
Traveling Plan

After reading the update on my stats and seeing when I'll go from a hatchling to an adolescent was kind of a surprise to me I didn't think it would happen so soon but I'm not complaining, and the fact that it said my hormones' was going to go into overdrive next week I put that out of my mind it's just probably just going to be me hitting puberty early or something, while getting a feeling I'm going to eat my words later I ignore that feeling and focus about what is in front of me.

Me, mom, big sis Sera, and Neo was in the living room with my two daughters on my lap sleeping away looking very adorable, so much so that my mom took a hundred pictures of them in my lap before anyone got to sit down completely.

Leo: Okay mom why did you calls us here other then to fill up another photo album of me and Megumi and Taiyō

Jade: Well I was thinking that it's time to move up your training Leo

Sera: So far you have killed a lot of the grimm on this Island alone and even killed two leviathan class grimm without getting a scratch on you.

Yeah some time last year a leviathan grimm showed up 200m past the cost of menagerie and it was not the over grown sea dragon Sea Feilong, that thing only shows up in deeper waters this on was this one was actually called Leviathan, who comes up the these names but what ever, one showed up and people started to get ready to fight for there lives that was what would normally happen if it didn't just topple over the new Ice boat that I made for my family.

I made so we would not freeze while riding it, it took me 3 months of training just to be able to make ice that don't freeze using my semblance, and another 2 months to make the boat but this walking plie of rejected goo just decided that it wanted have a day of fucking with people, so I did what and angry hatchling drake with the semblance of the elements would do, I trapped it in a dome of water and and put an Ice and Fire tornado inside of it.

Before it can even roar or do anything it was already dust in the wind, yes I'm that much of a training maniac that I was able to use four elements at once but a lot of trial and error that I will not get into, and I'm not about to get into a boxing match with a leviathan just to get my ass stomped then some bullshit plot armor give's me some major power up that I will either relay on all the time or never be able to use it till I'm or my family is in a dire situation where they are either severally hurt and killed, this is not that some cultivation world and I'm about to let some danger to those around live longer then need to just to fill some dump pride or ego.

But that was not the only one to show up for some reason not even a week after the first one showed up another one came to the Island while me and my family was having our beach day to relax from all that training that we did, apparently mom and big sis Sera still train even though they can give old man Oz a run for his money and then some, so as we was getting ready to set up for a day of fun the walking HP Love craft downgrade came out of the water ready to destroy anything in its path if it had the chance to open its mouth, the great thing about being able to use the elements it allows me to walk on anything I was including water.

So while the leviathan was about to roar like all grim do I have a very large water harpoon and launched it into is jaw then I made more turning it into a pin cushion and while the harpoon was inside of it I turned them into ice freezing the leviathan both inside and out and as an added fuck you to the grimm queen for even making this thing I made it into a center piece for Kuo Kuana, yes the grimm is deader then dead, again I'm not going to leave a danger to those around me a live for longer then needed to.

After that both Ghria and Sienna came together and make weapons' to take out the great grimm just in case they needed it which they did at the end of the year as a Sea Feilong showed up and then was riddled with harpoons from the harbor and ships that was on standby, the reason why they fire before letting it to close is because I asked Ghira and Sienna why do they wait for the enemy to get close and have it use some skill or ability that lets it dodge or destroy and attack when they could hurt it and possible almost kill it showed up and got moving to them.

They was going to answer when they really thought about it, they just got up and left after that and now I see what they where doing, and I'm not going to make fun of them for that so I just left it alone.

after remembering all of that and now a realized why they was ramping up my training.

Leo: So when do I start

Jade: You see we are not training you where going to go traveling around anima letting gain more experience fighting and killing something other then grimm.

Leo: So im not going alone

Sera: Hell no I'm not about to let my nephew go out into anima without me to support you when you need it.

Jade: Why would I send my baby boy out alone into the wild alone without us.

Neo: [ And I'll just follow you where ever you go ]

Leo: I was about to ask if you guys could come with me to help with my training so when do we leave.

Jade: We are leaving tomorrow afternoon Ghira said he wanted us to help him and talking to some stuck up noble from Atlas.

Leo: Can I come I wanna see who it is.

Sera: Knowing you if he said or did something that make's you made you'll turn his life on his head just for pissing you off.

Leo: Please I promise not to do anything to him while he's in walking to Ghira's house.

Jade: Ok fine now lets go and get our things ready for our training trip tomorrow.

Another week and work I dont have a life at this point so I'll post when I can around my schedule thank you for reading see you next time

Suzaku22creators' thoughts