
Why suddenly this question???

When she asked this question Adi was scared. Because he thought if he said that he loved her she will never talk to him. Even sometimes he thinks whether he actually loved her or not. But in his free times he would find any excuse to be with her. He was little confused.


At first he asked in questioning tone, " Why suddenly this question? Aren't we still small children to have such feelings? "

Then Drishti said, " I actually asked this question because i heard someone saying it. "

" From whom did you heard such things" Adi asked. He was having a little doubt but still he asked.

Then Drishti said it was his friend from she heard it. Then again she asked," Do you actually love someone"

Adi was feeling very angry in hus heart. He knew that it would be his friend. Then he said," If i said you will not be angry. Is it okay for you" While saying this he was very nervous. His heart was beating so fastly that he could feel he can feel his heartbeat.

Actually Drishti was not having any problem. When she looked at him she understood that he is not going to say so she said," Actually i love you. So i want to know whether you love me or not. If you don't i don't have any problem as we are still friends" That was her biggest stupidity. It was naturally a lie.

Her lie made him little confident. And he confessed that he also love her. But he was actually dumbstruck when he recieved his reply. Drishti said," Even if you love me it's a waste. Because i lied to you. I don't love you. I thought you loved someone else so i told like that to give you a little confidence. And don't you think that we are getting very closer. And we should not be that much closer regarding our gender..." Before she could complete Adi said in a very angry tone," Better is not to become friends. (clenching his fists tightly) You are such a lier and selfish girl i was mad to love you. You are totaly shameless. you b*tch."

Drishti became very angry," B*tch, i am not a b*tch. You BASTARD. i am your friend and now... i can't think to be even a friend with you. You are actually my brother's friend and a total stranger to me. Hmph" And both of fought. But this fight was a bid fight. It ended till the next two years.

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