
Chapter 20

At the end of the zipline course, Audrey made excuses to get back to camp. Hudson let her because he needed the space. Neither of them had made eye contact since that kiss. He knew she was embarrassed, and he felt like a dick leaving the giant elephant between them. But drawing attention to it would only make things worse. It couldn't happen again. She made him forget, made him feel good, and he didn't deserve that. When she rode the golf cart back to camp proper, he opted to walk.

He'd hoped it would clear his head. But all he managed was several instant replays, where he responded to that soft, sweet mouth on his. Needing to get himself grounded, he slipped out his phone, chancing that this high up, he might have enough signal to check-in on John.

One bar. Probably not enough for a call, but he could still text.

Hey Rach. Just checking in. How is he today?

The reply came back as Hudson was cresting the ridge, bringing the central camp buildings into view.