
Second Chance: Reincarnated Into a New World!

A lost young man, without dreams, goals, or anything to aspire to, found himself completely lost. But that all changed when he decided to transform his life and start planning his future. What he didn't expect was that that same day, he would die... However, to his surprise, he was reincarnated in another world! Eldor, a world of magic and fantasy. Full of monsters, spells, mysteries and lots of stories to be told! Surprised by this miraculous event, the former young man who saw himself without a future now has a new name: Light. And after that happened, Light could only think about exploring the world and living the right way. This time, he would do everything differently than in his other life. No more excuses, no more laziness! He was given a second chance, and he would make the most of it, aiming to become the Supreme Mage of that world! --- Instagram: @scrinw_webnovel Chapters every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! (5:00 GMT +8)

VoidBoy · Fantasy
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The Life of a Captain

(Yanma Fumiko POV )

A foggy place, I can't see anything through the fog. On the ground, grass, nothing more than that. I can't see the sky; the fog is thick...

Looking at my body, I wear black clothes that are torn and dirty, looking like an animal ripped it off.

What's left for me is to walk.

But I don't find anything, nothing different, just grass ahead.

Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me. Even though I haven't turned around yet, I can feel like you're a certainty, something I've always known.

I turn around normally, and I see a child, a child who was me as a child, wearing a white dress with blue colors, holding a Tanto sword with his arm relaxed. She looks at me with a gentle smile.

"I want to be strong." The child says. "Strong enough to be... the Ultimate Swordswoman."

My eyes open, it was just another dream...

I hear the sound of rain outside. It looks like the sun won't shine this morning.

I need to get ready to go to work soon. As I live in a guesthouse, my room is not that big.

After showering, I wear a white shirt and black pants. Since it's raining, I take a burgundy hooded cloak and put it on.

And then, as I go down the stairs and go to the lounge that is at the exit door, two employees, who are the owners of the place, stand behind a large counter just to welcome new guests.

Speaking of which, I need to pay the rent.

"Good morning." I greet the gentleman and the girl working the counter.

"Good morning." They say.

I don't know for sure, but it looks like the girl is his daughter. It must be a small business since I don't pay that much in rent.

This rain is annoying, but there's nothing you can do about it. If I were made of sugar, it would be more worrying.

The sky is very gray because of the clouds, I think it must rain all day.

" Tsk." Working in the rain is a pain.

On the way to the castle, I stop by a bakery and eat some bread and drink a glass of milk very quickly.

The streets are still empty, and businesses are still opening. Normally mornings are like this, but on rainy mornings, this kingdom is deserted for a long time.

After a short walk, I arrive at the castle, but I don't enter through the front door but through the back door. The path is the same, what changes is that it doesn't attract people's attention.

Well, as almost no one is on the streets, I don't think it would attract attention in the same way...

Arriving at the training center, I come across almost no one, just a few riders who live closer.

They greet me and continue doing their already-defined work.

One of them is changing the scarecrows that serve as targets for the archers, the other is sharpening the swords and cleaning the armor.

I enter one of the tents, and on an armor stand is mine.

First, I put on chain mail that covers my entire torso, and then I put on all the armor parts.

Little by little, more soldiers arrive and prepare for work. The rain seems to be getting less, but the sky remains dark.

"Attention!" I scream.

All the soldiers form lines as soon as I speak.

"Do the standard stretch, after that, we'll do the usual." I say. "Each squad will take care of their respective pre-established gate. Understood?" I speak in a higher tone.

"Yes ma'am!" They say.

"Any unusual event, notify the lieutenants." I notice. "With that, you can go!"

"Yes ma'am!" The knights say and begin to stretch.

Now, I must go to my private tent and wait for trouble to come to me. The life of a captain is very peaceful, especially in a small kingdom like this.

I should only act in the last circumstances, that is, almost never, because nothing dangerous happens in Legório.

Going to my tent, I sit down on the chair where my table is. Some papers are already here.

That's the worst part of the job. It's ironic to think that the higher you grow in the hierarchy, the less you put yourself at risk.