
Second chance: immortal wolf’s revenge

Abused, used and then discarded when she has no purpose, a young girl named Snow due to her silky white fur was integrated into the white snow was left to die a lonely death. Believing this was the end, believing her most looked up parents were actually using her, despite seeing how they always favoured her sister despite not born from the same mother. Snow was too naive, she believed that as long as she provides benefits to the Liu family, she would finally gain the love of her parents but she was thoroughly mistaken. Her cultivation pearl was taken, her appearance was ruined, her life was coming to an end, the snow slowly enveloped her into the coldness, the time she closed her eyes, believing if there was a next life, she would live differently, a second life where she would gain revenge, a life where she would let everyone see that she is powerful and not a commodity that should be played around with. And like a dream, she wakes up in this run down room with the reminent of her past life in the 21st century. And as if the gods has heard her plea, she was brought back to the time she was still a teenager of the age of 10, the time before the death of her brother. However the only difference was that there was an entire different entity that lives inside her as if like a system but in the form of a cultivation god who speaks to her as if they have known each other for all eternity. Pretending to be the same at the outside within the dens of these devilish family but in secret trains with all her might till the supernatural academy enrolment which is in 2 years time where she would show everyone her strength but before that day comes, she needs to train and become stronger and ensure that she doesn't die, keeping herself low-key and out of the business of the Liu family. She was slowly but shortly forgotten in the abandoned Yin house. Follow the journey and see how Snow would gain her revenge and what changes follows with a second chance of life. This is the first time I’m writing something to do with Chinese cultivation so if there is anything wrong, please comment, it would be a great help. Thank you (Note: any poison or treatment method are all made up and through imagination so if you never heard of it then just note it's not real).

Zhen0214 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


'Second young miss, lady Liu is speaking to elder miss, please wait.'

'Get out of my way!' She said stretching her whip out and hitting the floor to show her seriousness, and if anyone dares to come closer, well she wouldn't show mercy.

Kicking the door open, Liu Xiao Hua And Liu QiuXia we're sitting on their seats happily drinking their tea, maybe happy that they got Liu ZhenZhu out or the fact that the household is under their control.

Whichever, they would have a thorough beating and face the wrath of the so called trash that lived in the Liu family for the past 10 years and so.

'What do you think your doing bathing into my room?' Liu Xiao Hua asked aggressively but shivers under Liu ZhenZhu's murderous gaze.

'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER AND XIAOXIAN?' Liu ZhenZhu said in a demanding tone, 'hey... you what tone are you using to speak to my moth...' but before Liu QiuXia could finish her sentence, she froze, the power in Liu ZhenZhu's eyes that she never saw before was deadly and it stopped her in her tracks, unable to mutter a word but for someone like the elder miss who hates to be looked down upon or be embarrassed, she made a rash mistake to add more fire into Liu ZhenZhu's emotion.

'Hah... what are you going to do about? Your little maid servant is currently in the dungeon being fed to men. I got to say like master like servant. A useless bunch of nuisance, why do you even exist in this wor...' smack the sound of someone's face that took a heavy blow, 'oh sorry, I think I heard a fly buzzing around here. My bad.' An evil smile crept onto Liu ZhenZhu's features, 'how dare y...' the whip went and hit the eldest daughter, causing her to fly out into the front yard, 'what did you say?' Liu ZhenZhu asked agonising the young miss who is currently on the floor looking pitiful but it didn't last long.

Suddenly a rush of qi surrounded the eldest daughter of the Liu family, flames engulfing her features, despite her being a few years older than Liu ZhenZhu, her cultivation level is still at 6th layer 2nd stage which is enough for Liu ZhenZhu to handle.

'You would pay for what you have did!' Liu QiuXia then dashed towards Liu ZhenZhu with her fist full of fire balls, ready to hit and cause a heavy blow on Liu ZhenZhu but each attempt was a failure.

'Urgh...' the annoyed Liu QiuXia couldn't take it anymore and formed several fire balls within the air, and called upon the asteroid flame attack, all shooting down at the front yard of the inner building, with the intent to kill Liu ZhenZhu in the process, 'hah... you evil bitch. I hope you rot in hell.' The eldest daughter said, 'why would I?' A voice from behind spoke, quickly spinning around and jumping a few steps back, there it was behind the smoke, the unharmed second miss reveals herself without a scratch.

'How...' Liu QiuXia asked clenching her teeth unhappy with the results of her most powerful technique.

'You know what, for the so called genius of the dynasty' as Liu Zhen Zhu touches the tip of her whip and glancing at everyone forming a devilish smile, 'you are nothing but a scum.'

'You...' , 'you know what, I am getting tired of this useless play your putting up.' Liu ZhenZu said yawning, 'let's get this over with, shall we?' Liu ZhenZhu asked with menace within her tone and within a flash, made her way in front of Liu WiuXia without her realising or time to react and swipe the whip went, inflicting a large wound at the back of Liu QiuXia and another , 'this is for poisoning my brother' and another, 'this is fir paying for what you did to XiaoXian' and the finally blow that caused the young lady to fall subconscious, 'and this is for your mistreatment to me and my people, and if t wasn't for my mercy, I would've fed you to the disgusting men like you did with XIAOXIAN and made your life as miserable as hell that you rather be dead than alive.' Liu ZhenZhu spat into Liu QiuXia's wars before she fell into a deep unconsciousness.

'You, hoe dare you do that to your sister?' Liu Xiao Hua said, 'oh, I forgot there is another pest in the building that I have to deal with.' Liu ZhenZhu glazed up slowly making her way towards her so called step-mother.

'You...you insolent child.... is that hoe you treat someone who you are indebted to?'

Liu Zhen Zhu scoffed at her remarks, 'indebted to? You mean, giving me slow poison, poisoning my brother, mistreating me, abusing me and my people, putting Xiao Xian in dungeon and ruinin her life? Then yes, I am indebted to all your cruel deeds and now I shall repay you.' Liu Zhen Zhu said menacingly with every step she took, a heavy atmosphere reached the inner yard attracting the heads of Liu family over.

'Niece, what do you think your doing to your mother?' Uncle Liu asked walking in with a high and mighty manner who saw was about to see Liu Xiao Hua suffer but he cane in at the wrong time, even though she wasn't injured, she made her way towards uncle Liu and hugged onto his arms, 'she...she was about to harm me, look, QiuXia has been heavily wounded.'

'What have you done?' Uncle Liu asked with a stern look, which just made Liu ZhenZhu smirk, 'What do you mean, can't you tell?' As Liu ZhenZhu pointe at her surroundings as if presenting a show, 'I mean why?'

She scoffed, 'why?' She laughed , 'uncle Liu, you should know how these mother and daughter couple treat me and you all just stayed on the sidelines and watched the show unfolding but as soon as they were in trouble you stand up.' Liu ZhenZhu said calmly whilst stroking her whip uninterested with what uncle Liu would say to defend himself, 'if I'm not mistaken, you may have been ina relationship with my so called step-mother.' She said smiling.

'You insolant child, how can you make such rash accusations.' Uncle Liu said fuming.

Liu ZhenZhu sat down on the stone seats in the middle of the yard, 'oh really, well seeing how intimate you guys are to have skin to skin contact, everyone would believe what I said here is true and not just any accusations.' And with that the maids and servants in the yard started mumbling, Liu Xiao Hua quickly let go of her hands that was wrapped around Uncle Liu's arm, 'oh, why so nervous step-mother, was I right?' Laughing internally, whilst lady Liu just cursed.

Takin the tea pot and pouring a drink out and slowly taking a sip, Liu ZhenZhu took her leisurely time to enjoy her time to wreck havoc in the Liu family.

'What do you want?' Uncle Liu asked clenching his fist, Liu ZhenZhu put her tea down ' I want her to pay for what she did.'

With that, uncle Liu just gave up and handed Liu Xiao Hua over to her, maybe the fact he was guilty to being in a relationship with his sister-in-law, the fact that he the master of the Liu family's wife was actually having an affair cannot be spread and with his acts of constant denial, it made Liu ZhenZhu's hunch correct.

Liu Xiao Hua begged and begged but no one helped but see her getting whipped like the eldest miss.

Whispers around the inner yard started to spread within the household about the second young miss who was the trash of the whole dynasty suddenly became soo strong and powerful that she beat up the eldest daughter and her mother who are known as geniuses.

After Liu ZhenZhu finished with her beating, the blooded bodies on the floor was soon taken back to their rooms, whilst the eldest daughters cultivation was sucked by Liu ZhenZhu and now Liu QiuXia is no longer the genius since her meridians have been made a mess by the second young miss, her Qi was low and her power has decreased to that of a 2nd layer 1st stage.

With all that Qi that was taken by Liu ZhenZhu, it didn't even help her move up to the next stage, and this demonstrates the difference between the 2 young missed powers of the Liu family. No one would now utter a word that the second young miss is a useless trash or to be looked down on.

'Take me to see XIAOXIAN.' And with that one of the maid who looks after the inner yard took her down to the underground dungeon where it reeks of rotting hell.

Cells after cells until reaching the last where a girl was whipped and both her hands and legs were hanged onto a rack. Her unconscious blooded figure was a horrid sight to see, 'open the door immediately.' And with that Liu ZhenZhu made her way inside, touching the cheeks of the frail and pale figure of Xiao Xian,  a drop of tear slowly dripped down Liu ZhenZhu's cheek, 'quickly unlock her' Liu Zhen Zhu demanded and with that the cuffs around Xiao Xian were all gone, as she was about to collapse to the ground, Liu ZhenZhu quickly caught her and looked at her wounds, checking her pulse and she sighed, 'few... she wasn't vile by any man or else the whole lot of them would be dead.'

XiaoXian's purity was still there, so what QiuXia said was all a lie however her injuries were all severe and her meridians are all broken and scattered, she is also malnourished.

Hugging onto Xiao Xian tightly, 'I'm sorry, I should...should've come back sooner.' Tears started flooding ZhenZhu's exterior, the cold and demonic figure she showed at the inner yard to the crumpled and saddened expression she now presents to her maid.

This young girl, despite being heartless to her enemies, she is kindhearted to the innocent and those who mean good to her, Xiao Xian's hands slowly moved towards Liu ZhenZhu, cupping her face, 'is....is that you second miss.' Xiao Xian said croakily with her damaged voice.

Happy tears flooded Xiao Xian's eyes but soon all her energy faded.

Her body suddenly became cold, 'no...no...NO!'