

Mia is just an average 18 year old girl who has just transferred to a new school, haunted by the same nightmare. She finds herself catching the eyes of not one but three potential mates a dark and mysterious alpha, a charming merman and a fiery and fierce heir to the dragon throne. Discovering new abilities she never knew she had, and facing a decision that just might just cost her, her life. Who will she choose and will she survive?

booky101 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


***(This Chapter contains violent content that could be triggering for some who have or are experiencing forms of Domestic Violence/Abuse. Please proceed with caution or skip this chapter entirely)***

(Leon's POV)

In all honesty I wasn't all that surprised, Jeremy was not the kind to be able to keep a secret like this with his temper. Although I will say I figured his twin brother would have let the wolf out of the bag before he ever did. My only concern is, why did it have to be THIS PACK? There are a total of three packs in the area, maybe four if you're counting the Griswold pack that sits just between our small little town and Parker. Each of them, even the Griswold pack, have members of their packs attend Moundridge College as a way to ensure peace and prosperity between the packs while the rest either enter the workforce or go out on their own. This pack on the other hand, the Skullmoon pack, only ever sends one maybe two of their members to college.

So how is it, out of ALL 3,000 students, the most timid and shy creature out of the bunch is the one to be from the most brutal and arrogant pack in America? Let alone to befriend Mia all within her first day? I knew her brothers were short tempered, but now I know why and I am not liking this one bit. If they find out who Mia really is- Hell if they find out who Wilson or I really am this party will go south really quickly. We can't take this risk, by the time either of us call for backup they will have our heads and I really do not want a sequel to what happened the last time we crossed paths with a male wolf from this grueling pack of mongrels…

I look over to Wilson, who was looking off into the crowd. I see a vein in his neck start to pop as he clenches his jaw, his gaze unmoving from a spot on the other side of the pool. I look in the direction and see them heading towards us without breaking eye contact from our location… 'Shit… we should have marked her when we had the chance or at least I- no she would have hated me if I forced her into that…'

(Mia's POV)

"Her brother…?" I had no idea Sarah had any siblings really, she never talks about them. I wonder why, "Ok now I'm really curious how-"

"-does someones idiot of a brother let the wolf out of the bag?" A smooth voice chimes in from behind us. I feel Leon's grip on my hand tighten, a myriad of visions flash through my head involving either fighting or bolting out of here none of them end too well and don't sit right with me. Gently rubbing my thumb on his hand and giving it a squeeze I turned towards the voice.

Before us stood not one but two young men who looked oddly familiar until it dawned on me who they were Josh and Jeremy the Dawson twins. What were they doing here? I've never actually met Jeremy, but, why does Josh have to be here of all places?

Crossing his arms he shifted his weight ever so slightly and an actual grin appeared for just a second as he nodded his head to welcome Brittany before going back to his original mean mug. Brittany giggles behind me, "Hi, Jeffy!"

"Josh?" I asked hesitating to shake his hand, not quite sure of what I would see and whether or not I would like what I saw. How is he here? My heart stopped for a moment as bittersweet memories flooded back to those last three years of high school. Back when I thought… I turn to walk away. I couldn't be near him of all people, why did he have to be here of all places I thought I left that behind me…

TW! (2 years earlier) TW!

Tears were already streaming down my face when Josh slammed the door to the school rooftop that was 6 stories high. Barely a moment of silence past and before I knew it his hand was on my throat. The look on his face was dark and territorial, it terrified me. Trying to pull his hand away as he starts pushing me backwards, growling "You are MINE! Do you think all of this is some kind of joke? Or is this some kind of GAME to YOU!"

"Josh- Josh please-! You're hurting me-!"I feel my body being tossed, only to hit the door to the stair well and landing a few feet away from the door...


"Mia, wait!" I hear Josh call out but someone stops him. I just wanted to be left alone, I could barely see past the tears as I start running into a few people...

~(Flash back)~ (TW!)

Josh knelt in front of me grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him. His beautiful eyes were no longer the same and took on an unworldly color, "If you really love me then prove it..."

"Get the hell away from her!" We both flinch as the door swings open and Josh is flung off of me...


It wasn't until someone grabbed my arm to stop me and pulled me into his arms that I realized I had run into the woods a few yards away from the party. The tears wouldn't stop, I felt like I was drowning!

"Talk to me, what's wrong?" ???

(Wilson's POV)

"Go your better at talking about stuff than I am…" Leon grumbles at me while holding Josh where he stood by the collar. Nodding I head in her direction, pushing through the crowd. I try my best to keep up, having to jump over a few drunk pups along the way. I already have a bad feeling that I know what happened between those two…

Back then Jeremy and I used to actually be really good friends. That is until he and his brother got into a huge fight our freshman year. When that happened their parents sent his brother to another school and wouldn't even tell Jeremy where they sent him. He was so worried because he couldn't even mind link with his twin.

Eventually his parents allowed them to have phones and when they could finally talk it turned out Josh seemed to be doing really well and had even met a girl, possibly THE girl. That is until he revealed she was human and that she wouldn't give him what he wanted. I admired her for it, hated him for what he did to her… please for the love of the gods tell me it wasn't her! Finally past the crowd, I look around only to spot her heading into the woods.

"Fuck! No, no,no-" Running I finally caught up to her before she could go any further into the woods, I grabbed her arm pulling her into my arms. It broke my heart to hear her crying, Dammit why did it have to be her- Fuck! Why did it have to be him! I try to calm down, holding her tightly, "Talk to me, what's wrong?"

She doesn't speak, her breathing becoming more rapid either from the sudden obstacle course of drunk teens or due to a panic attack. Rubbing her back, I feel her arms shaking as they wrap around me, "Don't- please don't go…I can't- I just can't-"

Her voice trembled so much, all I could do was hold her even tighter and kiss her temple, "It's okay… I'm not going anywhere."

Looking up, I saw two pairs of eyes peeking out of the shadows, 'Is she okay?' Sarah's mind links with me. All I could do was hold Mia close to me, "Here why don't we go inside where it's warm, and maybe find you some hot coco or tea.."

She only nods, I pick her up bridal style and start carrying her towards Sarah's place. I stopped briefly to see if I could find Leon and sure enough I spotted him watching us head towards the house. His eyes filled with a burning rage, I could hear his knuckles crack from where we were. I knew he hated not being the one to run to her like I can, honestly I kind of enjoyed it a bit that I was better at communication than he was. But in this instance, all I wanted to do was rip Josh's throat out.