
Second Chance For Cannon Fodder's! ~You Got The Wrong Script!~

Shu Yin was a "simple" boy who is overly mischievous despite his young age and that was why he died..... He died by drowning when he fell into the ocean when he was secretly peeking at some hot dude's eight-pack abs.... Now tied to a cheeky System, Shu Yin tries to complete missions to have a chance to peek er... I mean live again but not all is as easy as pie when someone in the story got the wrong script... ????: Wife, why are you avoiding me? Shu Yin: Whose your wife?! Go to the fucking FL hot dude, she is your wife! ????: Wife, don't be like that we even have a marriage certificate. I'm not lying to you. *pulls out proof* Shu Yin: Fuck! Why are we married?! ?????: Why, don't you remember? We registered our marriage when you were drunk and pulled me to the registrar's office to marry you. *smirks* Shu Yin: What?! Isn't that the FL's scene? ?????: Now wife, why don't we consummate our marriage? *push Shu Yin down the bed* Shu Yin: I think you got the wrong script! *flips ML down the bed* But even so, who says I'm the bottom? *licks lips*

Harmonieca · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Arc 1.8 Xin Ye

Arc 1.8 Xin Ye

"Ah Ye, why are you avoiding me?"

Zhao Liang who had enough of Xin Ye avoiding him cornered him in his room.

Xin Ye who just got out of the bathroom was surprised to see Zhao Liang inside his bedroom. He was even more surprised when the older man suddenly cornered him.

He was speechless as to what he should say to this man who seemed to have magically fallen in love with him!

Correct, the man looked like he was obsessed with him and borderline possessive.

Zhao Liang's eyes were red, maybe because of anger, he was heaving so deeply that he could smell Xin Ye's shampoo that smelled of vanilla.

Looking at Xin Ye once again, Zhao Liang's breath hitched, his breath was stuck in his throat.

He could feel his throat become dry as he looks at Xin Ye who was dripping wet, face flushed after a warm shower.

'He looks so sexy.' Zhao Liang thought as he gulped.

Xin Ye suddenly shivered as he saw that look in his eyes, the look of hunger and lust.

"A'Li..." Xin Ye said almost stuttering.

Xin Ye felt goosebumps as Zhao Liang who was cornering him had his head suddenly in the crook of his neck, he seems to be smelling him.

"En. A'Ye."

Xin Ye almost pushed him away when his breath softly tickled his neck, he could feel his heart beating so fast. Like it was about to burst out of his chest.

"I-I got to go to school..." Xin Ye lamely reasoned out.

"Today is Saturday." Zhao Liang pointed out matter of factly.

Xin Ye was stumped because his lie was seen through.

"I... We have some activities to do in school, yeah, we got so many things to do. The School festival is coming up soon!"

Xin Ye lied through his teeth not even blinking with his lie. This time he won't be found out, right?

"You don't have any school activity today and the school festival is still a month away. Xin Ye, why are you lying to me?"

Zhao Liang frowned looking Xin Ye in the eye, his eyes dangerously creased together.

Xin Ye turned dumb, he never thought that Zhao Liang even knew his schedule.

He even knew the exact month the school is going to have a school festival, even he does not know of it!

'This Zhao Liang is one hell of a stalker! Had he already crossed the ocean of manliness and sailed the river of gayness!'

Xin Ye could only cry with no tears as he unconsciously clenches his chrysanthemum.

"Do you hate being with me that much? So, you hate seeing me? Do you hate me? Do you not like me?!"

Each sentence spoken by Zhao Liang was like a dagger piercing Xin Ye's very being. The words coming out of his mouth were getting dangerous by the minute as he stared at Xin Ye.

Never had Zhao Liang had his heart broken ever, he broke people's hearts.

He had never fallen in love before and this is the first time he fell in love, he won't let his heart be broken for the first time.


Looking at the desperate man, Xin Ye does not know what to say, looking at Zhao Liang made his heart clench.

The man in front of him is the most perfect man he had ever met, he is rich, kind (to him), loving (to him), spoils him rotten, do anything and everything he wants and most of all loves him with all sincerity and heart.

But, he could never ever reciprocate his feelings to him because.....

"Ah Li, I do not hate you."

Zhao Liang's face brightened up when he heard Xin Ye's words but it darkens again when he heard his next word.

"But, I also do not love you. I know you like me that is why I am avoiding you."

The word "surprise" was written all over Zhao Liang's face as he looks at Xin Ye, he thought that he was hiding his feelings well.

Damn, what hiding his feelings?

Anyone who looks at him would see the love in his eyes as he looks at Xin Ye! Only blind people will not be able to notice how his cold eyes melt the very moment he saw him!

"It's obvious you know."

Xin Ye chuckled seeing how Zhao Liang's face keeps on changing.

"Zhao Liang, it's not that hard to notice. You know, you're just too nice to me, your also kind to me, you also put me first in your priorities."

Remembering those times with him, Xin Ye could not help but also smile at those happy memories.

If he could just fall in love, then he will definitely love him, love Zhao Liang.

But there are some things that are not meant to be, they were never meant to be with each other.

"That is what I like about you but we can't be together." Xin Ye said.

He was direct and straightforward to the point that he did not even consider giving Zhao Liang a chance.

Xin Ye said all that should be said, he does not want to give Zhao Liang false hope.

But, why does his heart feel painful when he saw Zhao Liang shed a tear of sadness?

"Why, why can't we be together? Is it because I'm a man and not a woman?" Zhao Liang loudly exclaimed.

"That's not it." Xin Ye said without any expression.

"Then, is it because you have someone else you love? Do you have someone in your heart? Is that it?!"

Xin Ye shook his head again.

"Then why?! Why can't you love me?"

Zhao Liang was already crying his heart out as he held Xin Ye tightly in his arms, he was afraid, very afraid that if he were to let go Xin Ye might just... disappear.

This is the very first time Zhao Liang had lost control of his emotions, the first time he cried his heart out towards a person just to reach into that bottomless almost abysmal cold heart of theirs.

He wanted to reach the bottom of Xin Ye's heart, he wanted to convey his deep feelings but before he was given a chance, he was directly rejected with not even a chance to try.

He could not help but ask...why?


Xin Ye could only helplessly look at Zhao Liang who was holding onto him like he was his life, he was holding onto him like he will die if he let go.

"Just let it go."

With Xin Ye's words, Zhao Liang seemed to have snapped and shouted loudly at him.

"How could I just let go?! How could I let go of the person that made me feel alive in this lonely world?! The person that gave me light in my darkness..."

Zhao Liang's voice slowly quieted down, he looks at Xin Ye's indifferent face solemnly.

"A'Li, you can find someone better than me in the future. Your love, it's just fleeting. You can say that you love me now because you still did not find another person that is better than me, someone that can bring you more joy than me. A'Li, it's just temporary."

Hearing what Xin Ye said made Zhao Liang dumbfounded.

"No, it's not. You can't just say that this love I have for you is just temporary and will just fade away. A'Ye, you are the first person that made me feel like this. The first person that made me feel love in my heart, I thought that I could never love but you... you thawed my frozen heart."

Zhao Liang put his forehead in Xin Ye's forehead as he looks him in the eye.

His eyes were like the endless abyss that could drown one deeper and never be able to come out, his eyes were like the endless stars in the night sky.

His eyes were just too mesmerizing and too deep, Xin Ye felt like he could not get out of those deep eyes.

Averting his eyes away, Xin Ye said the cruelest words he could say.

Severing the budding love in the cradle would do him good, he would hurt less in the future.

"I will never love you. Not now, not ever."


"What are you doi-- hmp!"

Zhao Liang crashed his lips with Xin Ye's, he kissed him fiercely.

He tasted the lips that he had long wanted to kiss.

He nipped and bit on his lips as the fierce kiss turned softer and gentler until it was only a peck.

Xin Ye's face was flushed red as he gasped for oxygen, he never expected that Zhao Liang would forcefully kiss him.

Well, to be honest, he had some kind of inkling to it.

With Zhao Liang's personality, he sure will do whatever he wanted.

Xin Ye glared at Zhao Liang who just chuckled at him, in his eyes Xin Ye's ferocious glare just look like that of a kitten.

Instead of being scared, he found it cute instead.

'Damn this weak body! If I was only stronger than him then I would be the one on top-- I mean I would have kicked his ass!'

"Ah Ye, you can never say those words to me again. I won't let you say them and I won't allow it."

Zhao Liang gently caressed Xin Ye's face as he warmly smiled at him.

"Ah Ye, I promise, I will definitely make you fall in love with me."

"You wish!"