Amelia's mother.

"How about we play a bit before we talk about my new guitar?" Jax wanted, no, needed to change the atmosphere, if this went on they would blow a fuse.

"Fine, what song do you want to play?" said Paul as he walked to a corner of the store where there was a drumset and a bass guitar.

Amelia ran to the other side of the store and grabbed an electric guitar from a stand and ran back with.

"How about Live Wire, Mötley Crüe?" asked Jax as he grabbed the guitar Amelia had brought him.

"Sure thing" (Paul)

"Yep" (Amelia)

"Should I sing the lyrics?" (Jax)

"Absolutely you're really good at singing." (Amelia)

Jax looked at them with a questioning gaze he had never sung when he was playing with them before after all.

"She found a video of you and your little band playing at a bar on the internet," Paul explained for Jax

"I see," (Jax)

"Why didn't you sing before?" (Amelia)

Jax had a helpless smile, after all, he only started singing with his band, because they couldn't find a fourth member, so he decided to do it himself.

They got ready, they adjusted their instruments, Jax and Amelia were tuning their guitars while Paul got comfortable.

When they were ready Jax started with the intro.


'Cause I'm hot young running free,

A little better than I used to be

'Cause I'm alive

Live wire


After the song finished, the three looked at each other and laughed.

"So are you back or just visiting?" (Paul)

Jax just smiled as he started to play another song, this caused Amelia to giggle and Paul to look at his daughter confused.

"I think that supposed to be your answer Dad. Get it he's playing AC/DC Back in Black, and he mostly wears black."

Paul shook his head helplessly.

Just as he and Amelia were about to start playing along the front door's chime rang through the shop.

"Well that's it for today, Amelia why don't you help Jax get a new guitar while I'll go see if the costumers need any help. Oh and Jax I'm glad you're back," said Paul as he stood up and left while he played around with the drumsticks in his hands.

"Yeah, me too" (Jax)

"So wanna look around or you already have something in mind?" (Amelia)

"I wanted to get one made like this here," said Jax as he pulled out a piece of paper with a drawing on it.

"A Stratocaster with a maple fingerboard huh." (Amelia)

"Yeah I want it to be sapphire blue and black and this symbol on the black part in white" Jax pointed a symbol on the paper.

"That is beautiful what is it, I guess it means something right?" (Amelia)

"It's a crest that used to be sown on clothes and armor or carved on doors by a family who used to be Vikings years ago, these four runes mean 'Loyalty, Family, Strenght and Protect' it's based on an oath one of their ancestors took ' I will be Loyal to those whom I consider Family and I will seek the Strength to Protect them' it became somewhat of a creed or a family motto if you will." (Jax)

The symbol looked like a wolf's head biting on a circle in which were the four runes.

"You said it belonged to a family?" (Amelia)

"Yeah, the Ragnarsson Family, their ancestor was supposedly adopted by the legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, so he changed his last name and he dedicated his life to protecting Ragnar, until before his death when Ragnar send him to his first wife Lagertha and instructed him not to interfere with his sons.

Their ancestor was left out, of most stories and historic accounts because he chose, to stay in the dark, he didn't want fame he wanted to repay his debt." (Jax)

"Wow that sounds awesome, are you related to that family?" (Amelia)

"Yeah, kinda." (Jax)

"Ok, then I'll send the order out and call you when your guitar gets here." (Amelia)

"Great I'll get going then see ya later," said Jax as he turned around to leave.

As he went to the door he had to walk by Paul and the other two customers, he was about to wave to him until he saw who he was with. He would recognize him anywhere.

Edward Cullen, he looked similar to Robert Pattison, in the movie, yet at the same time, his features looked slightly different.

Next to him stood a woman calling her beautiful was an understatement, she gave Jax a familiar feeling yet he was sure he didn't know who she was.

She had the same pale skin and that Edward had so Jax could guess that she was also a 'vegetarian' vampire.

As Jax saw Paul, Edward, and the woman turn to look at him, his blood started boiling he had difficulty breathing, he lost focus as he heard a wolf howling so loud he barely heard Paul.

"Hey, brat you leaving already? What's wrong, you ok?" (Paul)

"Yeah, I'm fine, got to go through before my father gets worried." (Jax)

As he walked by to get to the door he failed to notice the woman jerking and looking away.

As Jax got out of the store it wasn't just his blood boiling but his whole body to the point, that it felt like torture.

He got home on his bike, it's a miracle that he didn't get into an accident, he nearly fell down on the front steps but somehow he got inside and upstairs onto his bed where he instantly fell asleep.

But he soon woke up in the middle of the night he felt like lava was flowing through his body, he fell off the bed to the floor as the pain started to get unbearable, even someone like him who had a ridiculously high pain tolerance due to his past life, even so, he had to muffle his screams by biting down on his own forearm before he knew it blood was starting to drip on the ground. He realized his teeth got a little sharper and soon the headache came back with a vengeance and he passed out.

Lucky for him his father wasn't home and didn't usually go to his room, like Bella said in the movie Charlie didn't hover.


While Jax had just gotten home and was suffering Edward was driving to the Cullen residence.

"Did you notice Edy?" (Edward)

"Yeah, we couldn't read his mind," the woman who Edward was with was Edythe Cullen.

The reason she felt familiar yet foreign to Jax was he had only heard about the gender-swapped book but didn't get to read it in his previous life, he couldn't have guessed that she existed in this world as Edward's biological sister.

"Edy, you ok? You've been weird since the moment that man left the store," said Edward with a frown.

"Yeah, I just felt a strong urge to suck him dry than anybody else I've ever met before, I never felt anything like that before it was a strange feeling." (Edythe)

"Who knows maybe he's your singer." Edward joked

"No way," Edythe denied it but she was thinking about the possibility.