
Search For The Dragon Soul

In this creation their are era's. Each era will be ended in a different way only two beings in creation will achieve absolute power to fight End itself. Follow Ren on a journey to find his origin and to find more about the mystery of the era's and creation. [before the dawn of creation]: There was once a god who step on plane of nothingness, he decided to create life and two gods, the first god was Alpha and the second is Omega, both god's fell in love with each other for million's and trillion's of years. but one day calamity strike to the Alpha, he suddenly went insane for unknow purposes he started feeding of the narrative's of the book's of creation. so Omega decided to take matters into her own hands. he fight his lover for day's on end until one day, Omega finally stop the rampage of his lover, Omega managed to temporary seal Alpha. After that Omega give birth to their son Alpha Omega he procced to create two absolute power, so one day the two power's could protect all creation from the awakening of his father. P.S.. I changed the synopsis because this is much more better and that happened before the events of the first Era and this my first time writing a story hope you enjoy reading.

CJD_09 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Fire vs the 6 elements

Chapter 16

"COME ON! I'II TAKE YOU ALL ON!!" Ren said it in excitement. he challenge the 6 dragons. "Which one of you will come first?!" the brown and blacked haired person was hesitating to attack Ren.

"Stop Terra! don't go charging recklessly, your gonna get destroyed if you attack alone." Fulgur said.

"If you don't move sooner, I'm just gonna go myself." Terra said.

"Huh? why aren't the 6 of you moving, are you scared of me?" said Ren in a mocking voice. "You know you can just leave if the 6 of you are afraid." Ren smirked. the 6 dragon were slowly getting angry.

"Khh! you bast-" the white haired person was stop.

"Stop it Ventus!" Fulgur said.

"What?! why are we still standing here! there's 6 of us and only 1 of him! i don't care about your command's Fulgur!" Ventus procced to charged towards Ren. but Ren appeared right in front of him and punched him on the face, he got quickly send back to his position before.

"GHHHHH!" Ventus groaned.

"Are you alright?!" said the blue haired person to Ventus.

"I told you to stop but you didn't listen." Fulgur said,

"Yea I'm alright Aqua." Ventus replied. Fulgur was still not charging towards Ren even if the odd's are against Ren.

"Huh?!" Fulgur suddenly smelled another dragon and he looked the directon of Ren. "You over there! are you a dragon?!" Fulgur pointed to Theresa.

Theresa was hesitating to say a word. "What kind of shit are you up to now Fulgur?!" Ren said.

"I'm not asking you! I'm asking her! now tell me are you a dragon?!"

Ren and the 6 knights looked at Theresa. "Come on just tell him already, he's not gonna stop asking you." Ren said.

"Yes I am a dragon! why exactly are you asking me if I'm a dragon?!" Theresa said.

Fulgur grinned. "Oh nothing, i was just making sure."

"(This bastard is up to something)" Ren said.

"Say... if you are a dragon and Ren is also a dragon. i have a great offer for the two of you." Ren and Theresa were shocked.

"(What?! what is he up to now)... what are you up to Fulgur?!" Ren said.

Theresa was a little intrigued of the offer. "What kind of offer are you exactly talking about?"

"If you don't want a fight to break out between us... the only you two have to do... is to join us." Fulgur smiled.

"What if we decline the offer?" Theresa said.

"If you decline." Fulgur smiled. "Will just have to kill everyone in this stadium and destroy this whole planet into ashes!" Fulgur has an evil looked on his face.

Ren, Theresa and the 6 knights were shocked.

"What?! you can't do that!" Theresa said.

"LEAVE THE INNOCENT PEOPLE OUT OF THIS FULGUR!!!" said Ren in a furious voice.

"Come on time is ticking for you two." Cies smiled.

Ren was starting to get furious and angry, he was slowly filling up with bloodlust. the people in the stadium were starting to get scared.


"Are you two gonna really decline that offer?!"

"People we should leave while we have the chance!" the people on the stadium started to panicked and started leaving the stadium but.

"Terra raised the ground!" said Fulgur.

"Alright- HAAAAAAA!." Terra started raising the ground to lift up the stadium in the air so no one can leave.

"The stadium is shaking!" said Neon.

"Now it's raising!" said Pondu.


After a couple of minutes the stadium was 1000 meters above the ground.

"NOBODY WILL LEAVE! HAAHAHHAHA!!" Fulgur suddenly created a lightning barrier outside of the stadium.

"Were all trapped" the people said. "WERE ALL GONNA DIE."

"The 7 of u try protect the people." Ren said.

"Alright HHHMPH!" Pondu created a spatial barrier around half of the people in the stadium, but the other half was still not protected.

"I can only protect half of the people in this stadium."

"don't worry that's more than enough, the 6 of us will deflect any incoming attacks." Theresa said.

"What about you Ren?" Morrigan said.

"I'm gonna destroy the 6 dragons!"

"Don't you need any help?" still Morrigan.

"I don't need it, this is my fight alone so don't intervene!" Ren looked at Theresa and the 6 knights

"(Ren has a furious look on his eyes)" said Theresa.

Ren suddenly appeared right in front of Fulgur and tried to punched him, but Fulgur dodge it with ease.

"To slow brother-HAAA!"

"GHAAA!" Fulgur kicked Ren hard on the stomach and send him flying in the opposite side of the stadium.

"Heart, create a large stem with may branches on the middle of the stadium." Fulgur said.

"Alright big brother, Hmmm-HAAA!" heart created a large stem with many branches, all the way up to the sky.

Ren stand up with anger and bloodlust while his aura was covered in flames and he has a scary looked on his eyes. but Fulgur was not wasting time, he suddenly appeared behind Ren and punched him on the face.

"GHHH!" Ren grunt. Terra was behind Ren and he used his brute strength to kicked Ren high in the sky. "AAAAHHH!"

Ren managed to regain his footing by landing on one of the branches of the stem. Terra and Fulgur immediately followed Ren and they continued to fight. it was 2v1 but Ren used many of the branches to jump around as an advantage to not get hit by the fierce attacked.


"Are you just gonna stay here Heart?" Aqua asked. "M-Hmm..." Heart nodded her head.



"GHHHAAAA!" Terra groaned in pain. Ren punch Terra hard on the chest to send him down on the ground of the arena. Fulgur turned into a lightning spark to maneuver around the branches more easily and he managed to catch up to Ren and he kicked him but he disappeared.

"What?! where did he go?" said by the confused Fulgur.

"I'm right here." said Ren

"!... GHHHHH!! AAAAAAHHH!!" When Fulgur looked up Ren used his dragon fist to punch him hard on the face and Fulgur landed hard on the ground. but Ventus and Cies where right behind Ren.

*slash* *poke*

"AAAHH-GHAAA!!" Ren looked down on his chest, and he saw a large ice sword pierce his chest. "Da-damn yo-u C-ies" Ren said it in a weak voice.

"REN!!" said Theresa in a worried voice.

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