
Second chance of the villainess

The infamous Ellaise Kroudel only daughter of the Duke Kroudel was executed by the order of new crown prince, but by some miracle she opened her eyes again. She came back to time before Indres's rebellion and her execution. Determined to change her fate and get revenge on everyone that wronged her she started her second attempt in life. This time trusting no one.

NottTheName · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Crowd was skanding her name when she walked in. She held her head high, chin up, looked toward the crowd. People thought that she was proud and full of herself even in her last moments. They were wrong, but she wanted them to think that they were right. The truth was that she just had nothing else to lose.

"I no longer listen to your orders." Cold sword dangerously touched her neck. Not even one tear escaped her eyes, and that was only becouse she was too shocked to cry, when she was being shackled.

"My Lady! My Lady." She heard. She looked down with her empty eyes, there was one of her former maids and butler shouting in the crowd, eyes full of tears, voice full of desperation. Only two friendly voices in bloodthirsty croud.

She was pushed down, looking at their faces when the sword, that was held up her head swung... Her head fell of. Crowd cheered. No one noticed one and only tear that didn't have enought time to escape from her left eye.