
Second Chance in Naruto World

A boy got a second chance to live in Naruto World. https://www.patreon.com/Azavok700?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

Hell_Dragon_Azavok · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 27

After waiting till midnight they saw that many of them who were outside the camp have came back.

Akari then said "Ren, go and capture the guard at the west side and interrogate him to find out if any other person are outside right now or not.

Ren nodded then goes to interrogate him.

Akari then says "Tacoa find out how many of them are here and their strength."

Tacoa nodded then forms seal to concentrate.

Tacoa is a senser. And Ren is expert in interrogating and genjutsu.

Akari has not told anyone about his Mind's Eye of Kagura ability.

Everyone only knows that he can heal fatally injured people by using his blood.

After Akari became a Medic Ninja, his blood is only used in rare cases as he can heal them with his skills.

But the other ninjas still take his blood to go on a mission.

In root, everyone is emotionless and this has also influenced him slightly.

Now he is also numb to all this.

After a few minutes Tacoa said "There are 37 bandits here and the strongest of them is a Genin."

Akari nods his head then waits for Ren.

Ren also returns in a few more minutes.

"Captain, everyone is inside the camp right now and there loot is underground in the camp of their leader."

Akari nods then says "Okay, everyone kill them all and take any valuable items."

After saying this, each of them leaves.

Only Akari uses Shunshin to go away. The others are not able use complicated jutsus like this.

Akari is very proficient in using Shunshin, he doesn't have sharingan to react quickly by seeing in the tunnel vision while using the jutsu.

But because of his bloodline, his senses are very sharp. He can even deduce a person's nature like Karin.

He also uses his Mind's Eye of Kagura while using the Shunshin which makes him more formidable.

After using it, he goes to attack from the front.

All four of them has chosen different directions.

Akari soon came behind a guard and slices his neck.

It's his first time killing a person but he isn't that much affected because he is already used to death, blood and slicing while training as a medic ninja.

After killing him, Akari enters inside.

Inside beside a campfire, three bandits are sitting together and talking.

Akari quickly kills the three bandits sitting by the campfire, and then kills three more bandits in their tents with wires.

After killing them his side is cleared.

He then enters inside their leaders camp.

Inside he sees three naked dead bodies of young girls.

And the leader is sleeping on the bed.

'Control Akari control, Dagai-san is watching us.'

Then without any hesitation he cuts off his head.

He wanted to torture him but couldn't.

'I have to prepare myself mentally, this world more cruel and I have to be cruel to myself if I want to live.'

After killing he enters underground and stores all the treasures and money in a storage scroll.

Then he came outside the camp.

Outside all his teammates are waiting.

He nods to them and says "Burn everything."

After saying this they use fireball jutsu and burn every camp and bodies.

Then then proceed towards the root hideout.