
Second chance?! [Dropped! For now!]

(BE WARNED!!! THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL AND ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!) Alex Walsh was only a guy, which had an average life, and he like anime, manga, novel, etc. Yet, when he died at 18, he got an offer from God to be his entertainer, but got also the chance to become a God. Watch how his journey to Godhood. First World: Danmachi Second World: MHA 1 chapters/week This is a warning for those new readers that wants to read. This novel is a novel that is written FOR FUN and FOR ME TO IMPROVE MY WRITING SKILL. I was kind of astonished to see a progress in my writing skill, as I compared the very first chapters and the latest ones. So don't expect me to change the whole old chapters. Kind of dumb of me when I wrote the very first chapters. Good day for those who read this!

Mikejd · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 24 Hephaestus POV

Hephaestus can't think straight at that moment, she met a kid who wants to learn to smite then the kid admitted that he was the same being as the creator of this world and the creator was an author and he read the book. I asked about me, he answered me with sincere and pity eyes, not only he pitied me he knows what my sorrow is. I kneeled so I can hug him and cried while he was caressing and letting loose my eyepatch. A mortal who I just met already knew how sorrowful I am even if he used the terms of his mortality it was enough.

And lastly, he wanted to heal me, but he was a mortal, not a God even the Gods can't heal my right eye, how can a mortal? But he forced himself to do it, the pain was great, great enough even Gods couldn't bear it. There was a fluctuation of power beginning to form and became stronger every second, I shouted him to stop but he wasn't listening to me because he needs to focus on healing me. No one had done this to me in my life, even Hestia couldn't measure this much because he was ready to sacrifice his life for me. I cried loudly begging him to shop but blood started to come out his mouth, eyes, and ears and after a minute the blood comes out from the skin pore.

I can't watch this but I need to because he was healing me from this defect. Then the fluctuation stopped and he passed out to my shoulder, I hugged him tightly and called for help. The 2 girls who dropped him off already arrived at my doorstep, they saw him with blood all over his body.

They paled and looked at me with bloodshot eyes, they grabbed me and rolled up my sleeves. They found that there was a Dragon tattoo at my shoulder, they held my shoulder and transported to a foreign place. A girl with a foreign outfit looked at him and paled also, she said to follow her and so we went into an eastern's looking building. The girl with a foreign outfit took him from me and started to run to clean him, meanwhile, the 2 girls who dropped him off stayed in front of me.

"Do you think it's worth it? him sacrificing his life for your right eye?" The elf with green hair asked me

"I ... I don't know." I said I can't think anymore because I was worried about him.

"Do you know that tattoo for?" The cat person with black hair asked

"No ... I don't know." I said while looking down, I was ashamed because I used him to heal my right eye, I know I could just have shoved him away but I didn't.

"That's a tattoo that marks you as you love him sincerely." The catgirl with black hair stated. Then I looked at the tattoo and cried, both of them embraced me and the elf said

"For your information, we have that tattoo also and that's why we knew he was in critical condition. Now, will you accept the tattoo or not?" I can't answer her because it so sudden but it felt that I was the one who wasn't admitting my feelings.

"But know that once you decided to not accept the tattoo, you will not have the second chance. For Alex isn't a saint and he already gave you a chance." The elf continued. I looked at the tattoo and remembered his gentle face before he healed my right eye then the pain he went through just for me. I looked at the elf and said

"Yes, I will accept the tattoo!" I said with a serious face

"Nya~ Welcome new sister!" The catgirl said while hugging me

"Welcome to your new family Hephaestus! Let us introduce ourselves then, I am Ryuu Lion and she is Chloe Rollo but later we'll be changing our names into the Walsh." Ryuu said

"Nya~ Hephaestus! Your name is too long we need to make a nickname or a new name!" Chloe said with a thinking pose while Ryuu also joined her. I looked at them and they made a point, my name is too hard to be remembered and so I joined them to think of a nickname or a new name.

"NYA! How about Hephy?"

"Sure we'll go with that." Ryuu said while nodding along.

"Hm... WHAT?! NO!" I shouted while kneeling and hugging my head

"Nya~ Don't worry Hephy, We are here for you." Chloe said she hugged me while kneeling. Then I came to a realization that Alex was severely wounded, then I asked

"Wait! How is Alex's condition?"

"Utaha said he's fine but he won't be waking up for a month or maybe more. She said that before Alex tried to heal you, he wanted us to go to the dungeon and get stronger." Ryuu said with a serious face

"Nya~ Points also!" Chloe added, Then I started to ask who is Utaha? They said she was the one with Alex from the start and Alex didn't lie about coming from another world. Then I started to ask and they answered, but when I miss the crucial information they told me the crucial one.

"Then you're saying that this is Alex's world and Alex will be traveling world to world." I said

"Yes, you need to become stronger even if you are a goddess, if you want to be with him then you need to become stronger." Ryuu said, I nodded with a serious face and said

"Then how can I get stronger? I'm a goddess so I can't enter the dungeon."

"Then you need to wait for a while because Alex sacrificed all of the points to cure you and ask Utaha for skills that you can learn and items can help you get stronger." Ryuu said and Chloe nodded along

"Is Utaha the one who took Alex from my arms?" I said, both of them nodded and I talked with them for a while. Then Utaha came to us and introduced herself, she came to me and imparted the system. I asked Utaha for skills that could help me get stronger and items also.

"When Ryuu and Chloe get Points then you can buy skills and items, well you can help them with their armors and weapons since you are the Goddess of Smithing." Utaha said, I agreed upon Utaha wanting me to give them armors and weapons.

"Well, then we need to get many points and need to solidify your foundation. As you can see that when you are at lower level, you aren't strong yet but you already level up." Utaha said while looking at Ryuu and Chloe. Both of them nodded at that remark because they already level up when some of their stats still were H or I.

Then Ryuu suggested to make her Familia's members stronger also since they have unlimited potential since they have the tattoo, all of us agreed since Alex will be traveling to another world and he needed more help. Ryuu and Chloe will be going to the dungeon with the Astraea Familia and I will be supplying them armors, weapons, and Valis if needed. Then we exited the world and started to prepare.