
Second Chance: Reincarnated Into a New World!

A lost young man, without dreams, goals, or anything to aspire to, found himself completely lost. But that all changed when he decided to transform his life and start planning his future. What he didn't expect was that that same day, he would die... However, to his surprise, he was reincarnated in another world! Eldor, a world of magic and fantasy. Full of monsters, spells, mysteries and lots of stories to be told! Surprised by this miraculous event, the former young man who saw himself without a future now has a new name: Light. And after that happened, Light could only think about exploring the world and living the right way. This time, he would do everything differently than in his other life. No more excuses, no more laziness! He was given a second chance, and he would make the most of it, aiming to become the Supreme Mage of that world! --- Instagram: @scrinw_webnovel Chapters every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! (5:00 GMT +8)

VoidBoy · Fantasy
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74 Chs

The First Battle (5)

"What are you doing, brat?" Yuri says as he stands up.

But I don't answer!

I run towards him at full speed with Thunder Magic, with my hand open and pointed at him, as if my hand was an arrow!

In an instant, I pass by Yuri like lightning, he tries to dodge the attack, but he couldn't dodge it completely!

I tear off a small part of the side of his abdomen on his left flank!

It wasn't a simple superficial cut, looking at my hand, I see it with blood on the fingertips. Looking at Yuri, I see that I tore off an entire chunk of his body.

The affected area looks like it was cut by a sword!

"ARGH, SHIT!" Yuri exclaims while groaning in pain.

I need to help William and Foguinho!

I'm out of mana, so I need to be quick.

Returning to the cart, I go to the cage the dog is in. The cage has a small, shiny padlock.

Foguinho looks at me excitedly.

Damn, if I had mana I could break it easily!

Maybe that other guy doesn't have the key?

Me or even the body of the man who is fallen, around him, a small pool of blood forms.

Rummaging through his pockets, I find something metallic in texture and small. Pulling it out, I see an iron key!


I go back to the cage as quickly as possible, my legs and hands are shaking uncontrollably!

Reaching the padlock, I put the key in the entrance, with a few failed attempts due to the anxiety that runs through my body.


The lock opens.

"NOW YOU DIE, BRAT!" I look back and see Yuri with his sword raised right behind me!

It's my end, there's no way I can deviate!

Instinctively, I close my eyes, waiting for the impact of the sword to pierce my body.

So this is how it ends?

This time it was faster than my other life...

At least I did everything right this time...

Maybe I got too excited about the idea of being an adventurer... I should have prepared myself better.

Damn, I don't want to die again, not like this...



A noise occurs, and Yuri seems to have been hit by something.

Opening my eyes, I see Yuri's body with an arrow stuck in his head on the right side.

Yuri's body falls completely to the ground.

I survived...

I look at the horizon; the sun is setting, and I see an archer dressed in armor; it must be an archer from the kingdom...

My vision gets blurry...

My mana has completely depleted...

I won't be able to stay conscious... My body is... My eyes...


Suddenly, a bright light makes my eyes sensitive, even though they are closed.

"Unfamiliar ceiling..." It's the first thing I think and say when I open my eyes.

In fact, I'm in a room, I think.

The cicadas outside are making their morning song, as are the birds.

What time is it?

Where am I?

I lean forward and see an extremely luxurious room with a window to my left.

"Tsk." The light coming from outside the window makes my eyes hurt.

In the bedroom, a chandelier sits on the ceiling with some unlit candles. In front of me, next to the door, is a desk with a mirror on the wall. To my right is a large white closet.

The entire room in general is white in color.

Until then, a woman, dressed in maid's clothes, enters the room.

"Ah, you're awake!" The woman speaks. "I'll let everyone know." she adds.

A blonde woman with blue eyes. She looks quite young, around 20 to 23 years old.

"Sorry to ask, but where am I?" I ask gently.

"You are in the king's castle. I must assume you are Mister Light, right?" King's castle!?

For a moment, I looked at my body, checking if I still have a childish body. Calling me mister seems too polite...

"Yes, it's me." I run out of words to say.

How did I end up in the king's castle!?

I certainly remember what happened: I ran out of mana and passed out, but how did I end up here!?