
Second Chance Mates Nova and Braxton's Story

Being a werewolf is supposed to be exciting. The excitement of your first shift and finding your mate (soulmate) is supposed to be the biggest milestone in a werewolf s life. Your supposed to love your mate, have pups and live happy with them. Well, I am going to tell you that, that is not entirely true. Nova You see my Father is the Alpha of the Red Eclipse Pack and on my 18th birthday you would think that being the eldest child that he would pass down the title of Alpha to me. He refused to do so. He is giving it to my brother who is 17 years old. All because he is a boy. That is pure sexist if you ask me. But that is here nor there. Because of the events that happened on my birthday I am no long a member of this pack. Somethings that I knew nothing about and were out of my control. But my father banished me, and I was still being hated by my pack, is one thing, being rejected by your unfaithful mate is another. Especially, in front of your entire friends and family. That almost kills your wolf. But to being banished your own Alpha father that breaks me. Thanks to these event Nova is a rogue. Will she be able to survive out there on her own? What happens when she meets her second chance mate? Will she let her past affect her and cause her to run away? Or will she stay with her new mate? Braxton Braxton took over the Himalayan Pack at 18-years old when his father stepped down. He has been looking for his mate/Luna for 3-years. But has not been able to find her. He has started to think that she doesn’t exist till he starts catching her faint scent around town. But everywhere he goes he misses her. No one seems to know who she is. Once he finally finds Nova, he doesn’t want to let her go. But will Nova accept Braxton for who he is? Will he be able to accept her past and help *her move on from it? Read the story to find out!

Luna81986 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter SIXTEEN (16)


Walking in our cabin this afternoon and finding a guy in our bedroom I was seeing red at first and then I recognized the scent. It was her brother Alpha; he did make it out to the ceremony. I was so glad that he did make it. This gave then the time to catch up and he was able to tell her about what was going on with her father. This needed to come from him and not from me or my father. Yes, my father went to the council on her behalf to help her. But her brother needs to explain why her father did everything that he did in the first place. So, maybe she will understand. She may not ever forgive him, and I can't say that I will ever blame her. But I hope that maybe one day she would consider it.

Nova and I had since retired to the cabin from the BBQ celebration. She was getting tired; She had gone to take a shower and I was sitting on the chair reading a book. I turned on her Spotify playlist for her. Once she gets out, she like to listen to it while she falls asleep. I heard the door open I looked up and all I said was Nova in a Blue silk rob partly opened and a blue teddy on underneath it. My mouth watered. I was fighting Ari control bad. She walked over to me. I could tell she was still herself. She looked at me and winked.

"You're playing with fire Nova" I said. She laughed

"Maybe I'm ready to get burned." I got up from the chair, set the book on the chair, picked Nova, and placed her on the bed.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" she nodded "Words Nova." I said

"Yes Braxton, take me, I want you. All of you." She said.

That was all I needed to hear before I started to kiss her. I removed her rob and looked at her. She was absolutely beautiful, and she was all mine.

"I hope this isn't expensive." She just looked at me and I ripped it off, she laughed.

"No, I only bought it for tonight, it's been under my dress." She said.

"You're a naughty girl." I said smacking her ass. She laughed.

I was kissing her down her neck and landed on her breasts. I started playing with her pussy. I entered one finger. Damn she was already so wet. I started to finger her, she started to moan, and I kept going so I entered another.

"Braxton, I n-need to tell y-you something." She said

"What is it babe?" as I continue to do what I am doing.

"I'm a virgin." She said I stopped and looked at her.

"Ok and is that supposed to mean that I don't want to make love to my mate?" I asked

"I don't know" she said she started to cry.

"Babe don't cry, I am one to. I have waited for you remember." I said she nodded and grabbed me and kissed me with so much passion and love.

"I love you Braxton," she said.

"I love you Nova" I said, "now lay back dear." I said.

She did as I asked her to. I started kissing her from her mouth, down to her neck. I was kissing and sucking on that sweet spot on her neck where my mark will be. I was still kissing her was I was playing with her mound as I interested two fingers insider her and played with her clit. Then I slowly started to kiss her from her mouth down her neck till I reached her breasts, I began sucking on her breast and playing with the other one with my other hand. Hearing her moan was music to my ears. She was getting off on my fingers and it was so hot. When she finished, I brought her fingers up to my mouth and I sucked on them. I kissed from her mouth all the way down to her sweet mound. I started to eat her pussy out like there was no tomorrow. I was licking and sucking on her clit, and she was moaning and screaming in pure pleasure and bliss. I put my cock at her entrance and I slowing pushed in it.

"I'll be gentle babe, I promise." I said and I slowly pushed inside of her. I saw the pain and tears in her eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt my mate.

"It's ok, just give me a minute. She said and I did.

"You can move now Braxton, but whatever you do don't stop moving." she said. I chuckled

"Ok love, I am sorry in advance if Ari comes out and takes control." I said

"It's ok, just don't stop moving." she said and began to kiss me hard and passionately with pure love.

I was pushing in and out of her slowly and that then hard for a while I would pick up speed on how fast I was going. Then I noticed that her eyes kept changing colors and she was fighting her wolf Zoe, just as I was fighting Ari control.

"Mark me Braxton" she said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes, I'm ready" she said and without a second though I sunk my canines into her neck marking her, I licked the blood sealing the bond. When I did that marked her it was the most intense moment as we were making love.

She rolled me over and she got in control. She rode my hard cock like there was no tomorrow. She was kissing me and then started to kiss my neck. She bites down with her canines and licked the blood off sealing the bone. She had the most intense organism of her life, at the moment. We made love over and over all night long. We fell asleep in each other's arms. It was like pure heaven. Nothing could be better than this he thought.

I woke up looking at my sleeping mate. I didn't want to wake her at first. So, I went down to the kitchen and made her breakfast. I made her eggs benedict today. After food was ready and she wasn't down in the kitchen yet, I brought the food up to the bedroom. She was starting to wake up. I set the try on the stand next to the bed. I kissed her forehead and she looked at me and smiled.

"Morning Braxton. Something smells good" she said.

"Yes, I made you breakfast, I thought after last night you might be hungry. You didn't relay eat at the BBQ." I said.

"I am starving" she said as her stomach grumbles. She sits up in bed. I see the pain in her eyes.

"Here you go my lady" I said.

"Well thank you, this is delicious Braxton." She said.

"Thank you, my love." I said and we finished eating. I got up and went into the bathroom and drew her a bath. I came into the bedroom to see Nova in the closet.

"Nova, are you ok?" I asked her

"Ya, I will be. Why?" She asked. I just looked at her.

"Last night was your first time and we did it several times. I drew you a bath to help you relax." I said.

"Ok, but only if you join me, I don't like baths. And that tub is huge." she said.

"I won't ask why you don't like them, because I will be happy to join you, my love." I said.

"Thank you, Braxton.' She said.

They went into the bathroom, and he climbed into the tub and then she did. I washed her hair and her body. She washed my hair and my body. After we got out of the tub and dried off, we went and were laying on the bed. Then I had turned her, so he was sitting on my lap. We were kissing one another; I began to kiss the spot where I marked her last night. She began to moan, and she slide herself down on my dick, so I was inside of her. Damn did that feel good. She started to ride my dick hard. She was in total control right now and I was letting her have it.

"I'm going to come Braxton." she said.

"Me to Nova." I said.

"Come with me Braxton." She said. Then we both had one of the most intense organisms we ever had.

"I love you Alpha Braxton." She said. I laughed.

"I love you Alpha-Luna Nova." I said and she just looked at me smiled and laughed.

"Thank is going to take some time getting used to." She said and they both laughed.


In the last 24-hours I have talked with my Alpha brother, become Alpha-Luna of this pack. Then mated and marked with my mate. At lot has happened. My life has changed a lot since I left my old pack. I would say that it defiantly has change for the better. I pick up my phone and see it ringing again. It's that same number but Easton is here. So, who has been calling me? I answered it.

"Hello" I said.

"Nova, Nova is that really you?" The familiar female voice said.

"Yes, mom its me." I said, as I began to cry, I didn't know it had been her.

"Oh, Sweety I have been trying to reach you for a while. I miss you and want to know if you're safe." She said.

"I am safe mom. You can ask Easton through mink-link. He is here in my pack visiting." I said

"He is?" She said.

"Yes, you didn't know where he was going did you?" I asked.

"To form an alliance of some kind with another pack, that's all we know." She said.

"Oh, so nothing about my Alpha-Luna Ceremony?" I asked

"You got your title that's amazing, don't worry your pretty little heart that stays between us. Your father isn't here anyway. He is helping Silver Springs Pack out currently training their Alpha. He called and asked your father for some help. So, Luna Violet, Head Warrior Beau and I have been watching the back with the temporary beta Jordan. Because I know your brother plans on replacing him." Everleigh says.

"Yes, Easton asked me, and I gave him my answer and he agreed." I said.

"Who did you pick sweety?" she asked.

"Obviously Beau mom, he is strong and always fought for the pack and his family. He will be the perfect fit for Beta." I said.

"Your right sweety that is a perfect choice. I hope to see you soon. I love you sweety. I miss you." She said.

"I love and miss you to mom." I said. Braxton had walked into the bedroom. He saw the tears in her eyes.

"So, it wasn't your brother or dad who had been calling you?" He asked.

"No, it was my mom." I said. I was crying at this point I really miss my mom.

"I know that she misses you and loves you. You are an amazing woman. I love you with all my heart. Even if it weren't for the bond, I would still love you." He said. I smiled

"Thanks Braxton." I said and he kissed me.

"Come one Easton said he wanted to see you before he left." He said.

We headed into Braxton's office and see Easton sitting there waiting for me. I looked at my brother and I really looked at him. When he is in a suit, he looked so much like our dad it is not even funny. As I was looking at him, I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Something funny Sky?" Eastin said.

"Yea, you in that suit and you look like a younger version of dad." I said, he just shook his head.

"You're a younger and hotter version of mom, no offense Sky, I know my sister in all. But in reality." He said.

"I accept your compliment" I said.

"I will agree she is hot." Braxton said.

"Of course, you would" Both Easton and I said at the same time. We all laughed.

"So, Sky I asked to see you before I left because I wanted to warn you. The Elders contacted dad and told them you were given your title." He said.

"OK, should I be worried about what dad is going to do?" I asked.

"On the contrary, he was happy for you. He agreed with the elders that with being an Alpha-Luna you hold more authority, you under a king & queen in powers with rank. You also have the choice of dads and Jordans punishment for what they did to you." He said.

"I'm confused here Easton, please explain." I said.

"Okay, So Jordan caused your wolf to hide and suppressed. When he rejected you and mated and marked his chosen mate. Dad as well, he banished you to protect you, he didn't tell you. You have to find out from me, your mate, and others. But not from dad." He said.

"I see, and who to I report their punishment to?" I asked. Then I looked at both of them.

"There pack Alpha." He said and he smiled.

"So, that would, be you?" I asked.

"Yes, Sky it would be me. I am still the current alpha of Red Eclipse. Dad passed it to me on my birthday. I still am amazed how close our birthdays are." Easton said.

"Pups with alpha blood only take about three months before they give birthday, especially if both the mother and father were of alpha blood as our parent are Easton." I said

"Good to know that for the future babe." Braxton said. We all laughed.

"OK Easton, So Jordan's Punishment is that is forced to stay with chosen mate no matter what happens, and he lost his beta position. May the goddess herself not bless them with a second chance mate." I said.

"Ok and dad's punishment" he said.

"That's easy. I want him to come here and tell me to my face why he did what he did. If he can't do that, then he will never know his future grand pups. And I will write him out of my life for good. No matter what punishment I give him it would hurt the one person that has always been there for me and believed in me and that is my mother." I said. They both nod at me.

"Understood Alpha-Luna. I am proud of you Sky. I always will be. You are a strong leader and even stronger than you were when you left." Easton said and gave me a hug. I just smiled at my brother.

With that Easton headed out the door and towards the woods and we saw him shift into his wolf. He was heading back home today. I hope me makes it back ok. I am going to miss my brother. But I know that I will see him again soon.