
Second Chance Reincarnation

I lived in poverty with my little sister, robbing and pick-pocketing people just for us to get by. But in a turn of events, we get robbed and died by gunshot. I got reincarnated into some magic world with an annoyance in my head. An egotistical, self-absorbed chuunibyou of a Goddess living rent-free in my mind. I am on a mission to search for my sister and answers in this New World. But will I be able to do that without making enemies along the way? Abandon your horrible upbringing, embrace change and protect what you love. I am Polyphormes Raijin, The Magus Archer of The Raijins. And this is my second chance at life.

Hosh_Brown · Fantasy
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28 Chs


I sat on a chair and scooted next to the large dining table with what I presumed to be my mother. I get a plate and utensils and get some food from the middle.

My mother has beautiful curly, wavy purple hair. It had a pleasant lavender smell. She looks young. Her eyes are a beautiful mauve color that radiates queen vibes, with lashes matching. She has a big bust and honkers, but I don't get excited about her. I'd have nothing wrong with calling her mommy, though.

As I finished my plate, the older man, presumed to be my father, stood.

He had long black hair in a ponytail. He has blue eyes that resemble the night sky; it senses welcoming. He has a seemingly slim build, but I know he's probably a sleeper and can kick anyone's ass. Now that I look at it, he looks like a girl.

"Here, my boy! Have more bacon and rice! You need to get strong like me!"

He dumped food on my plate— an amount I'd never seen before. It was a luxury, but I couldn't say no. If my sister were here, she'd be happy about this. Speaking of that, I have a new sister now, an older one.

"Pops, why do you spoil him so much?"

"Unlike you, Suitchi, Polyphormes inherited my curse. The curse of looking the opposite gender from what you are! You should know this by now!"

Look at them having a friendly argument now. I almost forgot what it felt like to have a real family. My sister's name is Suitchi; I have to remember that. I recall the words the man said about the curse. Ah, that makes sense; he wants me to look more like a man by eating more to get muscles.

"Enough, you two. The food is getting cold, and I don't want to see arguing first thing in the morning." Mother's aura took over the room; she was a bit mad.

It didn't take long for the two to stop arguing and sit down. And ate the rest of the food on their plate.

Wow, Mom is the boss around here, isn't she?

"Polyphormes, it's that day and age where you should've applied to the guild or the school for more knowledge." My sister said this grudgingly as she stood up to put her plate in the sink.

It would be helpful if I knew myself and my limits so I could set a goal before doing so!" I and my quick wits and lies helped me get by. But it isn't a lie; I don't know how this world works or what I would like to learn about this place before I mindlessly get myself slaughtered.

A person who asks questions about something he doesn't know is a fool for that moment, but a person who doesn't ask is a fool for life. I don't know who made that quote, but props to you.

"Alright then, let us help you. We Raijins have a name for ourselves; it would be a shame if you ruined it~" Is she teasing me? My older sister is like the devil, unlike my younger sister. And I'm guessing my last name is Raijin now? Polyphormes Raijin. Has a ring to it.

"Follow us, young brother; we'll help test you."

"O-oh, alright, thank you for your assistance!" I say this as we all go outside. I feel like I'll fight one of them. I am interested in learning about how magic works in this world.

In my head, I say sarcastically.

Man, if only there were someone magnificent enough to help me.

"Aha! It is I, the Great Aza-"

Yes, yes, shut up, Chuuni. I need help understanding how magic works in this world before I get my ass kicked by someone.

"At least let me finish my line next time, dear me. Anyway, do you wish to know how magic works here? Who is superior and better to ask than I, the Great Azathoth? Hohohoho! Sorcery can be cast in two ways: through incantations and markings.

In incantation magic, a chant must be recited to cast a spell. Markings is a quicker version of that. Incantation magic is more derived and used, whereas markings only have a couple. Mana is equal for everyone. But it differs depending on the person training it. The more magic you used and exhausted yourself, the bigger mana pool you'd have."

Ah, this is just like those video games Lisa plays. But instead of it being virtual, it's real life.

"Alright, Polyphormes, strike that dummy over there with martial arts; let's see the man in you!"

Very encouraging from my father, huh? This dummy seems to be around my height and has been used, as it is worn down.

I forgot martial arts could still be used in a magic world; nobody said martial arts could beat magic in this world. Sorcery is more stylish, though.

It's a good thing I was raised basically on the streets, fighting for money, fighting to protect, and fighting to live.

Whack— Wham— Pow

Jab, cross, and hook. A basic boxing stance and combo are needed. The dummy fought back, though it rocked back after the combo and hit me in the head. The question is, why does the family look surprised? Are they amused that I got hurt by an inanimate object?

"Aren't you right-handed, dear?" My mother looked in awe as if she had seen the first left-handed person in human history.

"This is quite intriguing. A Southpaw martial artist as my son! There is nothing better or more unique than this!" Father looked rather happy and giddy upon seeing something so bland as this. Are they just humiliating me or something?

"It seems he has some talent for martial arts, but what about magic?" My sister was unimpressed by me. At least she's the most normal about this.