
15. Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Kate and the Castles had a nice morning at the pool. After lunch, she packed the nearly empty suitcase she had brought to take home everything she had left at the beach house during the summer. Alexis went to visit her friend again for a little over an hour, and Kate and Castle suspected her motive was to give them some time alone before Kate left.

"Don't take everything back," Castle encouraged as he watched her pack. Leave at least one change of clothes here. We might want to get away one day when you have time."

"When I have enough time off to come here again, it will be fall. These are summer clothes."

It's nice here, even when it's cold, so I always keep a few things here. You love me. You know I can talk you into coming back," he said smugly.

She took a jeans outfit, a change of underwear, and something to sleep in out of her suitcase and put it in her drawer. "Happy now?" she asked, kissing him.

"Yes. While you're back at work and I'm still here, I can open the drawer and check to be sure I wasn't dreaming." He reached in the suitcase and snitched her sneakers and a pair of socks when she turned to pick up a couple of other things from the dresser, but she caught him when she turned back.

"What are you doing? I need those."

"I'll buy you new ones. What if you have a day off and we decide to leave after work and spend the night here? Do you really want to try to take a walk on the beach in those mile high heels you wear? And barefoot might not be a comfortable option in October."

"Put them where you want them," she said, sounding resigned. Pausing the conversation as she put the last few items in her bag, she looked pensive.

"Anything wrong?"

"I was just thinking, it's going to be different when you get home. I'll talk to Roy before you're back at the precinct. I think he'll be okay with us being together…might even be happy about it. The boys know, but I asked them to keep it quiet for now. Can we let anybody else find out on their own…kind of let it happen without any announcements or anything? And we're going to need some ground rules about what is and isn't acceptable at work."

With a suggestive look, he asked, "Detective Beckett, are you imagining that I might clear your desk with a sweep of one arm, throw you across it, and…"

"Is that one of your fantasies?"

"Oh, yeah," he answered with a grin. Then he was more serious. "Whatever you want to do, Kate. It's your job. We'll handle it on your terms, but we might have to go a little more public in November with mine."


"The book launch for Naked Heat. I have no intention of taking a date if it isn't you. You'll go with me, won't you?"

"I guess we have to be public sometime. It's just that, for me, public is usually...um a lot less public than that. And speaking of books, couldn't you have found a classier title than Naked Heat…to go with the stripper name?"

"Too late to change either one now. The cover art is already done," he answered unapologetically. "And about us… We can start by not denying everything at the precinct anymore. We just let it go unanswered, or whatever seems best. Ease into it. I'll talk to Paula and let her know there won't be any more phony dates or playboy image references. No hint of anybody but you."

"I do like that last part." She planted a little kiss on his lips before saying, "Be right back." Then she went to check the bathroom one more time before closing her suitcase.

"Leave your shampoo and body wash. You might want that, too."

When she returned to the bedroom, she took out those two items, handing them to him; and he returned them to the bathroom with a bit of triumph in his smile.

As they were coming back downstairs, Alexis returned, but not alone.

"I brought Nina. I might have talked about you this morning, Kate, and she wanted to meet you. I hope you don't mind."

"Hi, Nina. It's nice to meet you." Kate reached to shake her hand and stage whispered teasingly, "I hope whatever she said wasn't too bad."

"All of it was good, Detective Beckett," the teenager said with a smile. "And you're as pretty as she said you are. She said you were leaving this afternoon, so this was my only chance."

"It's Kate, and I'm not leaving quite yet. Would you ladies like some iced tea?"

"I think I'm feeling left out," Castle pouted. "Nina hasn't spoken to me yet."

"Hi, Mr. Castle." Nina said, giving him a grin and a quick hug. "I didn't mean to ignore you." Turning back to Kate, she added, "Thanks for the offer, but my parents said I had to come right back. They said I shouldn't intrude on the time you were still here; but Alexis told me so much about you, I just wanted to meet you."

"Well, I'm glad you stopped in. I hope to see you again," Kate assured her.

"Thanks. Bye. See you tomorrow, Alexis." And Nina bounded out the front door, heading back home.

"Thanks for bringing your friend to meet me, Alexis. I know you usually have your dad all to yourself, and it made me feel like you didn't mind too much…having me around this weekend."

"I didn't mind. I might have been kind of nervous about it at first, but…"

"I might have been a little nervous about it at first, too; but I've enjoyed spending time with you."

Seeing that both his girls looked a bit shy about what they were saying, Castle put his hands on Kate's shoulders from behind, and said, "And I've enjoyed spending time with both of you. Want to tell us what you told Nina that made her want to meet Kate?"

"It was all good, I promise," Alexis answered evasively. "I'm going up to my room for a little while. You won't leave without saying 'good-bye', will you, Kate?"

"Wouldn't think of it," Kate answered.

Waiting until Alexis was out of hearing range, Castle said, "I think she was embarrassed to say she told Nina how much she likes you, and how thoughtful you are, and how much she enjoyed having you here. I've told you she looks up to you. She probably told her about your job and how impressive you are, too. Looks to me like you've been accepted into the fold."

"You really think so?"

"Yep. I do."

"So all that's left now is for you to meet my dad."

"Oh, right. Okay, now I might see where some of your nervous moments this weekend could have come from."

"I'll tell him to be nice."

"Somehow, I don't see that doing but so much good if Alexis were to say that to me."

"Lucky for her, I plan to be around for that."

"Lucky for both of us that you plan to be around for that."

"Can we walk out to the beach one more time before I leave…soak up a little more relaxation before I have to go back to the rat race?"

"I'd like that."

They walked out to the edge of the yard and stood with arms around each other, simply breathing in the ocean air and being close to one another. Conversation happened in fits and starts; they were more invested in the feeling of being together, something they would have to give up until the Castles were back in the city.

Alexis watched from a window upstairs as her father held a woman she didn't know well but already felt closer to than she ever did with Gina, and could probably depend on more than she could depend on her own mother. It was obvious that he intended her to become a part of their family.

Castle took his phone from his pocket, spoke briefly for a moment, and disconnected. He turned to Kate and gave her a lingering kiss, then they started back to the house; and Alexis hurried out of sight and back to her room.

Castle went to the stairs and called up to his daughter, "Darrell said he's almost here, so Kate will be leaving in a few minutes." He then picked up Kate's luggage and took it out to the front of the house, and she followed.

After parking the car, Darrell came to pick up the luggage, leaving his clients time to say "Good-bye". Castle stood near the car with one arm around Kate, and Alexis stood near the front door as if she weren't quite sure where she should be.

Kate looked over at her and waved her in their direction, meeting her halfway. Castle realized his daughter didn't look nearly as self-assured as usual and followed.

"How am I going to hug you when you're way over there?" Kate asked. "A hug is okay, right?"

Alexis looked both pleased and relieved and immediately went into Kate's open arms.

After giving her a reassuring hug, Kate then put her hands on the girl's shoulders and held her slightly away. "Don't ever hesitate. Just hug. Understand?"

Alexis nodded and smiled.

"And don't ever think that because your father and I are in a moment together that you can't interrupt because you need one of us for something…or because you just feel left out and want time with him…or me…or us. You're a thoughtful, perceptive young woman, and I trust you to know how to handle that. I'll never try to come between you and your father, so that shouldn't be one of your worries about seeing us together." Then she pulled Alexis in for another hug. "I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

When Alexis stepped back, Castle pulled Kate in for another hug, saying, "God, I love you."

"I love you, too," she answered. "What have you done to me? I don't have the slightest inclination to go back to work."

Castle grinned. "Nice to know I have such power."

"Will the book be in on time?"

"It might even be early. I can see the rest of it being ready for editing by the end of this week. I'm so sure of it that I've already sent in the chapters I had kept in reserve. Gina wanted the book finished by Labor Day. To have it out for the holidays they're on a tighter schedule than usual for this one, and having it in a week early should help smooth the rest of her ruffled feathers."

"If you need more time before you come back to the precinct, just let me know."

"There are going to be some meetings, and some travelling for book signings and publicity. Fall will be busy."

"I'll take you whenever I can get you."

He hugged her close and whispered, "You can take me any time you want, Detective." Then he kissed her, slowly and gently. "Less than two weeks," he promised.

"Less than two weeks. I'll pave the way at the precinct."

She hugged Alexis one more time and turned to see that Darrell was holding the car door for her. Castle had an arm around Alexis, and she was holding him around his waist. Neither of them appeared to want Kate to leave.

Kate waved, Darrell closed the car door, and they drove away.

"You miss her already, don't you, Dad?" Alexis asked as they watched the car disappear into the distance.

"That obvious?"

"Pretty much."

"So how do you feel about all this?" Castle asked as he turned them around to go back in the house, never taking his arm from around her shoulders. "Tell me the truth."

"It took me by surprise…seeing how much I'd missed while I was away. I felt like everything had changed, and it worried me. I didn't know what to expect." She paused for a moment before admitting sheepishly, "I called and asked Grams to come after I found Kate's clothes in your room."

"I thought you might have. It's okay. Everybody needs some back-up now and then."

"It's just…I never saw you like that before. And you never brought anybody home…not like that. You went from a nice, innocent weekend being honest with each other to being in love in less than the time I was gone. And she had been here with you enough to know where everything was and how you act when your neck is stiff from sitting at the computer too long…and it looks like she loves you, too. I heard you both say it before she left. For me, it all happened so fast. I had no idea it was so serious."

"We didn't expect things to move this fast, either; but we're both certain we want to build a life together. How do you feel about that?" he asked as they entered the house, and he let her go and sat next to her when she plopped down on the sofa.

"I already feel better about Kate than I ever did about Gina. I mean, Gina was good to me, and it was nice to have a woman around sometimes…but Kate seems to expect…" Alexis seemed to have trouble choosing the right words. "I really enjoyed yesterday with her. Do you think she really likes me as much as… She wouldn't just be pretending, would she?"

"No. Kate wouldn't do that to either of us. She meant what she told you before she left, and you know I feel the same way, right? We both know you're an important part of our relationship. She's always known how important you are to me, and she likes being with you and Mother."

"I hope so."

"Do you think the three of us…well, the four of us counting your Grams, could make a family?"

"It won't be like with Mom or Gina will it? I was too little to remember when Mom lived with us, but I can remember how you'd argue when she came to visit. And I remember you and Gina arguing a lot…and then she left, too. You haven't exactly picked people who like us enough to stay. I don't want you to get hurt again; and I think if Kate left, Grams and I would be just as hurt as you. Are you sure about her?"

"I am. Kate hasn't always made the best choices, either; but we're both committed to being honest and working it out. I'm not talking about getting married right away, but that's where I want this to go."

"So there's another stepmother in my future?"

"Is that a bad thing…this time?"

"Maybe not. I told Nina this morning that I hoped Kate would stay with you."

He kissed his daughter on her head and smiled as he hugged her close.


Beckett went in to work early the next morning to start catching up. She also wanted to see Captain Montgomery before the precinct got too busy, and she was fortunate enough that it was one of the days he was there early as well.

"Welcome back," he said, looking up when she appeared in his doorway. "Good trip?"

"Good trip," she answered with a nod. "Castle is planning to come back in a couple of weeks."

"We're talking about coming back here…to the precinct?"

"Right. But I need you to know something before he's here again. Things are different between us now. We're together…dating."

"I know what together means, Beckett, and I'm happy for both of you. It's high time. To tell the truth, it's kind of a relief. We've all been watching the two of you dancing around each other long enough. "

"So you don't object?"

"He's a civilian. As long as you keep it professional here, I won't interfere; but no PDA in the precinct."

"We're setting ourselves some rules. I've told Ryan and Esposito, and Lanie knows; but we thought we'd leave it at that and let anybody else figure it out on their own."

"You work in a room full of detectives, you know. It probably won't take long."

"That might be good. The book launch for the next Nikki Heat book is in November, and he wants me there. I guess it's definitely public then."

"Kate Beckett is agreeing to that kind of publicity?" he asked in awe. "Sounds serious."

"It is, Roy."

He leaned back in his chair and smiled. "I don't know how it happened, but I'm glad to see that you finally came to your senses. Congratulations. Now, get out there and earn your keep. And tell Castle I'll be glad to have him back."

"Yes sir."


Castle and Alexis returned to the loft the first of September. Martha was already back at home by then. Kate was up to her ears in a case, so Castle went to see her alone for a few hours, which provided both of them enough peace to get them through the next day or two of her case, his meetings, and his back to school preparations with Alexis. The couple did manage some time alone, as well as some time with his family, but it wasn't the same easy feeling as in the summer when there were so few distractions. The reality of their work obligations would be more taxing.

They had scheduled Castle's return to the precinct for the day Alexis returned to school, which was meant to be a smooth transition from summer to his rejoining the team, but it didn't run as smoothly as planned. A couple of days ahead of his scheduled return, Beckett, Ryan, and Esposito entered a crime scene and found Castle in the room with the body…and holding a gun. After fearing he might be shot, he had to explain that the victim had called him for help. All three detectives were angry, but an interrogation at the precinct and a preliminary ballistics report told them that the gun he was holding wasn't the murder weapon.

After that much was accomplished, Roy walked him to the bull pen shaking his head. "Well, you always did know how to make an entrance. I trust things will calm down from here?"

"That's the intention, Roy. This isn't what I expected when I went to talk to her. Sorry about the commotion."

"Maybe you and Beckett should have a little chat before things go any farther south. She may have some questions that would be best handled without an audience."

"That was the next order of business."

"Castle…a minute?" Beckett nodded toward the break room after Castle left Roy, and the couple entered the empty room. She checked the other door to be sure they were alone and asked quietly, "I need to know, Rick. Was this somebody you had slept with? Were you there for any reason other than to talk to her?"

"No…on all counts. I promised there would be nobody but you, and I meant it. It hurts that you had to ask, but I understand. She called, said she was in trouble, and sounded upset enough that I thought I should see what was wrong. The artwork I told you I bought from her was the extent of our relationship. She knew I've been working with the police, so she called me for help. That's all. Then I found her body…and you know the rest. I'm sorry. I know how bad it looked."

She looked into his eyes for a moment and finally put her hand on his chest, saying, "I believe you."

Castle looked relieved. "I think I can breathe again. I don't know what I'd do if you lost faith in me now. Kate, I'm so sorry this is how we started working together again."

"Me, too, but it wasn't your fault. You were trying to do the right thing."

"Thank you…for trusting me."

"It's what we have to do if we're going to make it." She paused and touched one of the buttons on his shirt. "Those rules we agreed on…Beckett here, remember, not Kate?"

He stroked his thumb over her new ring and whispered softly, "I love you, Beckett."

"I love you, too," she whispered back, her thumb meeting his. "Now let's go act professional and see if we can make some sense of this murder."

The boys weren't too friendly, but they let Castle give them the little bit of information he had on the victim and then followed it up. Later in the day, they lured Castle into a less used part of the homicide floor and cornered him for the big brother talk. Kate saw them leave together, noted the direction they took, and suspected the motive; so she followed quietly.

Kate arrived and interrupted at the point where Ryan was saying, "You ever hurt her, and…"

"What is this?" she asked. "You don't think I can fight my own battles? If you want to put blame somewhere, I hurt him first, and he's forgiven me. We talked about what happened this morning, and I believe him, personally and professionally. So, back off."

"We're just trying to have your back, Beckett," Esposito answered, smoothing the lapels of Castle's jacket threateningly.

"That's right," Ryan agreed with the same threatening sound.

"I appreciate the intent, but I said to back off, and I meant it."

"I appreciate it, too, guys," Castle told them a mite nervously. "I want you to have her back, but you'll never need to protect her from me. You have my word."

From that point, Castle divided his time between the precinct, his daughter, and his meetings…he and Beckett finding time alone when they could. The case was solved, and things moved more smoothly from there.


Jim Beckett's phone rang as he sat reading one evening, and it brought a smile to his face when he realized it was his daughter.

"Katie. You're not backing out of lunch next Sunday, are you?" he asked good-naturedly. "You're already deserting me for that spa weekend with Lanie this week. Although a full weekend of being completely pampered might hold more appeal than one lunch with your father."

"That and paying off a debt of gratitude, Dad. I'll fill you in on that one day soon. I called because I'd like to bring company for lunch next week."

"Do I finally get to meet your writer…the one you talk about so much? I've noticed the tone of your comments has changed lately."

She didn't even argue about the term "your writer". She simply moved on to her reason for calling. "You'll be meeting Castle and his fifteen year old daughter."

"This sounds serious."

"It's as serious as I've ever been. I spent some time with him this summer, and we were finally honest with each other, and… Dad, I love him, and he loves me, and his family treats me like they want me there. They're great, and I'm pretty sure I love them, too."

"Then by all means bring them. I need to meet the man who can make my little girl sound this happy."

"You won't try to intimidate him, will you?"

"No promises. That's a father's prerogative, you know."

"I have the feeling I'm going to have to work on that with Castle for Alexis's sake. He's a great dad, though. That's the first thing that changed the way I saw him…the first glimpse of who he really is behind page six."

"I'm looking forward to this, Honey. I promise I'll give him a fair chance…and that I won't try to embarrass him in front of his daughter."

"I'm sure he'll appreciate that." After hearing her father chuckle, she said, "So all three of us will see you next Sunday, same time, same place as usual?"

"Are you sure he's okay with a non-descript little diner? He's probably used to much fancier fare."

"He's a lot more down-to-earth than the publicity makes him sound, and he's taught his daughter to be the same. The diner will be fine, and he always treats the staff with respect. Besides," she added jokingly, "they might as well see us in our natural habitat."

Jim laughed. "You're probably right. See you next Sunday. Love you, Katie."

"Love you, too, Dad."