
Second chance: immortal wolf’s revenge

Abused, used and then discarded when she has no purpose, a young girl named Snow due to her silky white fur was integrated into the white snow was left to die a lonely death. Believing this was the end, believing her most looked up parents were actually using her, despite seeing how they always favoured her sister despite not born from the same mother. Snow was too naive, she believed that as long as she provides benefits to the Liu family, she would finally gain the love of her parents but she was thoroughly mistaken. Her cultivation pearl was taken, her appearance was ruined, her life was coming to an end, the snow slowly enveloped her into the coldness, the time she closed her eyes, believing if there was a next life, she would live differently, a second life where she would gain revenge, a life where she would let everyone see that she is powerful and not a commodity that should be played around with. And like a dream, she wakes up in this run down room with the reminent of her past life in the 21st century. And as if the gods has heard her plea, she was brought back to the time she was still a teenager of the age of 10, the time before the death of her brother. However the only difference was that there was an entire different entity that lives inside her as if like a system but in the form of a cultivation god who speaks to her as if they have known each other for all eternity. Pretending to be the same at the outside within the dens of these devilish family but in secret trains with all her might till the supernatural academy enrolment which is in 2 years time where she would show everyone her strength but before that day comes, she needs to train and become stronger and ensure that she doesn't die, keeping herself low-key and out of the business of the Liu family. She was slowly but shortly forgotten in the abandoned Yin house. Follow the journey and see how Snow would gain her revenge and what changes follows with a second chance of life. This is the first time I’m writing something to do with Chinese cultivation so if there is anything wrong, please comment, it would be a great help. Thank you (Note: any poison or treatment method are all made up and through imagination so if you never heard of it then just note it's not real).

Zhen0214 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

30 - face my wrath

3rd person PoV

'We're not going anywhere.' XiaoXian argued but there wasn't that much time, the dark aura surrounding the monster was getting stronger and stronger. 'Just stand back everyone.' A hush of strong wind blew towards the group causing them to take a step back covering their face.

However this was the opportunity ZhenZhu needed to make her move, she ran towards the creature with her Azure Sword technique and slashed it down, and as expected the monster collapsed, ZhenZhu turned around with a smile on her face, back facing the creature and walking back to her group, believing that the creature was no longer a harm, her group greeted her with a smile however this smile soon turned into terror, 'watch out!' All three screamed running towards ZhenZhu and that was when ZhenZhu felt the ominous feeling once again, however it was too late, as she turned around, the second she was meant to be slashed by the monsters trunk, Hua Lan has already made it in front and blocked the attack that was meant to land on ZhenZhu.

The attack hit Hua Lan and due to the strong impact, she started coughing up blood and landed at a faraway tree, her eyes was closing and from her slow breathing, ZhenZhu could tell that her injury was deep, however the monster wasn't done, it one again with his murderous looks, raised his trunk and slashed down once again for a second blow, just as ZhenZhu was about to duck the attack, she slipped on a rock that was somehow placed just behind her, believing this might be the end, XiaoXian used her powers to form a barrier to protect ZhenZhu which was just enough for her to stand up and regain her composure, as the barrier was cracking up, ZhenZhu escaped from the dangerous situation just in time however the sudden enforcement of the barrier has taken too much toll from XiaoXian, she started to lose energy.

'Brother take XiaoXian and Hua Lan to a safer place, Quick!' ZhenZhu said unhappy with what the monster did.


'There is no but, if you don't do this now, it'll be to late.' ZhenZhu repeated and with that Tian Long had no other decision than to abide to her sister's word and picked up both the girls making his way out of the danger zone.

As they left, ZhenZhu looked back at the monster in front of him with the dark aura surrounding his body getting larger and larger, a densely strong darkness was itching its way towards ZhenZhu, 'now then, since you were so daring to harm my people, then you should be ready to face my wrath.' ZhenZhu said aggressively with her hands clenching into the sword once again, using her full strength, she slashed the monster from head to toe with several cuts until it was broken down to little pieces, however it kept on transforming back, 'something is weird about this creature.' Flame said looking at the monster that started recuperating itself.

'It seems the monster is controlled by something, it's a puppet, we must find the culprit behind this.' Lily said

'However the culprit must be from the outside, this is an array we're in so that is not an option.' ZhenZhu said thinking hard about what other way can they defeat this monster.

'I guess we just have to burn it to ash so that nothing is left.' She said not wanting to overthink since it was such a bother, she got another sword, one in each and once again started to beat the crap out of the monster and this time by the end when it was chopped into pieces, she burned them with the help of Feng Huang who has the element of fire.

'This should do it!' ZhenZhu said smirking at the corpse that was burning away even the snow beneath it was melted away.

The dark aura surrounding the creature screamed in agony but soon disappeared along with the weather turning back to its normal condition, the blizzard that was there has now calmed, the snow stopped falling and the sun shined through the eerie clouds dissipating the sky.

ZhenZhu looked at the burning corpse that now was left with nothing but ash that slowly blew into the air and gone with the wind, she looked up and smiled, 'that's what you get for harming my people.'

On the ground where the creature was burned, something bright caught her eyes, approaching it, she held it and lifted to her eyes of sight and saw that it was the cultivation stone, she then put it in her pocket and quickly made her way to her group, tracking their location through the bracelet, she made her way a few miles out where there was a cave, 'how are they?' ZhenZhu asked.

Tian long shook his head, 'XiaoXian is somehow very weak from the amount of energy she used to set up that barrier and Hua Lan is started to get a really high temperature, her wounds are also deep.'

ZhenZhu quickly made her way in front of the two girls, 'give this to XiaoXian.' As she handed a recuperation elixir to her brother.

She then touched Hua lan's head and felt her temperature was rising at an exponential rate, she then looked at her wounds which was surrounded by a dark aura that the monster had, 'What is this?' ZhenZhu questioned.

Rose popped out of the internal space and took a closer look, her expression showed that it wasn't good, 'she is being controlled by the host however her mental strength is strong so her body is fully taken over yet however...' rose said highly concerned, 'what!' ZhenZhu asked worriedly, 'if we don't do anything soon to force the dark energy out, she...she'll die.'

With that last word, ZhenZhu was angry, she was beyond mad to whoever did this, 'they are going to pay!' As she clenched her fists and her eyes were full flames, calming her composure, she closed her eyes.

As she reopened them, she once again inspected Hua LAN's body for other injuries and as soon as she was certain that was the only place with the dark aura she prepared herself, 'brother, look after XiaoXian, I need to take Hua Lan deeper into the cave for treatment, make sure no one disturbs.' ZhenZhu said picking up Hua Lan with magic and moved herself and Hua Lan deeper into the cave, she then put an array up so nothing can come in or out. This helps to allow ZhenZhu to keep concentrated but also to know that when the dark aura is forced out of Hua LAN's body, it'll have nowhere to escape.

'Now we should begin.' Rose said as she told ZhenZhu the step by step method to force the dark energy out of Hua Lan's body.

~1 hour later~

'Just a little more' ZhenZhu said with her energy slowly depleting, whilst the dark aura was becoming more and more agitated, it was on the verge of escaping the body but the person behind such dark magic was powerful.

'Just another push.' Flame said cheering from the side lines and with that, ZhenZhu focused and forced her pure Qi energy into Hua lan's body in a large wave causing the dark Qi to run out of her body due to the unbearable agony it was suffering from the opposing Qi energy.

'Hah... there is no where to escape.' ZhenZhu said whilst Xiao Juan, Xiao hei and Xiao Lan was surrounding the dark qi energy.

However just as ZhneZhu was about to catch it, the dark energy slowly faded and disappeared, ZhenZhu clenched her teeth, 'whoever you are, you'll pay for what you did to my family!' She said angrily.

'Old man.' ZhenZhu called out, 'yes master.' As the old man appeared in front of him in his physical hawk appearance, 'can you give Hua Lan a recuperation elicit for me.' She said whilst the old man nodded and quickly made his way to Hua Lan who was laying down on the stone ground.

ZhenZhu's head started to feel dizzy and just before she collapsed, the last thing she saw before consumed by the darkness was Hua Lan sitting up, despite not knowing what she said but with her worried look and how she is running towards ZhenZhu, ZhenZhu knew she was worried however she doesn't want her family to feel this way, 'I'll be fine.' And with that all energy faded away from ZhenZhu as she fell unconscious.

The array that was put around the inner cave was gone, Hua Lan picked up ZhenZhu and made her way out, 'what happened?' Both Tian Long and XiaoXian asked, 'sh...she collapsed.' Tears flooding down Hua lan's face.

'What are we going to do?'