
Chapter 91

Lloyd POV

I found myself sitting in a chair that I used to reside in at my hideout. What was I doing here? I looked at my desk and frowned deeply. I must be dreaming. I must have fallen asleep when we arrived at the docks, and the Bloodhounds arrived to handle the situation. The familiar clutter of paperwork on my desk and the worn, graffiti-covered walls brought back memories of my earlier, more naive days. Back then, I was determined to become the greatest villain to ever exist in human history. Now, here I was, playing around with kids and seeking revenge. I clutched my chest and covered my eyes. I felt pathetic.

Suddenly, the old radio in the corner crackled to life, jolting me from my self-pity. I stared at it in surprise. I used to use that radio often to listen to music while working on improving the group. Those days felt like a lifetime ago, and I had since lost that habit. But something about the radio's sudden activity compelled me to listen. It was tuned to the NGTV News station, a channel I usually ignored.

"Hello, it's me, Gayle Gossip, and right now I'm at the memorial for the Magnetic Master, Polaris's sister, who has recently passed away," she explained. "Many know Polaris due to his tragic story of losing his parents and now his older sister."

I froze on the spot. I didn't recall hearing this in my past life. My heart raced as I drew myself closer to the radio, hoping it would solve the answer I so desperately wanted to remember.

"People from all over Ninjago are paying their respects," Gayle Gossip continued. "Polaris has been seen here, standing quietly by his sister's memorial, surrounded by friends and fellow heroes who came to pay their respects. His resilience in the face of such loss is a testament to his strength."

The sounds of footsteps echoed through the broadcast, followed by the muffled shuffling of the microphone being passed to someone else.

"Hello, people of Ninjago," came a familiar voice, though it sounded dull and lifeless. "I want to say that I am officially retired," Elijah said, each word dripping with resignation. "I don't want to be a hero anymore."

I just sat there expressionless. That's it? He stopped being a hero due to Eliana passing away. I expected something more interesting or exciting, not this. I placed my head on the desk and groaned loudly. I was glad to finally know what happened to Eljah, but this could have been easily avoided.

Suddenly, the door to my office opened up. Pluto, Stitchface, Jacob, and Eugene entered the room. They looked surprised to see me listening to the radio.

"I didn't know that you were interested in the news," Pluto commented with a smirk as he threw himself into a lofted chair.

I stared at the sight before me, thinking I'd never see them like this again. I stood up before touching the top of Pluto's head, causing him to look at me in confusion.

"Leader, are you okay?" Pluto asked.

It felt real, I wanted to say. I felt a sudden rush of emotions that I hadn't felt in a long time. Tears began to fill my eyes as I turned around, not wanting to face them. "I'm so sorry that I failed you guys."

The room fell silent. My voice cracked under the weight of my regret, a regret that had been festering within me for what seemed like an eternity. The images of all the battles, the sacrifices, and the moments of camaraderie and betrayal, flooded my mind. I had been so consumed by my quest for vengeance that I had forgotten the bonds we had shared, the dreams we had once fought for together.

Pluto, taken aback, got up from his chair and approached me cautiously. "What are you talking about, Leader? You haven't failed us."

Jacob, always the quiet observer, stepped forward, his eyes full of concern. "We, 've been through a lot, but we're still here because of you."

Stitchface and Eugene nodded in agreement, their expressions mirroring the sentiments of the others. Eugene added, "If anything, you've been our anchor. We wouldn't have made it this far without your leadership."

I wiped my tears, feeling a strange mixture of relief and guilt. "I've been so caught up in my vendettas, that I lost sight of what mattered. Seeing Elijah give up on being a hero because of Eliana's death… it made me realize how much I've lost and how much I've put you all through."

Pluto, ever the optimist, clapped a hand on my shoulder. "We've all made sacrifices, but we're in this together. We've always been."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their words. "Thank you. I needed to hear that. I've been so focused on revenge and power, that I forgot why I even agreed to go back in time."

Pluto grinned, the mischievous spark back in his eyes. "So, what's the plan now, Leader? Are we going to keep dwelling on the past, or are we going to move forward and show the world what we're made of?"

I looked at each of them, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "We're moving forward. It's time to stop letting the past control us and start shaping our future. We'll rebuild, stronger, and smarter. And we'll do it together."

A cheer went up among them, the camaraderie we shared more evident than ever. I felt a newfound determination settle within me. Elijah's story might have ended in tragedy, but ours didn't have to. We had the power to change our fate, and with my team by my side, I knew we could accomplish anything.

As I stared at my dream team, the room turned into a black void. It looked like I was going to wake up soon. When I did, I was determined to strengthen my group until not a single person could touch a hair on our heads, especially Noah and his friends.

I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I wasn't at the dock in a moving car. I touched my face and felt the remnants of tears. It looked like I had been crying in my sleep. I wiped my face and muttered my frustration. It was very rare for me to cry, but this was an exception. I looked out the window and saw we were driving through Ninjago City.

"I never thought I would get to see you cry," an amused voice called out.

I looked up to find Mister Glasses sitting right next to me. I didn't know why I didn't notice him earlier. He handed me a handkerchief, smiling like he was enjoying the sight, which only made me more pissed off.

"I thought I wouldn't have to see your smug face for a while," I retorted as I snatched the handkerchief. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"To pick up my favorite student," he answered cheerfully. "And to inform you that your father is dead."

I looked at him expressionless. Is my dad dead? That was the last thing I was expecting. Did he get killed off by Master Chen or Clouse? I stopped myself from wondering, since when did I care when people die? I killed a handful of people in the past, so why am I wondering about this one? I should be glad that he was out of the picture. He was fogging up my vision and making me emotional. But it felt strange because I always looked up to him in my past life and now he is gone.

"May I know how it happened?" I asked. "How did my father die?"

"It's nothing too complex," Mister Glasses explained. "Your father was banished to the Cursed Realm to defeat Master Chen's army."

I looked out the window at the island, which now looked completely normal, nothing out of the ordinary. I'm not surprised that it turned out like this. Maybe I could kill an Anacondrai, but those guys? I don't think so. I looked away from the window. My father sacrificing himself seems to be the only worthy thing he has done in his lifetime. Making himself look like a hero in the eyes of everyone except me. It was obvious that he was trying to redeem himself.

"That is sad, rest in peace," I muttered as I felt Eclipse settle on my lap. "I guess it's time for me to go back to school and prepare myself for the final exam for trimester three. Can you give me a hint on what it's about so I can at least pass?"

"Why should I? You are so strong that you can go through anything, unlike those poor students who are struggling to use their abilities," Mister Glasses purred. "Besides, it is not fair that you are from the future."

My heart dropped as my gaze turned to Mister Glasses, who was looking at me with such a serious face. I had never seen him like that before, and for once, I felt scared. What did he just say? How did he know that I am from the future?