
Who is her 1st LOVE???

When Drishti was at 1st grade she joined her brother's school. She completed her Kindergarden at Kolkata and came back to Mumbai when she was 6 years old. And that was the year when she first met her lover. That year when she came to her brother's school she was already 1month late. First day in the bus she saw her brother's friend Adhitya. Normally everyone used to call him Adi.


And the person whom she loved was Adi only. Both of them were of same age. That day again she saw Adi in her class. Then did she understood that they were in same class.

What a coincidence?

Her first day was little confusing. She don't know whom she want to make as her friend. And that day she met her new friend Rita. After 1week thier exams were going to start. But for Drishti, it was nothing for her at that time. Days went and her exam results were great. She performed very well in her studies. In every subject she got full marks.And her friendship with Rita and Adi was also improving day by day.


But if we are saying about Adi's results, it was not bad. His performance in studies were average. And also his mother was a teacher but still he was average in his studies.

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