
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

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Iruka-sensei gathered us in the practice field. After giving a little explanation, he told us to make a pair to practice together.

Suddenly, the golden-haired kid came and asked me to pair with him. It seems that everyone avoids him.

Naruto: "Yuuki! Let's pair up!"

Yuuki: "Sure. By the way, what's your name?"

Naruto: "It's Naruto! Don't you dare to forget my name again!"

Yuuki: "*laugh* Sorry. Okay, let's start, Naruto! You can come anytime."

Naruto: "*gigle* I will show my victory to Sakura!"

In the past, I have been training kenjutsu and taijutsu since I was 5 years old. I don't think that I will lose to this young shinobi even if they have cakra.

I was hoping that Naruto could give me a good challenge but unfortunately his attack was like a boar. He just charges without thinking about anything. Maybe everyone here is the same as him, becoming sluggish because they live in a peaceful era.

Inuzuka: "*laugh* Naruto, what are you doing? You couldn't even touch Yuuki!"

Sasuke: "*surprised* Hmm.. This guy looks a little bit strong."

Naruto: "Shut up! I just started!"

Inuzuka: "*laugh* You have been thrown more than 10 times by Yuuki! Just surrender and find another weak pair!"

Naruto: "Hmph! I won't give up! I will show you my real power! *charge*"

Yuuki: "*helpless* Naruto, don't just charge like this. *throwback*"

Naruto: "*bam* Argg! No-Not yet!"

Yuuki: "Stop, and listen to me first!"

I just felt pity for Naruto but after seeing his courage, I changed my mind. I decided to teach Naruto from scratch. No one can build a strong house without a strong foundation. I will help him build his foundation first.

Iruka: "Hmm.. This boy's foundation is very good. It seems that Shiro-senpai already taught him a little about taijutsu. *smile*"

Inuzuka: "Sasuke, did you see that? It looks like Yuuki is good at taijutsu! *surprised*"

Sasuke: "Hmph! Just because he could teach Naruto, it doesn't mean that he is better than me at taijutsu!"

Inuzuka: "Eh! No one said he is better than you! Are you listening to me? *mock smile* Oh! I see.. So he is really better than you in taijutsu!"

Sasuke: "*embarrassed* Shut up! I will show you that I am better than him! *walking* Yuuki! Let's fight!"

Yuuki: "Hmm.. Keisuke? Wait a minu-"

Sasuke: "It's Sasuke! *angry*"

Naruto: "Oi, Sasuke! Why did you steal my pair! You have Inuzuka, right?! *annoying*"

Sasuke: "Shut up!"

Yuuki: "*smile* (It's hard to be liked by kids..) Okay, don't fight! Naruto, I will teach you again later. Sasuke, come here."

Naruto: "*pout* Fine, but don't break your promise, Yuuki! *move away*"

Choji: "Oh, Yuuki is fighting Sasuke! *come closer*"

Sakura: "Sasuke! Go for it!"

Ino: "Hmph! Forehead you are noisy! Yuuki-kun, fight!! Just break Sasuke!"

Sakura: "Ino, you! *angry*"

I was surprised when I saw Sasuke's posture. He is really different from Naruto. Finally, I can find some challenge!

We fought with each other for around 5 minutes. Sasuke is very agile and has good accuracy. His punches were aiming at my vital points.

But unfortunately, he still lacks experience. I still can predict his attack and evade it easily. It was just a kid training, so I decided to finish him with a light grapple. I caught his body, then locked his neck between my armpits.

Ino: "*happy* Yes!! Yuuki-kun is strong! Forehead, look at my Yuuki! *proud smile*"

Sakura: "*grit her teeth* This dumb blond hair!"

Inuzuka: "Oow! Great! Yuuki won!"

Choji: "*laugh* Sasuke doesn't look like a genius anymore!"

Aburame: "Shikamaru, what do you think?"

Shikamaru: "*thinking* Yuuki is strong. He evaded Sasuke's attack easily. If he was serious, Sasuke would be defeated in 3 seconds."

Aburame: "I see.. So, we have the same opinion."

Iruka: "*clap hands* Practice lessons are over! Now, let's go back to the classroom!"

After changing clothes we go back to the class to continue the next lesson. The next lesson is about chakra. Iruka-sensei explains about chakra origin and also about chakra affinity. I don't miss this chance to ask about how to activate chakra.

After class is over, I was planning to eat together with Ino trio but Naruto stop me. He asked me to fulfill my promise to teach him taijutsu. Ino was mad and glaring Naruto like someone kill her family. She is really a scary girl.

Yuuki: "How about buying a bento first and then eating together at the practice field? I will teach you after we eat lunch together."

Naruto: "Really? Okay! Let's go quickly!"

Ino: "*sigh* If Yuuki-kun said so.."

Shikamaru: "(Hmm.. He looks better than my oldman in handling woman..)"

Sasuke: "Wait! Yuuki, I also want you to show me your secret!"

Yuuki: "*sigh* What secret? Just come with us if you want to learn."

Sasuke: "Hmph! I didn't say that I want to learn from you!"

Inuzuka: "*laugh* Tsundere boy!"

At the end, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Inuzuka and Aburame come with us. Now I realize that dealing with kids is really troublesome. It is really fortunate that I didn't have kids in the past.

We bought a bento near the academy and went to the training field together. It is really good to have lunch together with everyone. They made me miss my companions again.

After we finished our meal, I taught Naruto about the basic training and let him practice alone. Sasuke, who became curious, asked me a question.

Sasuke: "Can you show me your secret technique again?"

Yuuki: "Secret technique?"

Sasuke: "The one that you used to subdue me before!"

Yuuki: "Ah, you mean that grapple technique!"

Sasuke: "Grapple technique? So that's your secret technique!"

Yuuki: "*laugh*"

Sasuke: "*annoying* Why do you laugh?!"

Yuuki: "*cough* Sasuke, I never use secret techniques because I don't have secret techniques!"

Sasuke: "Don't lie to me!"

Yuuki: "*sigh* When I fought you before, I found your weakness and executed a grapple technique when I saw a chance. You just thought that I used a secret technique because you didn't expect my move."

Sasuke: "*surprised*"

Yuuki: "In a battlefield there is no 'genius' only a 'winner', the winner takes all, the loser loses everything. This time you thought that you were a 'genius' so you looked down on me and unfortunately you realized that you couldn't win against me after exchanging a move with me. Then you become agitated and I saw a 'chance' to defeat you. Think about it, if I use this grapple technique on you from the start, do you think that I can win?"

Sasuke: "..."

Yuuki: "*smile* Sasuke, can you tell me why everyone called you a 'genius'?"

Sasuke: "It's because I can learn ninjutsu and taijutsu faster than everyone.."

Yuuki: "I see.. So you have an advantage. With your brain, you can think better about how to defeat your opponents before you fight them on the battlefield. Then on the battlefield, you can wait for your opponents to fall in your scheme."

Sasuke: "I see! *happy*"

Yuuki: "But how about if your scheme is not working? In my experience, no one can make his opponent totally fall in his scheme. It's already a miracle if your scheme could work just 50%. *smile*"

Shikamaru: "(I see.. I agree with his opinion, but I am curious about his experience. Did Shiro-ji teach him before?)"

Yuuki: "Sasuke, you already have a good head. But don't make it become your weakness. *smile* By the way, if you are looking for someone to practice taijutsu, you can come to me. I will accompany you."

Sasuke: "I-I know! *embarrassed* I will go now but don't forget your promise! *leave quickly*"

Ino: "Yuuki-kun is really cool!! *sparkling eyes*"

Inuzuka: "Yuuki, you sound like my oldman! *adore*"

Yuuki: "(It's because I was also an oldman before..) *dry laugh*"