
Second Chance(Taekook)

JK:I cheated..... Tae: oh ok JK: ok?? That's it. Tae: Yes... that's it JK: But I hurt you..

Nameless_ · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Taehyung's POV

I woke up with red puffy eyes due to crying my eyeballs out . Before I slept last night, I made a decision, a really hard one. It was about time I left. I can't live with Jungkook like this anymore. It really hurts and I don't think my heart can handle heartbreaks again. I also realize Jungkook doesn't know how much he hurts me. I have to leave. I plan on leaving without him knowing because I don't wanna see his reaction when I tell him I'm leaving, mainly because I'm scared he's not gonna care.

I got off bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. It was the weekend and I didn't have to go to work, that means I have time to pack my stuff. I'm a stylist for celebrities and I actually love my job. I wanted the job because of Jungkook being a model but now I like the job for myself. I got out of the bathroom and got dressed in sweatpants and sweatshirt. I had to make breakfast for myself, so I walked into the kitchen with the intention of having toast and coffee.I wanted egg also but lately the smell of egg is making me nauseous. So I just stick with toast and jam. My last breakfast here:(

To my surprise, Jungkook was home. I saw him coming down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and his messy bed hair was cu— no, taehyung. Stop it.

"What are you doing?" He asked opening the fridge. "What does it look like, Jungkook?" I replied as calmly as possible. "What's with the attitude?" He glared at me. "Please stop asking me questions. I'm trying to eat breakfast in peace" I don't actually know what's going on with me right now. I have never spoken like that to Jungkook but I'm glad I did. I could see the confused look on his face, I ignored it and kept on spreading jam on the toast. I can't look him in the eyes. Every time I try to, I just remember the picture I saw from yesterday all over again, even though that was one of the many things I cried about. I didn't want to. I'm leaving tonight, I still have to pack my— my thought was interrupted.

"We have to talk, Taehyung"

Oh I know where this is going, I really didn't wanna have this conversation but I guess I have to listen.

"About what?"

"I have to tell you something" he started

"Go ahead, Jungkook"

He cleared his throat and took a seat at the dining.

"I cheated"

Ah there it is! I was hoping to see a little remorse on his face but he showed none.

"Oh ok" that's all I could say.

"Ok that's it??" He asked

"Yes, that's it" I said with tears forming in my eyes. I don't wanna cry. Not in front of him.

"But I hurt you" he replied with no care in the world. How was he expecting me to react? Was I supposed to breakdown and yell or was I supposed to act shocked?

   "But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry" I mumbled and walked into the living room. I turned on the Tv to watch Netflix. I had to get my mind off this situation.

"I have a long shoot today, so I will be back late" Jungkook said as he walked up the stairs. I glanced over at him and all our sweet memories flooded my mind. I was leaving and this view of him would probably be my last. Before I knew it streams of tears were rolling down my face. I couldn't stop it. I watched the person I love walk away from me for probably the last time. I ran into my room and let the tears fall. I avoided crying so loud because I didn't wanna gain his attention. He probably wouldn't care. What went wrong with us?

      I heard the front door close and that was a signal to start packing. I have no destination in mind but I plan on staying at my brother's for a few days or a week. I am done packing so I decided to leave a note.

Hi, Kook. This would probably be the last I call you that. You told me you cheated today. You must be wondering why I didn't react like you expected me to. And that's because I know you were cheating, you made it really obvious. I loved you, I still do. But you don't anymore and that hurts.....I forgive you for everything you did wrong. I know you'll probably not see this until the next morning but this is goodbye. Don't look for me or call, your number is probably blocked and you might not even care.

Goodbye, Jungkook

From: Taehyung.

I placed the note on the table and walked out with my luggage.

Little did Taehyung know, that he walked out with something else.


Hi!!!!!!!!!! Omg I'm ecstatic. Comeback is in 3 days. Did you see the teasers? Omg I died

Anyways how did you like the chapter, I tried my best I guess.

I love you 💕


Forgive me for my mistakes😞

Ly out