
Searching For Heavens

Thrown into a new world. In the middle of a mountain with no one in sight. To survive in this harsh new world is to become strong enough to not die in mere seconds. In this kind of enviroment there is still some time to discover the place where you belong, to search for your own heaven.

HiddenKnight · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

For now, I will be the one guarding the core.

Trying to undercover the meaning behind every rune could prove to be a very tedious work, but the bonus would be an easier evolution in the future.

That said, let's hope the little fox evolves successfully.

If not, then we would have to change zones for quite a while.

I didn't say it before but the concentration of qi in the outer zone of the mountain is useful just for those below the level of the little fox. Which means that it will take quite a lot of time for the fox to recover if she fails.

I would be there to protect her in case something unexpected happens, but let's just remind the little fox to not be careless.


Days, weeks and months passed.

The little fox now feels as if its about to evolve. It just needs a little push.

She proposed that we go in search of oponents, to see if it could stimulate her potential, life and death battles I mean.

Those types of battles are the most effective when you want to learns something at a fast pace. The fear of death and adrenaline coursing through your body forces you to concentrate to ungodly levels. It could give you that little push to realize something to another level.

I mean, the same thing occurs with humans, yo realize your biggest potential when you are at the lowest of your life, and only then is when you try to strive in life of you haven't given up on it.

On the other hand the adrenaline coursin through your body could become an adiction. Just like how exteme sports could seem the most fulfilling ones, or how the joy of winning big while gambling could sent you in a spiral of debts and adiction.

Still, the fact that a life and death battle helps you is undeniable.

So, here we are going towards another adventure, this time, hoping to overcome an obstacle in the evolution of the little fox, and not just escaping from another creature.


We satarted walking towards the inner side of the mountain as the strong beasts tend to gather near the wall that divides the middle section with the mountaintop.

This time, I would not be participating in the fight so I have to be on the look out. It would not be ideal for me to be the one watching for other beasts, as they would have an even greater strenght than me, but if I dont do that, then I would be just a badgage.

Now then, I would also be learning actively during the fights. It would be good if I could see every one of the movements of the ones fighting. The ones I could see would be too low level to count as a proper source of information, but ot would nevertheless fill information gaps in my own movements.

While in the path towards the inner wall there were some shooting stars crossing the skies. Or so I would like to say, but they were too close to the ground.

In the next second, those "shooting stars" crashed somewhere nerby.

- Wait a minute, how did that thing trasspass the wall??? -

The little fox just ignored me and started runnig towards the crashing site.

- Fuck, hey little fox, are you ok!??? Why are you running without even letting me know???-

It's the first time I've seen the little fox run without even thinking towards a place that will mostly be filled with enemies in just a couple of minutes.

I also started running after her.

Fortunately, this zone is still low level, so even if there are beast near the crashing site, they will be, at most, at the same level of the fox.

That way I wouldn't be able to put up a proper fight, but at least I would be able to be adistraction. And the fox can use that time to finish whatever beast we are fighting.

It's a win-win situation I think. That is, until some beast beats me to a pulp.

We sprinted for five minutes to get near that "shooting star". Well not us, the little fox. I still needed some time to get to the place.

When I did get there the little fox was already fighting with a monkey.

It was a one sided fight for the looks of it. The monkey was on its last dregs and drawing a sorry picture.

It seems like a evolved beast, one level more than the little fox, but it's pretty weak.

Well, now we have meat of quality.

After the fight the little fox went inmediatelly towards the thing that fell from the sky.

It was a box, a spherical box.

What was inside it?

Even I don't know yet, the little fox started to run in a random direction once again.

Why is the little fox acting so weirdly after that thing crashed I don't know so let's go and see if I can catch her up.


Once again we started running around the forest in circles. Just that this time, the fox was going all out.

I ended up losing her.

I guess, to make it less difficult for her, I would try to go deeper from here into the mountain and then hide myself the best I can.

Thay way I would act as a decoy.

It would also be good if I can go back towards our territory, but just to be sure I would go back after a day or two.

After going arround all day and then hiding myself to the best of my abilities, I finally rested for a moment.

And in the next second, I passed out from the exhaustion.