
Sealkeeper: He Who Binds

This is not my work, but I really like this author's work, so I want people to know more about him. Thank you for information about the real nickname of the author - "WhiteGeass". Real nickname of the author is Eyazahrid. His sister may have been given a Kyuubi, but armed with the greatest masterpiece of Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto will make his way through the shinobi world.

andek · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Adaptation (part 2)

"Well, that explains why Naruko didn't go to the academy with me today. I should have found this odd, considering how badly she wants to become a shinobi."

Trying once again to rid his mind of such thoughts, he again returned his gaze to his hand, trying to decipher the marks, despite the fact that he was not trained in seals. "No, this is what Kaa-san is going to discuss with Naruko, while They are not here."

"Where is Kurenai-ne? Of course, she would come to check on me, at least, and I would expect my mother to leave me in her care if she would leave for a long time." He took a deep breath. "Even if she was assigned to watch me, I'm not sure that she will be glad about it. "She doesn't really like Naruko, but she's not really trying to even hide it when it comes to me."

It was easy to understand that she hated him, and he really could not blame her. A woman with red eyes saw his mother as her own, and with the birth of him and his twin, she lost most of Kushina's attention. She did not love them for this, but tried to be polite with his sister, whom she hoped to accept as her own sister or, possibly, even a daughter. You really can't say exactly what this woman needs. His case was not helped by the fact that he not only had the facial features of his father, but was, like his father, a man. Kurenai always had problems with men: she never felt embarrassed, but also did not feel comfortable in their presence. And for her he was no different, despite the fact that he was so reminiscent of his father.

She ever felt comfortable only with Minato, and it can even be assumed that she had some feelings for a man. In fact, the fact that he (Naruto) reminded her of the love interest she had lost would also not give him any points in her book. Damn, with his absolute lack of luck, Uzumaki, he would not be surprised if she felt that his very existence mocked her, taking away from her everything that she appreciated in her life.

In that case, perhaps it would be better if they did not interact, especially without his mother and sister. She really tried only for their sake, without them, interaction with her could quickly deteriorate.

He massaged the bridge of his nose with his left hand. Such thoughts did not lead him anywhere. His hand caught his attention again. The press itself, obviously, was already there, and was not the result of the gates of the complex. However, the gate made it visible. Perhaps she would have appeared if he had ever focused on her, but he was completely unaware of her existence. The direction of a large number of chakras was almost guaranteed, reveals the presence of a seal, even one that seals the chakra. In fact, he never tried to direct a large number of chakras into his hands for some reason, so it was clear that he never found out about it.

Then two questions remained: "What was that?" and "Who knew about this?" The acting Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed surprised to say that it resembles what he saw before, and then apologized. At that moment, all they knew was that it was somehow related to the Shinigami curse that was on the left side of his chest.

Given this fact, it was probably associated with the sealing of Kyuubi-no-Kitsune, which was currently within the Octa Seal on his sister's stomach. Known to most in the village, his sister served as a cage for the mighty Biju. Known much less often, he (Naruto) was a guard. The seal on his sister was not so much a seal as a pocket dimension attached to this world by her chakra system, holding the Kyuubi where they could observe. It was the seal of the curse on his chest that was the seal in this case, holding the giant fox in this dimension, using the strength of the Shinigami, which branded him with her touch.

But this new seal was somehow connected with him, and he was not sure why. His first thought was that it was the key to the Eight Seal, but everyone who was fully informed about the sealing knew that Minato had entrusted this toad, his appeal. Thus, when this option disappeared, his second assumption was that he would allow him to absorb part of the Kyuubi chakra. This would allow him to accelerate in battle, save extra energy for emergencies, or possibly absorb any chakra that his sister began to release. This was a logical conclusion, especially considering that two days after the incident, his treatment quickly accelerated due to the Kyuubi chakra, which strengthened his healing of Uzumaki. But even this seemed like a wrong answer.

On the one hand, the chakra did not seem to come from this new seal, but rather from the Shinigami curse itself. There was also ... a voice ... he felt deep inside himself a whispering voice that he could not fully make out. But he knew that although this did not come from the press, his press seemed to react to this. If you think about it, the voice came from the seal, like the Kyuubi chakra, could it be Kyuubi for some reason? This should be considered soon. Of course, this led to the final question:

Was this new seal reacting to the bija or to the seal on his sister?

Released from the hospital, Naruto did not know what to do next. Now that he had no friends, no family, 2,000 yen, and the clothes that survived his clash of clan protection — that was his underwear and pants with slight tears — he suddenly found himself homeless, hungry and lonely.

He should go to the academy by the end of the day, but if he goes in this dress, he will probably be sent back home, where he does not have access. He could try to beg, but he was known as Kushina's child, they will probably think that he's just trying to get some money to spend for his entertainment. In addition, he remembered that his mother was telling him: "Uzumaki did not plead when."

Therefore, he needs to find a way to provide himself without skills, little experience in performing any work and without physical preparation. Perhaps honest work was not an option in this case.

"No, I'm better than that." He thought, shaking his head, but a small part of him spoke differently. "You will be a ninja." She said. "You might as well get used to dishonest work."


Now, dressed in a rough brown piece of cloth with an impromptu scarf covering his face, he was looking for a target. "I could go and take what I need directly from the source." The redhead mused, "Or I could steal funds to get things elsewhere, reducing the chances of being discovered."

He sighed. "I can't believe that I only reconciled in two days" He thought with disgust. Having rid himself of self-hatred, he continued to think about goals. No matter how hidden he is, it is unlikely that he will be noticed before he makes his The building's shadow covered him when he crouched on a low roof, there were more passages above it, which meant that the shinobi passing through it crossed right above it, and the roof extended far enough to the main road of Konoha Market, so it would be difficult for people to see him until they knew where he was .

"The shinobi would have a lot of money, but the chances that I will get it and leave are small. Civilians carry little because of the ninja, keeping everything in the banks until it is needed, so I need find someone who has just left the bank, or someone arrogant enough to consider himself safe. "

Two and a half hours passed before he noticed a potential target. The man was not small, a walking mountain of muscles, and he behaved confidently. Tattoos covered almost every inch of his visible skin, and he seemed quite pleased with himself. A quick glance at the building he had stepped out showed a bar. "Drinking? Is it early? No, not just drinking must have played dice."

Because Shinobi loved working at night, infamous people tended to do their business during the day. Seeing that this was shortly before noon, this man probably finished and is ready to enjoy the results for the next few hours before going to his den for the night.

Having made the decision, he carefully pursued the chosen goal, trying to stay between the world on the roof (shinobi) and the random guard and the civilian crowds below. He was too suspicious for both.

"The red light district, I'm not surprised."

His goal approached one of the many provocative women on the street, no doubt hoping to enjoy their winnings to the fullest. The woman glanced at the amount that the man had in his bag before grabbing his hand, and was more than happy to rid him of it. This made everything a little more complicated, but at the same time, the defense of his target fell significantly. He was going to become a shinobi - he could work with it.

After all, it was just a civilian and a prostitute.

What could go wrong?

One old kunai, everything he had to work with. That should be enough. At first he will try to cut the bag, but if this does not work, he will strike him and run away. "I hope the pain loosens the man's grip." With silent prayer to Lady Udacha and Kami, hoping to be as quick and silent, Naruto strained his nerves and jumped a stone's throw from the man as the couple made their way through the alley to a worn motel located far from the main road.

The man was more attentive than he seemed. He turned sharply to face the suddenly appeared bastard. Consequently, the bag under his arm has now become much more affordable. Aiming for her, Naruto tried to get the belts worn on the man's left shoulder. This man had other plans, and the boot that Naruto took into his face made them more understandable.

"What the hell thought you could rob me, right? I will teach you one or two things!" the man shouted as he walked toward the rising child. Naruto quickly came to his senses, but obviously this was not enough. He got a hard fist in the stomach for his efforts.

"Crap, this won't end well." Grasping the hand of his man, he thanked the gods for being able to firmly hold the kunai in his other hand. His first blow went to the wrist, cutting him deep, and while the man bounced off and tried to stop the blood, spewing a series of poisonous curses, Naruto continued the attack, plunging his blade into the man's stomach.

Unfortunately, this would not be so simple. With a mighty roar, a muscular mountain attacked, pushing Naruto into the wall. Although while she held on, this was the last thing that his disguise could accept, as his scarf fell on his legs and his hood was pulled down from his head, full of red hair.

"Ha? Baby Uzumaki? What, your slut mother didn't give you enough pocket money today, boy?" The giant asked before spitting on the boy's feet. "Well, now it doesn't matter. You made a mistake when you left your mark on me, and lost any chance of escaping death

He leaned over and grabbed his neck, grabbing a kunai to finish the job. He was poorly prepared for a small foot that came into contact with his masculinity. He threw the boy with a howl, falling to his knees for a short while, but Naruto had enough time to take an advantageous position. With adrenaline pumping his veins, he did not hesitate when a voice shouted: "Die!"

His leg jerked instantly, throwing back the scarf, and the boy did not lose time, curling up behind him and wrapping it around the man's neck, pulling it tight. While the man struggled to breathe, the shinobi was ready to commit his first murder. Kunai came out easily enough, blood was dripping all over the earth, but he ignored the throbbing pain.

With one quick movement, the kunai stuck into the scarf, into the soft flesh on the man's neck. He died, unable to utter a sound, and the exhausted Naruto fell to his knees for a moment. His momentary respite was interrupted by a choking, panic sob. He let his eyes wander around the spring, half alert and half ready to fall asleep there. Given that he was near the corpse, this was more than not desirable.

"Oh, yes, forgot about her." The lady of the night, or rather, in this case, the lady of the late morning, leaned against the wall, tears streaming down her face as she looked at him in fear. Sighing wearily, he got up and picked up his prey. "Is it really worth all this blood?" He wanted to feel bad about what he had just done, but he really could not find it in himself. "In this world it is valid: kill or be killed," he mused, turning away from the woman and going down the lane. "I need this money, unfortunately, he was on his way."

"She needed that money too." Another part reminded him. He stopped. Frowning, he looked over his shoulder at the frightened woman. She was not great, especially because of the tears running down her cheeks and the dirt covering her clothes, which she tore when she fell, but she had a pretty attractive appearance that the eight-year-old child could not deny.

She had short blonde hair, probably to be easier to maintain, and bright emerald eyes. Judging by her single hair color, she was probably from the Yamanaka clan. There were not many people in the clans who were not shinobi, but very often people were born who had neither desire nor ability. They were usually not well received even by their own families. Most likely, for this she worked as a prostitute.

Her figure was medium, with B-size breasts and a narrow waist that only expanded slightly on her hips. The fair skin was clean enough. She was not something special, but she looked good enough to distract a man from his worldly troubles when he was in her company.

There was something about her that called for him. He was not sure if it was the tears or fear that her eyes showed. Perhaps, but his young heart could not help but reach out to her. He did not see the reasons why he should not do the same. Turning to her, he walked until he stood next to her, looking at her trembling figure. Sitting on his knees beside her, he put his hand in his bag and pulled out what was a ¥ 90,000 bill.

"Hey," he shouted. "It turns out that you are at a loss since I killed your client."

Now that she knew that he didn't want to hurt her, her confidence seemed to return to her. Now there was little doubt that she had Yamanak's blood.

"Honestly, baby, it would be if you replaced my client. You know, I don't do charity work. I don't take anything that I didn't earn."

Her voice was surprisingly soft and melodic, but there was an almost arrogant tone in him, which for a moment caught him by surprise. Recovering, he answered as best he could.

"I am eight."

She laughed.

Both agreed to continue the conversation somewhere else, he gave her his impromptu cloak to erase as much dirt as possible before putting it back on, deciding to hide his identity. Similarly, a bloodied scarf was wrapped around his face again, filling his nose with a coppery smell. He ignored this and instead followed a blonde prostitute who led him to a strange little cafe located next to the main road, which allowed for a little privacy care when they took a darkened place at the table in her outside dining area.

After ordering, they sipped tea, waiting for it to be brought.

After their food was served and eaten, the postponed discussion resumed. "As I said earlier," Naruto began. "It's fair that you get some of the money I stole from your client. By all indications, it was supposed to be yours soon enough. "

"And, as I said, little shinobi, I actually had no chance to make this money. If you want me to get them, hire me. Even if you are so young, I know several ways for us to get some fun. "He looked at her strangely, causing another woman laugh.

"Listen ..." he stopped, waiting for her name, which she gave quite easily.

"Tatsuki, formerly Yamanaka Tatsuki."

Naruto continued: "Listen, Tatsuki-san, we both know that you would deserve this, and, as you mentioned, I have deprived you of the chance to earn. Consider this a legitimate compensation."

"You say nice words, man, surprisingly for someone who claims to be eight years old," she grinned. "But I'm not backing down. If you are so determined to give me a chance, prove it to me, hire me for a day and we can both go different ways, happy. "

He shook his head. "I'm not doing this, Tatsuki-san, not now, so instead, how about making a small deal?" Her interest flashed as she leaned closer, managing to cross most of the small table, so that her face was uncomfortably close to his own. Despite the fact that it was covered with mud no more than an hour ago, it smelled very good.

"What kind of deal are we talking about?"

"Payment in advance." Answered the redhead. "I give you the regular price and a little more for the reservation. When I get a little older, I will look for you to demand your services"

Making a thoughtful expression on her face, she leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. After a second, she grinned ominously.