
Second Chance CEO: Nomore In Love

When fate gives you a second chance, will you continue to chase love even you know you would fail? Seb, Sebastian Vanderbilt chose otherwise. As kin to the wealthy and ancient family Vanderbilt, he is reborn after a tragic accident, returning to a world he once knew but with a renewed perspective. His mind, once fixated on his unrequited love for Charlotte Winston, has undergone a transformation. With a keen eye for opportunity and a heart now open to change, Sebastian embarks on a journey to redefine his legacy. He must balance the delicate dance of personal relationships with the ruthless pursuit of professional success. Along the way, he encounters Jessica, Victoria and other fresh connections in the entertainment industry, while Charlotte is trying to save the relationship secretly in her own way.

PattyLipsy · Urban
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59 Chs

New School Season

"Seb?" Jessica chuckles, a hint of something more in her smile, as if she is trying to confirm something. The atmosphere in the office seems to grow tense. But soon enough, she clutches her stomach and pitifully asks, "I'm starving. What should we eat?"


"Secretary Chelsea!" Sebastian calls out.


Victoria feels a bit relieved when Jessica looks away but also a tad disappointed. She has a fleeting urge to spill everything, but the conflict between her thoughts and reality holds her back.


It is her choice, after all, right? The complexity in her beautiful eyes slowly fades, replaced by a clear, bright, and resolute gaze. Unbeknownst to her, Sebastian is deeply engrossed in his own worries about the upcoming school semester.


Studies, work, and countless ideas demand his attention, and he feels pressed for time. He considers taking a year or two off but quickly dismisses the thought. Besides becoming the family's laughing stock, he doubts he could return and successfully graduate afterward. The law degree from New York University is crucial to him—something he can't afford to give up.


The sunset bathes the sky in a reddish glow. On the way back, Secretary Chelsea is driving. Not far from the dorm, Victoria suggests they get out and walk. "The air seems fresh. It's been a while since I've felt the wind."


As they walk down the nostalgic street, Jessica's hair is tousled by the breeze. She playfully raises an eyebrow and teases, "Planning a secret duel with me?"


"I just want to clear some things up," Victoria says, her voice tinged with regret.


"I don't think it's necessary," Jessica interrupts.


"What?" Victoria is taken aback; this isn't how she had envisioned the conversation.


"Have you done something wrong to me?" Jessica asks with a smile.


"No, I don't think so," Victoria shakes her head. Even though she has been involved with Sebastian, she knows he and Jessica aren't in a relationship, so it doesn't count as cheating.


"Then there's nothing to apologize for," Jessica says casually. "If you haven't wronged me, why apologize?"


"But I—" Victoria starts, but Jessica cuts her off.


"Don't be too sensitive about emotional matters. It makes life exhausting," Jessica advises earnestly. "If you have a lot to say, I'm here to listen. But if it's about a man, it would make me very unhappy."


"Remember what I told you?" Jessica suddenly asks.


"What was it?" Victoria looks puzzled, unable to recall.


"If it's mine, it's mine. If it isn't, I don't care to fight for it," Jessica says, her words resonating in the soft evening light. Her long hair shimmers with the hues of the setting sun.


"So instead of dwelling on this, why not think about our group's future?" Jessica drapes an arm over Victoria's shoulder, speaking earnestly.


"Our group?" Victoria blinks, confused. She has been too busy with her contract issues with KG Studio to keep up with the news.


"You haven't seen the news?" Jessica's smile fades, replaced with a sincere look. "Our group seems to be in trouble."


On the way back, Jessica explains the situation to Victoria. Watching Victoria's serious expression, Jessica feels a warm sense of satisfaction. She thinks it's cute how Victoria wanted to apologize just because she had feelings. Jessica doesn't dwell on it much; it seems natural.


Just like she had said, with Sebastian's charismatic personality and habits, he could easily be seen as flirtatious if he were a girl. There is nothing wrong with liking him. If girls didn't like him, that would be a problem. Even Jessica finds herself gradually drawn into this mess.


September, the start of the school year. At the gates of New York University, a silver-gray used car pulls up.


"With all the money you've made, you haven't thought about buying yourself a car?" Patrick Anchor asks, dragging a suitcase behind him.


"What's the rush?" Sebastian replies, taking the suitcase with a grin.


"It makes getting around easier!" Patrick says earnestly. "It fits your status as a boss."


"If it's just about getting around, isn't that what you're for?" Sebastian responds seriously. "Borrowing your car saves me gas money."


Patrick is speechless for a moment, his mouth twitching. "Typical capitalist, counting every penny."


It is all in good fun. Patrick knows how Sebastian really feels. As they walk, Patrick suddenly groans, "Why is the school year starting in September?"


Sebastian looks puzzled. "What?"


"September, it's fall already. The girls are all wearing long pants," Patrick laments. "Do you know how many legs we're missing out on?"


Sebastian can't help but chuckle at the odd looks they are getting. He feels an urge to distance himself from Patrick, the so-called genius.


"Wait here for a sec," Sebastian says, suddenly ducking into a convenience store. He comes back with two oranges, handing them to Patrick, feeling a bit better.


But Patrick isn't paying attention. He is staring at something in the distance.


"You okay?" Sebastian waves a hand in front of Patrick's face. "Not going senile, are you?"


"Quit it," Patrick says, pushing Sebastian's hand away, still staring.


Sebastian follows his gaze. On the lush green lawn, three stunning girls are walking hand in hand, a beautiful sight against the campus backdrop.


"I think the one in the black jacket looks nice," Sebastian comments.


"You're wrong. The one in the pink jacket is the cutest—" Patrick starts to retort, then realizes Sebastian is grinning.


"So our Patrick likes the cute type, huh?" Sebastian teases, as if he has discovered a great secret.


Patrick blushes for a rare moment.