
Second Chance of Life

(PERSONA 3 XOVER IRREGULAR) Persona 3 and Irregular At Magic High School are not my own and any similarity are just coincidence.

Hakuno00 · Others
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

Location:First Magic Highschool, Classroom 1-E.

Minato told Erika, Leo, Mikihiko about how he wanted to create a club and asked if they want to join his club.Then they asked what kind of activities and aim that he want in his club.

Minato:"If it club activities then we will accept any reasonable request from students and teachers.As for my aim, i want to change people live for the better while having some fun."

Hearing Minato answers, they immediately agree which Minato say "thank you".

Minato:"(Now then, all i have to do is go search the president of the Club Management and get the seal.)He thought and then the bell ring.

Lunchtime,Minato and his friend went to the canteen to eat.At the table,Minato and Tatsuya are eating the Bentos(packed lunch) that Minato cooked himself.After a while, Shizuku and Honoka join to eat together while Miyuki is having lunch with the Student Council members.

Minato"Hey guys, Do you know who the president of Club Management Group? i want to get his seal to create the club." He said.

The rest of Minato friends was shocked because they thought he already know.After a bit of time, Mikihiko then tell him who the president of Club Management Group is "Juumonji Katsuto from year 3-A, usually he is in Cross-Field club but because of the New Student Club week, he will be at Club Management Group room".Minato and Tatsuya thought ("Again...Numbers").He thanked Mikihiko.Suddenly, Erika raise her hand and say "Ne-ne.... Minato-kun did you really cook you and your siblings bento? it really looks like a five star class Bento.

Tatsuya:"Aniue have been cooking since he was 5 years old so of course it will very delicious." He stated

Minato:"It's just a hobby, nothing more nothing less." He said with his normally stoic face.

Erika:"Then i want you to cook for us,your cute members every day, do you understand?" She said as if that is to be expected.

Minato:"Impossible, if it every week i will think about it but every day, then that will be way too bothersome." He replied.

Erika and the others 'boo' at Minato in protest but when he say they can eat the extra bento that he bring, they are very happy and in awe when they taste Minato cooking.They eat and talk happily for 25 minutes and then the bell rang.After that, they go back to their own class.

After school,Minato go to the Management Club Group room for the seal while Tatsuya go to the Displinary Commitee to go and learn about more his job.In front of C.M.G room, Minato knock the door and then he enter the room.When,Minato see many alot of Course 1 students,most of them look at him like a bug but that is something he don't care, the one he care about is the big man in front of him that is sitting.

Minato:("I see, so that is Juumonji Katsuto, the eldest son of the Juumonji Family.His has a thick chest and broad shoulders, with rippling muscles that are easily recognizable even while wearing a uniform. He also gives off an incredibly heavy sense of presence without a doubt,the very personafication of an unbreakable wall just like his nick name Iron Wall.) He thought."My name is Shiba Tatsuya, i come here to get your seal of approval for me to create my club, Juumonji-senpai" He said.

Juumonji:"I see so you are Shiba Minato, the brother of Shiba Tasuya and Shiba Miyuki. I have heard from Saegusa and watanabe about what kind of club you want to make and i agree."He said.

Minato:"I see, so tell me what do you want sempai?,from the fact you don't hurriedly give me that seal of approval means you definitely have some kind of condition or favor, it is not? Juumonji-senpai."He stated.

Juumonji:"It's easy, all you have to do is fight me.I want to know why did Mari give you the permission of being acting Displinary Commitee member."He said

The other member of Club Management Group were shocked,some dissed Minato and some even want to asked why did their president want to lower himself to fight Course 2 but they stop because Their preisdent,Juumonji Katsuto is very serious. Minato think for a bit then nod.

Juumonji:"Then we fight at the same place and rule like the official match, is that ok with you?"He said

Minato:"I agree." He said.

Location:Far side campus of campus,Practice Room 1

In the practice room 1,There are only Minato and Juumonji who are getting ready to fight the match and a guy name Kirihara.

Kirihara:"Are you both ready?" He asked.

Minato and Juumonji:" Ready"

Then kirihara raise his hand and say "Begin!!!".

Juumonji jump backward and guard himself when he saw Minato suddenly disappeared and appeared infront of him and kick him.That kick made Juumanji fly backward about a meter and finally stop which he hurriedly cast spell Phalax toward Minato.Minato, hurriedly fought back using Nullification Magic but succeed nullified the first Phalax but failed when there another two Phalax flying toward him which he hurriedly roll sideway.

After that, Juumanji keep attacking with Phalax while Minato keep fighting back with Nullification Magic to the point the practice room cannot handle the damage from their battle. The referee, Kirihara was so shocked that he even forgot to close his mouth while watching the match. After five minutes of fighting both of them stop to take a breath.

Juumonji:"Hahahahaha...marvelouus Shiba Minato, your strength is very amazing but too bad we cannot fight much longer if we do this room might be destroy so how about we decide this next one is the last strike to end this match?" He said.

Minato:"I agree, don't cry at me later Senpai." He said with a smile.

They both take a deep breath and then simultaneously cast their spell.

Juumonji:" Haaaaaaaaaaaaàaah, ." He sent a very compact and strong Phalax while shouting.

Minato:(" Shit, even if i want to i don't have the confidence to nullified that Phalax.") He thought. He called his persona Melchizedek in his mind and say" take this GOD's HAND!!!!!"

Both attacks met in the middle and after a while both of the attacks nullified each other and then explode.The practice room is full of holes and cracks with Minato and Juumanji stand tall satisfy with their battle. Kirihara has his head numb for a bit and then start to give result of the fight.

Kirihara:"The result of the match is Draw." He stated.