
Second Chance At Life As An Infamous Gamer!

Daisy was dying from the pandemic, however, something happen... And she was... Reborn? What happen to her???

Asharah_2000 · Fantasy
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        Daisy still remember giving the boy who fainted from the heat mouth to mouth resuscitation. She had save his life and she was really happy but of course, she knew the risk of making a close contact with those who had contracted the Corona virus. She know how much her family was mad at her actions and refused to help her, how a lot people thought she was an idiot. But the boy is alive and well, and with his family... And the boy, Jacob, send her little gift like drawings, flowers or candies from time to time. His parent felt guilty for what happen to her and constantly send her clothes, food and even offered money and a job once she was discharge. It felt weird, that a bunch of strangers care for her more than her actual family does. She still remember Jacob's family reactions to her family disowning her right after saving their son's life. How livid and angry they were. How Susan, Jacob's mother had sobbed and whispered underneath her breath how could a parent and siblings ditched their youngest. How Alex, Jacob's father had growl and immediately called the CPS on her family. The fact the she is still 16 years old really help with the fact. 

      But does it really matter now? As Daisy lied weakly on her bed, she tried to find any sense of regrets or fear but she found none. If anything, she felt content and ready, to leave everything behind for once and for all. To be free from her abusive family and their neglectful ways. If only she met Jacob's and his family earlier... She will probably spend a lot of time with them. Hell, Jacob felt like her own little brother! Then as her heart slowed down little by little, her breath shudders with every parts of her lips for air and the doctors and nurses hope dimmed from their eyes, she instantly knows, it is almost her time. The nurses gave her a weak and encouraging smiles, praising her for being brave, for being kind to others as they made sure she was comfortable. One of the doctor, Eric, the oldest doctor who are a proud father of 2 beautiful daughters had sneaked her some KFC... Like it was her meal and smiles with tears brimmed in his eyes. She heard a doctor informed her family about her conditions and yet she guarantee they don't give a damn. "She just being overdramatic!" Was their favorite catchphrase. So, very weakly, she reached to her phones, catching one of the nurses attention, Bella, if she is not mistaken. "I...Can I call Jacob one last time?" A hitched breath escape the young nurse as she nodded, tears running down her cheeks as she handed the teen her phone. 

                Daisy immediately dialed Susan. When she almost instantly picked up her phone, she can't stopped the relief smiles spreading on her lips. "Daisy? What's wrong? Do you need something? Are you hurting?" She heard hushed whispers and can tell that Jacob and Alex is with her. "Susan... I'm not doing so well, right now..." She croaks out and hear a gasp from the older woman. "I...I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight...C-Can you passed this to Jacob?" She heard a ruffling noise, along with sobbing and whispers before Jacob's voice filled her ears. "IZY!" He shouted excitedly. She can't stopped the smiles spreading on her lips. The boy that she saved, and had gave her a family, even if temporarily, her little Hope. "Hey, Jacob... How are you doing?" "I'm doing great! You sounds awful! Did they feed you these icky hospital food again?" She chuckles at that. "No, no... One of the doctor sneaked in some KFC for me..." "Oh, that's nice! We really should get eat some together once you are out!" Daisy smiles before turning around to cough. "Izy?" "I'm here, Jacob. I'm right here." "...You are doing fine, right?" His voice sound so much smaller all of sudden. Her ears start ringing and she takes another shaky breath. "Jacob, I need you to promise something, alright?" "Okay?" She smiles and continues. "Promise me you be a nice and honest person once you grow up. Listen to your mom and dad... And I want you to know this...No matter other people said...You and your family are the best thing in my life, second to none... And I really, really love you all... And I wished you all sooner." She whispers, hearing her heart monitor going haywires as shouts was exchanged. "Izy?" "I-I love you...So, so, so much... And I would've saved you again in a heartbeat." '




"Izy?" Jacob's whisper, his own tears run down his cheeks. Shouts and screams could be heard through the phone as Alex and Susan sobbed, holding their son close. A couple of months ago, they son had gotten the virus from school and passed out from the lacks of oxygen. An angel had saved their son, despite knowing the danger of the pandemic. Both adult's swab test turns out negative and they couldn't tend to their son themselves...And the Angel took care of him for them and soon, they fall in love with her, so did Jacob. Jacob was soon discharged and they continues to care for the Angel... And when they discover the mistreatment she was receiving from her own family, they were furious and fought for her guardianship rights. If Daisy had hold on for a bit longer...She would've received a phone call stating that both Alex and Susan Murphy had won her custody case...And she would have find out that she finally get the family she truly deserve.