
Second Chance Addison

'How did I fall this far this fast?' He thought as he swirled the whiskey in his glass. He tilted his head back and downed the rest of his liquor. He picked the bottle up off of his desk to refill the glass for the nth time. Just a single drop rolled out and fell into the empty vessel. 'Well isn't that just fantastic.' In a moment of hazy frustration, he hurled the bottle across the office. It wasn't like there was anyone to care about a mess of broken glass anyway. There was no one around to even hear it shatter. Even he didn't get to hear it shatter. When that realization hit him, he jerked his head towards the door where he had thrown the bottle. In the shadows there stood a petite young woman, the bottle in her hands. She appeared to be carefully studying the label and completely disinterested in him. "Wh-who are you?" Perhaps he had turned around too quickly. The room was starting to sway. He barely managed to sputter out those three words much less put them in the right order. "How original," the woman rolled her eyes before fixing them on his. "Shouldn't you be asking yourself that very question?" ~~~~~ This is NOT a transmigration or reincarnation story! ~~~~~ If those you trusted most had betrayed you and you had lost everything and someone offered you a second chance, would you be willing to take it? Would you still be able to trust others? Chance L. Addison has seemingly hit rock bottom when he is offered an unlikely opportunity to start over. Not only can he get back to where he was before, he can have his status elevated further to become one of the most wealthy and successful tycoons in the world. But first he is at a small publishing company? What secrets could he be keeping? And what secrets are his saviors keeping from him? ~~~~~ Hello Readers, This is the first web novel I've ever written! I kind of suck at writing synopses so I apologize for that... If you are enjoying my story so far please add it to your library and vote! Or comment! Or leave a review! Or rate a chapter! Or share it with your friends! I really appreciate the support and feedback is always welcome! :) Thanks so much for reading! -TheExtraDoor

TheExtraDoor · Realistic
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86 Chs

Can we go now

After ending his call with Koty, Chance immediately called Nevada.

She answered on the first ring and got straight to the point. "Chancey, I want her to stop harassing me."

"I can take care of that." He assured her.

"Thanks. I'll talk to you later then."

"Nev..." He hesitated as he thought of what he should say or rather how he should say it. She never appreciated questions especially ones that involved herself.


"Is there anything else on your mind?"

"Not really. I mean, my final is this week." Nevada replied evasively.

"There's nothing else? And you're still going to work for Charlie, right?"

"Against my will." Nevada grumbled.

"Come on Nev, we talked about this. I even agreed to give you custody of my car."

"Yeah..." Her voice trailed off into a drawn out sigh. To her it still wasn't really a choice that she had made herself.

"How about I pick you up and we'll go get ice cream?" He thought maybe she'd be more willing to share her troubles over some soft serve.

"Can we go to Brandi's?"

"Absolutely, I've just got to drop someone off first." He looked towards the dining room and tried to think of places to dump Tucker.

"Or I could drive." Nevada volunteered.

"You don't even know where I live." Chance tried to argue.

"Sure I do." She looked towards the kitchen, where her brother had gone in search of breakfast.

Koty, who was pouring milk into a bowl of cereal, felt an ominous chill run up his spine.


Less than an hour later, Nevada knocked on Chance's door. He answered to find her and a still half asleep Koty.

"Hi Nev," Chance shot a questioning glance to Koty.

Koty just shrugged before stepping around his sister and heading for the couch. Since it was the weekend and he was technically off the clock, he couldn't care less about professionalism and laid down on the couch to go back to sleep.

"Chancey." She nodded and stepped in to the apartment. "Real nice place you got here."

"Thanks." He closed the door and shook his head when he saw Koty had already dozed off.

"Mind if I take a look around?"

He sighed and made a sweeping gesture with his arm, "Be my guest. I'll be in the office." Chance pointed to his office door before walking over to it.

Inside his office, Tucker was busily typing up everything he could remember about all the events that had led up to now. Chance had asked him to compile as much information as he could, starting with Tucker's own memories.

"How's it coming?"

Tucker flinched at the sudden interruption and then resumed typing at an incredible speed.

"Well, I've already documented everything that I think I know about what Hughes was doing to your company. I just started on my speculations regarding my firing. Then I'll explain everything I learned after I was fired from some other former employees and continue on from there."

"I really appreciate your help Tucker."

"You don't need to. I mean I did almost get you killed." He said, his voice soft and laced with regret.

"Please stop bringing that up. If anything it'll just cause everyone to doubt your motives even more than they already do."

"Sorry." Tucker stopped typing and sincerely apologized. He knew he really didn't deserve the mercy he had been given and felt he should work hard to earn it. If anything, it would help him sleep better at night.

"That's enough of that too. I am fine. You did not harm me or anyone else. You are helping me. Got it?" Chance scolded.

"Got it." The sound of fingers hitting keys filled the room once more.

"Anyways, I'm heading out for a bit. Koty is here to keep you company."

"K-Koty? As in Mr. Flynn?" Given that their interaction had been limited to being tackled and glared at by the young bodyguard, Tucker was apprehensive to say the least.

"Yes, Koty. I should be back in a couple of hours."

Just then, Nevada knocked lightly on the office door before entering.

Still dealing with the revelation that he was going to be stuck with Koty for awhile, Tucker was shocked speechless by the appearance of the young woman. The siblings looked so much alike that he found it frightening and thought 'Oh God, there's two of them!'

"Can we go now?" She, on the other hand, completely ignored Tucker's existence.

Chance rolled his eyes at both the bewildered Tucker and the impatient Nevada.

"Nev, this is Tucker. He used to head up my human resources department. Tucker, this is Nevada. She is Koty's younger sister."

"Um, Hello, Miss Flynn."

"Hi." She replied curtly and gave him the briefest glance possible before turning her sparkling green eyes back to Chance.

Nevada was ready to get on the road. Not only was he treating her to Brandi's, she also was getting to drive him there.

"Alright, alright, we'll go now." Chance waved to Tucker and followed Nevada out the door.

Still alive, still busy, still trying to get chapters written!

Thanks so much for hanging in there with me!


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