
Second chance runaway

In Second Chance Runway, we follow the tumultuous life of Elena Vargas, a young woman whose beauty is overshadowed by her lack of self-care and the oppressive figures around her. At 21, she is forced into a loveless marriage by her mother, to a man who is nothing but cruel. Despite landing a lucrative job at the prestigious Grand State Buildings, Elena’s life is far from grand as her husband seizes her earnings, and her family treats her with disdain. Her world shatters further when her husband’s affair with her sister comes to light. Just when it seems like her story has reached its tragic end, fate intervenes. A fatal accident sends Elena back in time, waking up as her 18-year-old self. With memories of her past life intact, she seizes this miraculous opportunity to rewrite her destiny. Determined to pursue her long-forgotten dream of becoming a supermodel, Elena embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But it’s not just about the glitz and glamour; it’s about settling scores. As she rises through the ranks of the fashion world, Elena plots a sophisticated revenge against those who wronged her, all while navigating the complexities of love, family, and fame. Will Elena’s second chance lead her to the life she’s always dreamed of, or will the shadows of her past prove too difficult to escape? Second Chance Runway is a story of resilience, ambition, and the transformative power of self-belief.

Ava_000 · LGBT+
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114 Chs


As I walked into our room, the door clicked softly behind me, shutting out the world and its chaos. I took a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind of emotions inside me. The room felt unusually quiet, almost sacred, as if it was holding its breath along with me.

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It was all-consuming, a moment that had somehow managed to feel like an eternity and a fleeting instant all at once. The softness of Carmen's lips against mine, the tentative way she had leaned in, as if testing the waters.

And then the way it had deepened, a sudden rush of emotion and passion that had left me breathless. It was like every unspoken word, every hidden feeling between us had been poured into that kiss.

I had never imagined Carmen like this. She had always been distant, a figure of control and authority, someone who kept her emotions under lock and key.