

some incident led two kids into becoming friends till they grew up, everyone expect them to end up together but that didn't happen. One of the friend lover frame the other friend leading this accusation to breakup their friendship not only that but he also send her to prison and ceased all her assets after all this she was torture in the prison which almost cause her death He later found out that he had been in love with his friend for so long but because of his foolishness he send his childhood friend to prison without trusting her. what will happen between the Lina and Desmond friendship. will Desmond get a second chance to be with her? let's continue this journey to found out.

Jessy_blinks · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



Good evening lovely people, with not waste much time, we will begin the program with ABC fashion , oxford fashion, cons fashion, L fashion, after we finish presenting our designs , Desmond's group was next but they took much time to get on the stage. I look where Desmond is sitting but what I saw make my heart tremble with fear 😨 because he staring straight at me with red eyes which hold much hated. He never look at me like that .

I stood up from my place and went near him to ask if everything is good but the moment I took hold of his hand,he pushed me very hard if I didn't hold the Pilar for support myself I would have hit my head. He walked away and I follow him not knowing where he is going, he suddenly stop and I take look of our surrounding and saw that we are now standing in the parking lot.

Desmond what's wrong with you, I asked waiting for him to explain himself like he always do. But what he did was the opposite.