
Second Chance Mates Nova and Braxton's Story

Being a werewolf is supposed to be exciting. The excitement of your first shift and finding your mate (soulmate) is supposed to be the biggest milestone in a werewolf s life. Your supposed to love your mate, have pups and live happy with them. Well, I am going to tell you that, that is not entirely true. Nova You see my Father is the Alpha of the Red Eclipse Pack and on my 18th birthday you would think that being the eldest child that he would pass down the title of Alpha to me. He refused to do so. He is giving it to my brother who is 17 years old. All because he is a boy. That is pure sexist if you ask me. But that is here nor there. Because of the events that happened on my birthday I am no long a member of this pack. Somethings that I knew nothing about and were out of my control. But my father banished me, and I was still being hated by my pack, is one thing, being rejected by your unfaithful mate is another. Especially, in front of your entire friends and family. That almost kills your wolf. But to being banished your own Alpha father that breaks me. Thanks to these event Nova is a rogue. Will she be able to survive out there on her own? What happens when she meets her second chance mate? Will she let her past affect her and cause her to run away? Or will she stay with her new mate? Braxton Braxton took over the Himalayan Pack at 18-years old when his father stepped down. He has been looking for his mate/Luna for 3-years. But has not been able to find her. He has started to think that she doesn’t exist till he starts catching her faint scent around town. But everywhere he goes he misses her. No one seems to know who she is. Once he finally finds Nova, he doesn’t want to let her go. But will Nova accept Braxton for who he is? Will he be able to accept her past and help *her move on from it? Read the story to find out!

Luna81986 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter FOURTEEN (14)


I walked into the pack house and saw a couple of teenager's wolves playing video games. Looks and smells like they just finished training for the day. I get to my son Braxton's office door, I knock, and I waited for a response.

"Enter." Braxton says. I walk into the room and close the door; Braxton looks up and sees me.

"Dad your back, how was your trip and the meeting?" he asked as he got up and gave me a hug before sitting back down at his desk.

"The trip was good. I got to spend some quality time with both Sawyer and Rory. They got the news that they wanted to hear. So, they are on cloud nine. They are going to be looking for a bigger place to live." I said.

"Well, I won't be living in Grandma and Grandpa's house with Nova dad. She wants to stay in the cabin and has agree to let me expand it when we have pups or built a bigger house. So, they can live there." Braxton said.

"Braxton are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yes, dad. They want to adopt. And they house has plenty of room. Who knows they might adopt the whole orphanage if they could?" Braxton said. We both laughed.

"Braxton, we need to talk about Nova." I said.

"Ok, What about her. She will be named Luna of the Himalayan Pack tomorrow, Dad. Is there a problem with that? I thought you and mom loved her?" Braxton said and he was getting upset with his father.

"Oh no, it's not that. We love her and you know it." I said.

"Then what is it dad?" Braxton asked.

"She won't be just your Luna but an Alpha to Branxton. She is Alpha-Luna Nova Sky Daniels. The Elder Council voted and gave her the title that she was entitle to and deserved. The understood that her father was trying to protect her, that's what he sent her away. But not give her the title was wrong." I said.

"So, what she is still my other half, my equal. I don't care that she is an alpha, Luna, or a plain she-wolf dad. She is Nova my mate and that is all that matters. What matter most is that my wolf and I love and adore her and when she is ready, I am going to ask her to marry me." Braxton said.

"That's great son. I am proud of you. I am happy that you have Nova. The two of you will lead this pack together." I said.

"Dad, I wouldn't have it any other way." He said. I nodded at him and took my que to leave.

I walked into the Alpha apartment and found my mate in the kitchen looking more beautiful than ever. I missed her and I was so happy to be home. She was dancing to music as she is decorating cupcakes, must be the ones for tomorrow. This woman is amazing.

"Garrett my love your back." She said

"Yes, dear I am. I hear your helping with the Luna Ceremony for tomorrow?" I asked

"Well, yes, I am. Is that an issue?" She asked.

"No of course not, but it's a Luna and Alpha Female Ceremony. They are pretty much the same thing."

"Oh, My Gog Garrett! You did it! You got them to give her the title. You're a hero my love.

"I am no hero, I just felt for her, and she needed someone to fight for her. Oh, and the boys have moved out. And into My parents' house." I said.

"Yes, I know, I'm assuming that means their adoption petition was approved?" She said.

"Yes, it was. They will be looking at orphanages within the next few months." I said.

'That is wonderful news to hear. I missed you, my love." She said and reached up to kiss her mate.

"I missed you to." I said.


My dad walks into my office and tells me that Nova is Alpha Luna Nova Sky Daniels. She was always my Luna and was my equal to this pack. He seemed like it was something that I wasn't going to be ok with. I am completely ok with it. I can't wait till the ceremony when Nova finds out =. She is going to be so happy.

You should tell her beforehand. I don't know if she will like this kind of surprise Braxton. Ari you might be right, maybe I should tell her. Zoe has told me that Nova hates surprises, this would be one. She might not handle it well up on stage tomorrow. Your right Ari, I am going to find her. Thanks again. Anytime human.

I go and look for Nova and I find her out by the pack garden with some of the kids from the orphanage. She was reading then the Beauty and the Beast. Why am I not surprised? I noticed there was two new kids here. I knew I needed to talk to Nova, but I went into the office, and I saw Sage Walker filling out paperwork.

"Sage what are you doing here?" I asked him

"I can't do it, there too much. Knox told me to bring them to your pack if it got to be too much. My mate left and abandoned us. I am sick Alpha, I am dying. They need a home a family." He said.

"My brothers will adopt them; your twins are just merely 1 years old. They will become a part of our family." I said. I mink-link sawyer

B: Hey Sawyer Get to the Orphanage there is a set of one year old twins waiting for you and Rory to pick up. There yours. Congratulations. One boy and one girl.

S: Seriously?

B: Yes, Now Hurry! -I cut off the mink-link and turned back to Sage

"Of course. Would you like some medical treatment?" I offered

"No, my wolf is gone, and I am now dying of cancer." He said.

"I am so sorry. You lost your wolf because of your mate. What stage cancer?" I asked

"Stage 4 prostate cancer, it's in the terminal stage. No cure now. Please keep my babies safe." He said, he had finished signing all the paperwork and left.


Rory and I shift into our wolves and race over to the orphanage and once we shift back into our human forms and put our clothes back on. We see Nova reading the kids a story and We walk into the building and see my brother. We walk up to him.

"Hey what is going on Braxton?" Rory asked Braxton turns around holding two adorable kids. One girl and one boy.

"This is Bella Rose and Noah Blake they are 11 months old. Their mother abandoned them and their Father Sage Walker, his wolf died, and he is dying of cancer. He gave them up for adoption. He wanted them to have a family." I said.

"Waylon" Rory said

"What" both Braxton and Sawyer said.

"Their names are Bella Rose Waylon and Noah Blake Waylon. We will sign whatever it is we need to. Those babies are ours Sawyer."

"Well lets doing this than. Braxton what do we do.?" Sawyer asked.

"Well, I already have the papers here, I just need you two to both signs here, here, and here. I Alpha Braxton now pronounce you two parents of Bella and Noah. The car seats for them are being put in your car, I had someone bring it over. Just take them home. don't worry someone will have the nursery ready by the time you get there." I said

"Let me guess mother." Sawyer said

"You know it." I said I head outside to find Nova.

"Hey Nova, can I speak with you about something?" I asked

"Sure, what is it about?" she asked

"You are becoming an Alpha Luna." I said and she just gave me a weird look but confused.