
Seclusion System: Exile to Ascendance

If you're reading this, chances are you’re drawn to the allure of Eastern-themed stories... tales of ancient clans, mystical arts, and the relentless pursuit of immortality. Now, imagine waking up one day to find yourself reincarnated into the very world you’ve always longed to experience, A world where martial prowess and cultivation define one’s destiny. You’ve been reborn into one of the four major clans, a place of power, prestige, and unimaginable resources. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. Or so it seems. But there's a cruel twist to this dream-like fate. Despite being surrounded by unparalleled talent and limitless potential, you discover that you can't cultivate. Not a single trace of spiritual energy will respond to your call. In a world where the strong thrive and the weak perish, you're nothing more than a powerless mortal. Imagine the scorn you’d face... every sneer, every whispered insult, every condescending gaze. As the sole member of your clan who cannot harness the power of the elements, you become the laughingstock, the shame of a family that has produced immortal powerhouses for millennia. Would you still cling to this world, or would you long for the ordinary life you once knew? For Feng Chen, this nightmare was a living reality. Born into the revered Feng Clan, his destiny was supposed to be one of greatness. Yet, for 14 excruciating years, he struggled in vain, unable to cultivate even the smallest amount of spiritual energy. Every day was a reminder of his inadequacy, every encounter a painful lesson in humility. His name, once spoken with pride, became synonymous with failure... a blemish on the illustrious history of his lineage. Finally, the clan could bear it no longer. Stripped of his name, his rights, and his dignity, Feng Chen was cast out, exiled from the only home he had ever known. With nothing left to live for, he wandered into the wilderness, seeking solitude in a desolate cave where he could quietly fade away from the world that had forsaken him. As he lay on the cold stone, his body broken and his spirit shattered, he closed his eyes, ready to embrace the darkness. But just as the last flicker of hope was about to die out, something extraordinary happened… *Ding!* – Activating Seclusion System! ******** Just letting you guys know that its a slow paced story with a system that focuses on making its host train in seclusion… but ofcourse thats not all to it as that would make everything so boring no? So expect many adventures… And yes he will have a harem (sigh… poor lil me) yes the System of the story is unique altho seemingly normal at first, it'll show its true colour in the story.. Also, the MC might feel a bit bratty and spoiled at first but trust my cookin.. Upload schedule? 2 chapters everyday! More if u gibe me money ;-; Drop ur comments and reviews btw… votes too… and coins :) *Points a gun at u* (Special Note - Ik starting chaps may get boring but i hope you'll read all the available chapters before coming to any conclusions. it might seem like any other cultivation novel but im trynna cook smthin different.)

WanderingShadow1 · Eastern
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45 Chs

Ch 25: The Divine Techniques -2


System Notification:-

- Nine Heavens Soul Purification Art

- Description: A divine technique that focuses on cleansing and purifying the soul, elevating the cultivator's spirit to the highest realms of existence. This technique allows for the purification of one's inner demons, stabilizing the mind and soul while also granting immunity to soul-based attacks. It enhances the clarity of mind, allowing the cultivator to perceive the Dao more easily and progress at a faster rate in cultivation.

- Effects: Grants immense spiritual clarity and resilience, making the soul stronger and more resistant to corruption or possession. It increases the efficiency of spiritual attacks and defenses, particularly against demonic or dark cultivators.


Feng Chen nodded thoughtfully.

"Soul purification, huh? Sounds like just what I need to keep that thing inside me under control." He let out a deep breath, feeling the weight of his inner turmoil bubbling to the surface. He needed to maintain balance, to ensure that the darkness inside him didn't consume him.

"Alright," he said, cracking his knuckles.

"Time to get to work."

Feng Chen sat down cross-legged, circulating his Qi as he began absorbing the knowledge from the three scrolls. The divine techniques flowed into his mind like a torrent, overwhelming at first, but Feng Chen's will was strong, and he quickly began to assimilate the information.

The Supreme Origin of Chaos was the most complex, requiring him to master the raw, untamed energy of Chaos itself. It was like trying to control a raging storm, but Feng Chen's experience with Yin and Yang allowed him to bring order to the chaos, blending the energies together in harmony.

The Heavenly Devouring Technique was equally challenging. Feng Chen could feel the hunger within him as he practiced it, the desire to consume the energy around him. He had to be careful not to lose himself in the technique's power, but once he found the balance, he felt his cultivation speed increase dramatically.

Finally, the Nine Heavens Soul Purification Art brought a sense of peace and clarity to his mind. As he practiced the technique, the darkness inside him seemed to recede, and his soul became stronger, more resilient. He could feel his connection to the Dao growing deeper, his understanding of the universe expanding.

For five days, Feng Chen trained relentlessly, mastering the three divine techniques. His body and soul were pushed to their limits, but the rewards were worth it. He felt more powerful than ever before, his cultivation soaring to new heights.

He also did not forget about signing-in this time.


System Notification:-

Day 2 Sign-In Reward: Celestial Thunder Array Scroll.

Day 3 Sign-In Reward: Heaven-Piercing Sword Technique.

Day 4 Sign-In Reward: Yin-Yang Suppression Stone.

Day 5 Sign-In Reward: Spirit Infusion Pill.

Day 6 Sign-In Reward: Beast Cores (x50)


By the end of the five days, Feng Chen had reached new heights in his cultivation. His mastery of the divine techniques had deepened, his body felt stronger, and his soul was more stable than ever before.

The harmonization of Chaos, Yin, and Yang in his body had brought him closer to the Dao, while the Heavenly Devouring Technique allowed him to absorb the very essence of the world around him, increasing his cultivation at an astonishing rate.

Still, there was time before the spirit beast egg would hatch, and despite his rapid progress, Feng Chen couldn't shake the restlessness gnawing at him.

It was night now, the moon hanging high in the sky, casting its pale light over the vast forest. Feng Chen sat at the entrance of his cave, staring out into the night. The stars twinkled above him like countless diamonds, and the wind blew gently through the trees, rustling the leaves and carrying with it the scent of pine and damp earth.

The forest seemed peaceful, almost serene, but Feng Chen couldn't shake the feeling that something was lurking in the shadows. He had seen enough to know that this place, no matter how tranquil it seemed, was filled with danger.

His gaze drifted up to the moon, a soft smile playing on his lips. It was a beautiful night, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Beneath the surface, there was a sadness... a loneliness that gnawed at him.

The system's window appeared, hesitating as if it wasn't sure whether to speak.


System Notification:-

Hey… you know it too, right?


Feng Chen's smile faltered for a moment. He chuckled softly, leaning his head back against the cave wall as he stared up at the sky.

"Know what, System?" he asked, though he already had an inkling of where the conversation was heading.


System Notification:-

I've seen the way you talk about your father. You always speak so warmly about him, but deep down… you know he doesn't care about you, right?


Feng Chen let out a quiet laugh, the sound tinged with bitterness.

"Yeah…" he said softly, his voice carrying a weight that wasn't there before.

"I know."

The system paused, as if it wasn't sure how to proceed.


System Notification:-

Doesn't that make you angry? Why do you keep pretending? Why do you talk about him like that when you know the truth?


Feng Chen's smile widened, but it was a sad, hollow smile. He stood up slowly, brushing the dirt off his robes as he walked to the edge of the clearing. He stood there for a moment, staring out at the moonlit forest.

"It's not about him," he said quietly.

"It's about what's inside me."


System Notification:-

What do you mean?


Feng Chen took a deep breath, the cool night air filling his lungs. His eyes were distant, his mind wandering through memories long past.

"There's something inside me," he said softly.

"Something dark. If I let myself feel that anger… if I let myself hate him… then that darkness will take over. And if that happens… I'm not sure I'll be able to come back."

He clenched his fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as he tried to steady his emotions.

"I have to stay in control. I have to keep that part of me sealed away. So I smile. I act like it doesn't bother me."