
Second chance?! [Dropped! For now!]

(BE WARNED!!! THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL AND ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!) Alex Walsh was only a guy, which had an average life, and he like anime, manga, novel, etc. Yet, when he died at 18, he got an offer from God to be his entertainer, but got also the chance to become a God. Watch how his journey to Godhood. First World: Danmachi Second World: MHA 1 chapters/week This is a warning for those new readers that wants to read. This novel is a novel that is written FOR FUN and FOR ME TO IMPROVE MY WRITING SKILL. I was kind of astonished to see a progress in my writing skill, as I compared the very first chapters and the latest ones. So don't expect me to change the whole old chapters. Kind of dumb of me when I wrote the very first chapters. Good day for those who read this!

Mikejd · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 142 Leaving The School

"What happened back there?" Momo asked as we were outside the teachers' lounge.

"You know, I have wives, and she took a defense stance all of a sudden, from attack stance." I said as I put my hands to my pockets.

"That's normal, seeing that we, girls, wanted man for ourselves, rather than sharing them." Himiko said as she unsheathed her daggers. Mikasa, Annie, Kendo, Kodai, and Jiro were already clearing the hallway as we spoke.

"Just give her some time, she'll be on the move again," Momo said.

"Girls are weird, Alex, but still, she will be on the move, like Momo said." Himiko said.

"... Ha~ I couldn't understand how girls' minds work, even though I'm a god." I sighed. Of course, it was different, as I reincarnated to a world where people dying was a normal thing. The world had different perception of 'love', so it was simpler from the world where I lived before reincarnated.

But in that world where I lived before reincarnated, the world, the culture, the society made the perception of 'love' to be a lot different. Girls would say no, but this no could mean yes, while yes could mean no or even yes itself, it was plenty frustrating and there were still many more of girls' 'language'.

After a while, Saeko and the others walked out from the room, prepared.

"Let's go, we don't have much time by now," I said. Then the group started running, the girls and I were at the frontline, while Hirano and Saeko were covering the rear. Then we ran down the stairs and kept running towards the entrance of the school, where the parking lot was outside the entrance, or lobby.

We met no one 'alive' along the way, which made me think what had happened to that group that Takashi and the others encountered. They might have run from the school, as the girls and I cleared the hallway previously. Or they might be dead by now.

Anyway, we arrived at the entrance of the school. I stopped the group from advancing any further and turned around to face the group.

"Stick with the plan," I said. Everyone nodded, and the girls walked over to the front and readied their weapons. But Saeko suddenly took a hold of my arm from the back as I turned around, readying myself.

"Let me help," she said. I nodded, as she already took the pill antidote, weeks ago.

"You'll be in the front, I'll stay in the rear," she nodded in response and walked towards the girls.

"Let's go," the group immediately ran to the parking lot. The girls immediately cleared the path for the group to advance, while Hirano and I covered the rear of the group.

"Grrahhh..." the girls and Saeko kept killing the zombies, opening path for the group.

"It's right in front of us, keep running!" I shouted from the back. The minibus was around 30 meters in front of us, and everyone kept running. Until Marikawa, somehow, tripped and fell to the ground.

"Kyaaa~!" she yelped as she fell.

"Use that gun of yours, Hirano, cover me!" I shouted as I ran to Marikawa. Mikasa and Annie immediately ran to the rear of the group, trying to cover me as I ran to Marikawa. They immediately slashed their swords towards the zombies, which looked like they were dancing.

Bang bang bang

Shots could be heard as Hirano emptied his magazine. I took a hold of Marikawa's left arm and pulled her arm up. I put her hand over my shoulder and gripped Marikawa's waist with my right hand. I tried to help Marikawa to walk, but she groaned in pain all of a sudden.

"Aggghh~," I looked over to her feet, and there were big bulge on her ankle. She sprained her ankle from the look of it.

"Shit, sensei, forgive me for this," I said as I crouched down and carried her like a princess.

"Sorry, Alex," she said flustered as I touched a bit of her breast and leg.

"Save it for later, we need to get the hell out first," I said as I started running. I was starting to feel the adrenaline that I had once. The feeling of dying and trying to minimalize the injury that I got. It was the feeling back when I killed the goblins for the first time.

What I didn't notice was that Marikawa was actually smiling in this time. I was focused on looking at the minibus, as I needed to get Marikawa to safety.

"Keep covering Alex!" Annie shouted as she slashed her sword that looked like the AOT sword. And so, I carried Marikawa to the minibus. I entered the minibus and laid her on the seat.

"Saya, Rei, take care of her, now!" I shouted as I took the key of the minibus from Marikawa's pocket.


"O-okay," Saya and Rei replied. I ran to the front of the bus and sat on the driver seat. I inserted the keys to the ignition and looked over to the gear shifter. I grabbed the shifter and made sure it was in neutral. Then, I turned the key to start the minibus, it was made in Japan, so it doesn't need to push the clutch pedal.

Then a roar of the engine sounded and the minibus started to shake.

"Get in!" Takashi shouted from the door of the minibus to the girls, Saeko and Hirano. The girls, Saeko, and Hirano immediately rushed into the minibus. But a disdainful shout could be heard.

"Wait!" It was the damn silver tongue, Koichi Shido. There were several students behind him, including that slut, Yuuki. Rei had a bad history with him, so she wanted me to step the gas and left him behind. But, I have another plan for him, a painful one.

"Step on the gas, Alex!" she shouted.

"Let him and his groups aboard the minibus," I said.

"What?! Just floor it, our group is all here, why should we wait for them?!"

"Because I'm the leader, you follow my order, not the opposite," I said as I turned my head to her. She clenched her fists and took a seat. Mizuku and Toshimi just hugged each other on their seats, keeping their mouths shut.

"Shit, I'll go help them!" Takashi shouted as he stood from his seat.

"Don't help them, this is my command, or you'll never see your family again, Takashi." I shouted. Then, Takashi immediately shut his mouth and, with an ugly face, took a seat again. Then from the windows, I could see that Koichi was stepping and kicking a student's face who had fallen and twisted his ankle. The student was grabbing Koichi's pants, begging for help, but Koichi kicked his face and ran to the minibus.

No one watched this very scene, except for me, the girls, and Hirano. They were calming themselves, as they were safe now. Then Koichi's group entered the bus and closed the bus' doors.

Then I immediately pushed the emergency brake down and stepped on the clutch pedal and the gas pedal. I grabbed the shifter and shifted into gear 1, the minibus immediately went off to the gate of the school.

I released the clutch pedal, as the bus gaining speed, then pushed the clutch pedal and shifted into gear 2. Then the minibus crashed into the gate, pushing the gate open wide. And so, we left the school.

I kept driving, as everyone was sitting at the back, calming themselves. My group was sitting at the front rows, while Koichi's group was at the back. Marikawa who had sprained her ankle was helped by Saya to walk to the front of the bus, sitting behind the seats behind the driver's seat.

"Alex, you can drive? Did you allegedly practice driving, or entering illegal race?" Marikawa asked as she sat on the front row seat.

"Well, it's not that important now, is it, Sensei? Anyway, how's your ankle?" I asked as I drove.

"It's a lot better now," she said.

"Thanks for saving me, Alex," she continued as she leaned over the metal bars that was for the front row to grab onto.

"It's alright, Sensei, the girls and Hirano also helped you, not only me."

"Call me Shizuka, Alex,"

"... Sensei, that'-"

"Call me Shizuka, or I'll stop talking to you!" Marikawa pouted as she crossed her arms and looked away.

"... Alright, Shizuka,"

"Hehehe, Alex called my name," Shizuka said happily. Saya, who were beside Shizuka, was very awkward at the moment.

"Saya, go to the back, try to console Rei," I said.

"Mmm," she mumbled as she stood up and walked towards Rei. Of course, someone sat on Saya's seat, it was Himiko. She immediately smirked at me, as Momo's words came true at the end. Then, started talking with Shizuka.

After a while of driving, there was a minimarket in front. So, I drove to the side and stopped.

"Oi, why did we stop?" a fucker with yellow painted mohawk shouted as he stood from his chair. I pulled the E-brake and let the engine on, so there would be air conditioning. I stood up from my chair and faced the passengers.

"Right, we stopped, so we can grab some supplies from the minimarket. And to clarify that I'm the leader, and you fuckers at the back need to listen to me." I said as I walked towards them. I took Himiko's dagger from her waist as I was walking. I hid the dagger behind me.

"Huh? Why should we listen to you?" he said as he walked over to me. Then the silver tounge bastard, Koichi, stepped in.

"Now, now, we can't fight at time like this, you know? We need to be a team." He said as he stood up from his chair and walked over to the middle of row.

"We need to work as a team, and be civilized here. But we can't have a muscle-brained to be the leader, we need someone that is qualified, like me, who is a teacher. How does that sound, my students? Won't that be the best for us?" he continued as he faced his students while raising his arms.

I flipped the dagger in my hand, holding the dagger like an assassin do. I stabbed the dagger to the fuckface mohawk guy by his side of the neck and pulled the dagger out from his neck.

"Uggh~," the mohawk guy choked as he covered his bleeding neck. Then he turned around, facing Koichi while gurgling blood. The mohawk guy reached out his hand for Koice, but he fell to his knees and dropped to Koichi's feet, dead.

Everyone in the bus was surprised to see that I killed without mercy, except for the girls. Koichi was scared shitless, as he hurriedly walked away from the dead 'student'. I swung the dagger, so the dagger would be clean from the disgusting mohawk's blood.

"I don't need fuckers that would are dead weights, and I certainly don't need you on my team,"