
Searching for Spectrum's Harmony

With her wild curls and infectious smiles, Eleanor was a ray of sunshine in her neighborhood and her workplace. But behind her bright smile ,she seemed different. She didn't fit neatly into the boxes society had laid out for her. She was attracted to both genders, a truth she had only recently begun to understand about herself. As she navigated the complexities of her identity, Eleanor felt like she was straddling two worlds. From the tender embrace of a female first love to the tempestuous whirlwind of various affairs and flings, each connection leaves an indelible mark on her journey.

Goodgirlla · LGBT+
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29 Chs


Eleanor awoke to a pounding headache, her surroundings unfamiliar. Blinking blearily, she tried to piece together the events of the previous night. Memories of dancing, drinking, and laughter flooded back, and she groaned, realizing she must have gotten seriously wasted.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Greg appeared with a tray of breakfast in hand. 

"Hey there, sleepyhead," he greeted her with a grin. "You were a riot last night. Hope you're feeling better now."

Eleanor managed a weak smile, feeling embarrassed by her lack of control. 

"Thanks," she muttered, accepting the breakfast he offered. "I must have overdone it."

Greg chuckled sympathetically. "We all have those nights sometimes. Just glad I could make sure you are safe."

After finishing breakfast, she made her way back to her apartment, feeling a mix of relief and regret. She collapsed onto her bed, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the night before.

As she tried to collect herself, her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Emily, asking if everything was okay since she had left her house in a hurry the last time they met.

 Eleanor hesitated, unsure of how much to share with her. She typed out a response, trying to keep it vague yet reassuring. 

"Hey Emily, thanks for checking in. Something came up unexpectedly, but I'm fine now. We should catch up soon."

Emily: No problem! If you ever need to talk about it, I'm here. By the way, I'm actually staying at the hotel for a few days. Maybe we can grab a drink or something and catch up?

Eleanor's spirits lifted at the prospect of reconnecting with Emily. She glanced at the clock and realized she had to be at work soon, so she really had to hasten up.

Eleanor: That sounds nice! I'm actually working tonight, but once I'm done, I could swing by your room and we can chat?

Emily: That would be great! Just let me know when you're available.

Eleanor: Sure! I'll message you as soon as I'm done.

Emily: Looking forward to it! Take care until then.

Eleanor: Thanks, See you later!

The day was quite busy for Eleanor and in no time, she was done with work and ready to relax, She stepped out to the hotel lobby, her phone already in hand and quickly sent a text to Emily, letting her know that she was on her way to her room. 

As she hit send, a sense of nervous excitement fluttered in her chest.The short walk to the elevator felt like an eternity as Eleanor's mind flashed back to her last intimate moment with Emily. She couldn't get her hot body and soft moans out of her mind.

 She stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. The doors slid shut, and the elevator began its ascent, the soft hum of the machinery providing a soothing backdrop to her racing thoughts. When the elevator doors opened on the second floor, Eleanor took a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway. Room 208 was just a few doors down, and she quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her chest.As she reached the door, she paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before raising her hand to knock. Before she could make contact with the door, however, it swung open, revealing Emily standing on the other side, a welcoming smile on her face.

"Hey, Eleanor! How are you doing," Emily greeted, stepping aside to let her in.

"Hey, Emily," Eleanor replied, returning her smile as she stepped into the room. The familiar scent of Emily's perfume washed over her, filling her senses with a comforting warmth.

Emily closed the door behind them, her gaze lingering on Eleanor's face. 

"I'm really glad to see you again" she said, her voice soft with sincerity.

Eleanor felt a flutter of excitement in her chest at Emily's words. 

"Me too," she admitted, feeling a sudden rush of relief.

As they made their way fsurther into the room, Eleanor couldn't help but notice how cozy and inviting it felt. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm light over the space, casting shadows on the walls.

"So, how was work?" Emily asked, breaking the silence as they settled onto the couch.

Eleanor shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant despite the nervous energy coursing through her veins. 

"Same old, same old. Nothing too exciting."

Emily nodded sympathetically, her eyes scanning Eleanor's face for any sign of discomfort. 

"Well, hopefully, tonight will be more interesting," she said with a playful smile.

Emily moved closer to Eleanor and traced her fingers down her neck.

"You know, I kind of missed you that's why I'm here," she said as she kissed her fully on the lips.

Eleanor moaned softly with her eyes closed as she felt Emily's warm hand cup her breast. It felt nice. Really nice. 

"Uhm...I missed you too," Eleanor mumured as she slowly opened her eyes.

Emily began to fondle her breast, cupping them one after the other as Eleanor arched her back and moaning with anticipation. Emily bent down and stuck out her tongue gently touching her nipple. It was so quick and gentle, It was hardly felt. But nevertheless very erotic sending shivers through Eleanor's entire body. She gasped as Emily once again stuck out her tongue and this time touching it a little harder and longer. In fact she traced a circle around Eleanor's nipple before closing her lips around it. 

"Oh....yeah," Eleanor moaned passionately as she thrust her breasts up into the air.

Eleanor followed the curves on Emily's shoulder to her back. she grabbed a hold of her shirt and tugged it up over her head, tossing it to the floor. Emily picked up where she had left off only taking the other nipple into her mouth and teasing, sucking and playing with it. 

Suddenly Emily stopped and looked up to Eleanor, eyes dazed with lust and need.

"Let me return the favor from last time," 

Emily leaned forward and kissed Eleanor very passionately before she began making small kisses and sucking spots. First on her chin, then at the top of her neck, and to the middle. Licking and sucking, hands still cupping and fondling Eleanor's breasts. All Eleanor could do was caress Emily's back. Encouraging her to keep going. Seems all she had to do was to relax and let Emily pleasure her tonight.

Emily was now making her way past Eleanor's breasts. Stopping and giving each one a kiss before continuing downward. Kissing, licking and sucking small parts of her skin until she reached her belly button. There she traced and outline with her tongue. She got rid of the rest of her clothing and knelt down, then positioned in-between Eleanor's thighs.

She ran a thumb over the nicely trimmed hairs that faced her. With her index finger she ran her finger right down the middle of her folds, stopping at her very hot wet hole, parted her lips, stuck out her tongue and ran it right over the back of her clit.

"Oh my God!" Eleanor exclaimed, arching her back as much as she could while moaning out loud, her hips bucking into the air. 

Again Emily placed her tongue right near her hot wet hole and ran it right up the back side of her clit sending cold shivers running through Eleanor's spines. 

Emily paused a moment and circled her clit with a thumb, massaging it from bottom to top making her clit hard. With her other hand she took her middle finger and slid it deep into her. 

 "Yeah! Oh god, yes," Eleanor was wildly bucking and moaning incredibly loud. She couldn't hold back any longer. She spread her legs and hips as wide as they could possibly go and thrust her hips into the air. Emily was so good at pleasuring her, she continued to suck on her clit, and fuck her with her fingers. 

"Oooooohh" Eleanor screamed as she came on Emily's fingers and it felt so great. 

 Emily stopped and looked up to meet her gaze.

"You like that?" she asked mischievously.

Eleanor couldn't help but smile weakly at her.

"I loved it, was fun" she replied as she got up and got into the shower. She found herself smiling inwardly as the running waters hit her head. There was something about Emily that she couldn't really understand but whatever it was, she liked it...Infact she loved it and wanted more. It's been a sweet night so far.