
Second Chance Reincarnation

I lived in poverty with my little sister, robbing and pick-pocketing people just for us to get by. But in a turn of events, we get robbed and died by gunshot. I got reincarnated into some magic world with an annoyance in my head. An egotistical, self-absorbed chuunibyou of a Goddess living rent-free in my mind. I am on a mission to search for my sister and answers in this New World. But will I be able to do that without making enemies along the way? Abandon your horrible upbringing, embrace change and protect what you love. I am Polyphormes Raijin, The Magus Archer of The Raijins. And this is my second chance at life.

Hosh_Brown · Fantasy
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28 Chs


"I am Yog-Sothoth, Goddess of Reality. At your service, sir Polyphormes." She bows professionally and is kinglike. I wonder who's stronger, her or Azathoth.

"Please you can drop the sir. It's nice to meet you!" I lend her my hand to shake hands with, which she accepts.

"Alright then, ah, we should probably get back into those rings; your sister is coming this way." She forcibly takes Azathoth into the ring, which she tried revolting against.

"By the way, these rings are connected to your mind as well, so I can telepathically talk to you, just as Az is here. Not that you need it for her." She thanks me for taking care of her as she enters the ring.

Shortly after, my sister comes in— more like she barges in, actually.

"Poly! Are you okay? You were absent for the whole day yesterday. And I sensed an immense magical aura here, so I thought an intruder was here." She checks me out, patting me everywhere to see if I'm a fake or something. To be honest, I feel like she just wants to touch me.

"Your guess would be correct; how observant of you." Well, here's my answer. And hello again, Yog. Is it okay if I call you Yog?

"Not that big of a deal, Az, come here; we should talk." Uh oh, I think they'll fight in my mind. What the hell?

When she takes my hand to examine them, Sister asks, "Where did you get these rings? They look very mesmerizing.".

"Oh, I won it in a fighting tournament, coming in the first place. That's also where I was for the entire day yesterday. So sorry!" I bowed apologetically, expecting my sister to scold me.

"You won?! Aha! You won! I'm so proud of you! Let us celebrate!" Sister grabs me in pure joy, in a position where I'm the princess and she's my prince in shining armor. How have the roles changed here?

"Oh also! Ite told me we'd train tomorrow with a quest in the afternoon. Let's celebrate!" She grabbed my hand and led me to the kingdom, based on my guess.

To be honest, people will think we're a couple on a date more than siblings.

I wonder if she wants it like that.

"Probably, she has a special place in her heart for you, y'know." I'm sure I already know that, Yog.

"I'm just clarifying." She shrugs it off, continuing her conversation with Az about something I can't catch wind of.

"Ara~ are y'all heading out today? If so, have fun!" Ah, Mother is still teasing as always.

We walk out of the house, but my mana is extremely low somehow.

Eh? Wait?

"Poly, who are the weird-looking girl and the smoking workaholic behind you?" Sister switches into battle mode, ready to throw hands.

Two hands touch my shoulders. I look back both ways to see who it is.

"Hey hey!~ It is I, Azath— I mean Asriel. The older sister of hers!" She is still Chuunibyou-like, but she seems a bit... normal?

"Hey there, I'm the younger sister of this idiot; I am Yong. We are, you could say, friends of this young man here." Yog rests her arms on my body despite the size difference we are in.

But I don't mind. I can feel her chest through my back. Hehe.

"Pervert." The sisters both say it in my ears. I hate how they can read minds.

"Oh… Alright, you want to join us for his win in the fighting tournament?" Sister sulkily says, yet is willing to invite others to the celebration.

"Ah, no, you probably want it to be like a date, so we'll be on our way. We'll take her with us as well." Yog points at Vijaya. Wait. Vijaya?

"Master! Look at these gorgeous ladies! They offered to train me while you were away!" Don't trust strangers, Vijaya! But in this instance, it's okay; I trust both of them.

Listen to them, Vijaya, "Okay!" I pat Vijaya, looking up to see an old friend whom I haven't seen in a long time.

"Ara~ long time since I've seen all of you~" Encounter! Suddenly, Mom Oppai appeared! Gaia!

"Poly, let us get out of here without wasting time!" Sister picks me up like a princess and runs like a character out of a loony tune. My dignity as a man is forever tainted now!

"Those two are close~ but not close like you two~ Don't you miss—"


"Don't touch me you lovey-dovey touchy horndog. Why're you here?" Yog states as she backs up from Gaia.

"How cruel!~ Azzy! What about you?~"

"Honestly, the world can go better without you. Don't attempt to touch me either you lust-craved embodiment of the word horny," Azathoth states whilst giving a nasty glare at Gaia.


Sister and I arrive at the kingdom and walk through the doors. Quickly heading to a fancy ice cream shop.

"Oo! Such a luxurious place! Do you come here often sister?" I watch in awe at the interior design of fancy treats.

"I love visiting here! It's my favorite place to have a treat!" She is suddenly peppy and joyful. We're heading to a nearby table to order and rest.