
Second Chance: An Heiress Reborn

When living becomes too painful, what choice do you have but to die? Alessia Cargona was the proud daughter of the Cargona family; known by all, loved by her parents and spoiled by her brother. She had it all, and she gave it all away for the man that she loved and the friend she held dear. And what did she get in return? Her family destroyed, her child dead, and her life ruined. Left with no choice but to die in the arms of a beautiful stranger. But instead of death, she gained a second chance. A chance to right her wrongs, to take back her life and to destroy all those who had betrayed her and her family. She is taking back everything she was robbed of and taking down everyone in her way. But.. who is that beautiful stranger? And why does he keep popping up?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I am petty and annoying” “I know” “I am ruthless and unforgiving” “I know” “I am bad tempered and mean!” “I know” “Then why do you like me?!” “If not me, then who?” “....” Was that supposed to be romantic???

Ashmour · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Snakes in the Grass

Taking one last deep breath, Alessia made her way out of her bedroom, and down the stairs to the dining room where breakfast was being served. As she looked around, she could see that nothing had really changed from the way she remembered it. The house was grandly and tastefully decorated, showing off the power and status of the Cargona family. But it wasn't the beauty of the house that made Alessia smile. It was seeing her family around the breakfast table.

Her grandfather, Leonardo, sat at the head of the table, chatting with both her father, Alexander, and her uncle, Sebastien. Next to her father sat her mother, Amara, and her elder brother, Noah. Beside her uncle was her aunt, Victoria and her cousin, Caterina. Alessia felt so many mixed emotions looking at the table. While it was such a warm scene, a scene she had wanted to see again for a long time, she also knew that there were snakes in the grass that her family laid on.

"Ah, you've come down, Alessia!"

Her grandfather's warm, and rough voice made its way to her ears, causing Alessia's eyes to water slightly. Despite his advanced age, Leonardo Cargona sat straight and upright. His stern face and rough voice scared many, but his eyes were warm and full of life. Alessia had missed it so much.

Before she could stop herself, she sprinted up to the table, tears in her eyes, and threw her arms around her grandfather's shoulders.

The table was silent, except for the sound of Alessia's small sobs. Leonardo was surprised and had no clue what to do; her mother, father and brother all stood and crowded around Grandfather, worried yet unsure how to help.

"A-are you okay? What is wrong? Come, tell grandpa."

Grandpa Leo asked in a comforting voice, patting her back slowly and awkwardly.

"Did someone hurt you? Who did it?!

Her brother's commanding voice rang out in anger.

"Yes, who dare hurt my child?!"

Her father exclaimed, huffing in anger, while her mother kneeled in front of her and looked her up and down with worry and tears in her eyes. She grabbed hold of Alessia's hands.

"You can tell me anything, okay sweetheart? Anything."

Alessia looked at the family and loved that surrounded her. How could she have ever been so stupid as to think that these people didn't love her, and didn't want the best for her? Caterina had her convinced that her parents only cared about their eldest son, and that her brother hated her as well. But only in this second life, could she see the truth.

She wiped her tears away, and smiled, embarrassed. In a soft voice, she said,

"Sorry Grandpa, I didn't mean to worry you. I just had a nightmare where I had lost you. When I saw you, I just acted on impulse."

With that, Alessia detached herself from her grandfather, and stood, looking down at her feet. Because of this, she couldn't see the strange looks on her family's face. She had always been distant from her grandfather, and had never called him Grandpa so affectionately.

"Silly child. Just a dream and you are like this. Go on, child, sit and eat."

Her grandfather smiled at her, reaching out a weathered hand to pat her head one more time, before straightening out on the chair.

"Alessia, you know better than to act in such an unrefined manner. You are a young lady now, you should act as one."

A snide comment disguised as helpful advice came from Victoria. She did not like the attention being off her own daughter for two long. After all, it was Caterina who was the darling of the Cargona household.

"Alessia was just showing care and concern for her grandfather. Or does being a young lady stop you from doing so?"'

Amara reproached her sister in law in a gentle yet cold voice. Victoria sputtered for a minute before falling quiet. She glanced at Alessia, hoping that she would defend her as she had in the past. To everyone's surprise, not only did she keep silent but she chose to seat herself between her mother and brother. In the past, she would always choose to sit next to Caterina. She sat comfortably for a minute before noticing the silence at the table.

"Is everything okay? I just wanted to sit next to mom. Brother, I can move if you want.."

She made a show of sadly rising from the table when both her brother and mother pulled her down, back into the chair.

"Don't move.Of course you can sit here!''

"Sit, sit! I don't mind at all!"

Both her mother and brother spoke hurriedly and at the same time. She smiled brightly sitting down and turning to talk to her mother.

Caterina was unpleasantly surprised. What is this? Why was Alessia so different? In just one morning, the narrative had changed so completely. She seemed so close to the family and was distancing herself from her. Caterina forced herself to calm down and spoke to Alessia in a kind voice

"Cousin! Didn't you tell me that you had something to discuss with Grandfather this morning? Don't forget!"

Alessia's gaze turned cold, for a second, then she smiled.

"Ah, yes! Grandpa, there is something I want to discuss with you.''

Grandpa Leo smiled at his granddaughter, and motioned for her to go on. Alessia's face turned red and she seemed extremely nervous. Caterina smiled internally, and sat back to enjoy the show.

"U-um, Grandpa, I know that for the past few years you wanted me to take a bigger role in the company. I have been thinking, and I've decided that I want to do that!''


Caterina's voice rang out in the dining room, shrill and loud. The family turned to look at her, surprised at her unladylike behavior. She realised her mistake and tried to back pedal.

"What I meant to say is, with no experience, how can she be a part of the family business? She doesn't know about textile or fabric and even less about fashion. She may hinder more than help."

Caterina's argument was well structured and made sense. After all, she had to keep Alessia as far away from the company, if she wanted the company to fall into her father's hands. She took that moment to glance at Alessia, only to see her staring straight at her with a strange look in her eye. It was only there for a moment before it disappeared, but Caterina still felt strange.

"She can be my personal assistant to get a handle on things. She is set to graduate in two years so she should already have a foot in this business, just like I did when I was her age."

Noah chimed in, helping out his little sister. In fact, he was very surprised that she wanted a part in the family business, but was happy that he could have occasion to spend time with his little sister.

"Mm, yes. Since at the moment, your elder brother is training up as general manager at one of our warehouses, you would have first hand experience with textiles as well as running a business on a smaller scale. What do you think, dear?''

Her father loved the idea of his daughter learning the ropes. As the current President of the company, it was his dream that both his son and daughter run the company together one day. But, he knew that Alessia wasn't very close to Noah, and wasn't sure she would want to work with him. But again, he was surprised.

"Working with my elder brother? That would be amazing!"

Alessia smiled sweetly and linked arms with her brother, looking up at him.

"I'm in your hands, General Manager, sir!"'

"Mm. Work hard,okay?"

She cutely saluted, almost blinding Noah. The usually imposing young man was shocked stiff and could only mechanically reach his arm out to pat her head, and say that. Was his little sister always this cute?

Caterina was in disbelief. How did this happen? It was she was an outsider looking in on a lovely family scene. Everything happened so quickly. Alessia was supposed to drop out, and she was supposed to be the one to step up and insert herself into the company.

Alessia glanced over at Caterina, who was visibly shaken with how the morning went. She smiled sweetly.

It may not have been the show you wanted but it was still quite a show, don't you think?