
Jabe city

Known for his commercial and been very populated, with high numbers of less privileged citizen residing here, was Jabe city. And it also happpens to be the first city built by sir Sedrick before the battles between various powers.

After the battle; sir Sedrick left accompanied by some few person's who believed in his strength and together with other merchant and commercial personnel relocated from jade city.

Which led to the current name of the city as the home of less privileged, although seen as such jade city still hold some beauties to be held cause it was said that jade city was the birth place of the Shedden family back then and even till date, and an ancestral statue of sir Sedrick was built at the center of the city.

Even though the place his remotely backwards compared to other cities, jade city still played a major roll in the development of Astoria. since the land has natural occurring mineral such as amethyst, sapphire, rubies and many other pericous stones which lead to more construction and drilling site yet little advancement.

Jade city mid lane

Crystal Skull apartment at one in the morning when everyone's asleep

**** no no no *** Jane ** don't go **** Crystal Skull sleep talked

Morning in jade city

The morning here is something worth looking forward to seeing, cause the movement and sound makes the place lively

** I must have had another nightmare *** Skull said and

sigh frustratedly.

When ever Skull had a nightmare of Jane, he usually spends his days looking at a photo of her while reminiscing about their past, sometimes going to the market and after spending time their he goes to a local bar to have a strong drink then return home.

It was because of her he did the work which he currently have to do, to give her a better life and she was the only one who saw the good in him back then, both of them made dreams together and planned on moving out of jade city after Skull returned from his post.

Two years ago and upon his return he found his beloved wife died as well as many other at the market place as a result of collapsed building which killed a hundred people. Even after these incidents nothing was done by the government to compensate the lost families, and ever since then Skull became less interested in the his work, cause the very person he wanted was no more. Several calls from his colleagues had been made some for sympathy, while others to return to duty still he just seems out of it or rather mad at himself.

Greive is an emotion which all human has to go through using their own method, although Skull is a strong man when he was first given an appointment back then were many could testify of his strength and abilities, as for the name it was part of the code name which are given to all and every one who partake in his line of work even if he doesn't want anything to with it currently. The reason behind his name was because he always keeps his head bald, with average height and a sharp sliver eyes with an handsome facial features and he's also known for meeting all his target. Ever since that incident Skull made up his mind to not leave jade city while also not returning back to his work. Even if skull knew about him not ever returning back to his work was slightly not possible, he still can't help but keep cursing at his luck for joining in the first place. Still he remains a strong man who never gave into his depression, while he did move around Jabe city once in a while. Not searching for anything in particular; but he kept on going out to places which he visited with his late wife. The pass two years now he had always visited his wife's grave site to change the flowers there, while spending time there and returning back home late. One night of returning back from the grave site; he came across a group of gangs who sat outside the grave site, smoking and parading themselves as the lord of the night. Even if they had been reported numerous times already, nothing still has been done regarding it, which gave them upper hand in the vicinity. To top it all up the security agent in charge of the area kept on overlooking all their affairs, and much damage still kept being done.

He walked pass them, while they were having their little gathering as always; while the time was pretty late already. Still humans activity still happens, Skull didn't pay any heed to their fiasco but walked towards his destination. While a group of them moved towards him and blocked his way, he tried going the other way and another man came over and stood before him. He was surrounded by two other men who stood behind him, and they started laughing at him; the leader of the gang walked over and said ** what do we have here **. And the rest of them laugh at his words, Skull watched them and said ** i don't want trouble ** and they laugh even more at his words; while he kept watching them. The gang leader said ** ok fella give me all you have ** while point a dagger at him, Skull remained quiet and didn't say a word to them, a man from his left side chimed in ** you better hand all you got or we make today your last **. The rest of them laugh at his words, there after a man pulled skull by the collar; and Skull held the man's hand from behind and twisted it while kicking him in the limb twice and pushed him aside. Seeing the outcome of their fellow pattern the rest became cautious and pulled out weapons, the gangs leader order them all to attack him while showing no mercy. Skull took a battle stance and watched them approaching him, the first one to approach him came with a knife and swung it at him; he held the man's hand and punched him twice on the face and hit the side of his neck which cause him to pass out. The gangs leader pushed the two remaining men forward and said ** kill him if you have too ** and they smiled stupidly while walking towards Skull, who kept his eyes on them and they ran into him, with wood sticks in their hands. They swung the stick at him which he evaded and pulled one of them, by the neck and struck his chest twice and flipped him over while kicking the side of his neck. His next pattern came behind Skull and hit him hard, which made the stick broke from the impact; while Skull stood still and slowly turned towards the man who got frighten from Skull's rigid expression. The man ran away from skull while heading towards their leader, who pushed him aside and walked towards skull, he smiled ** seems you have skills man** and he swung his dagger at Skull with much force. Compared to his men the leader was slightly skilled with the dagger, and he moved acrobatically towards skull while swinging the dagger at him more; Skull had no way of over powering him so he evaded all his attack. Skull observed his opponent and found an opening in his attack which he exploited, he caught the leaders hand and knock off the dagger which caused the man to head him; accross the face and skull staggered backwards. The man stretched out his hand and his dagger flew towards him, he walked towards Skull again and Skull swung his hands forward, which repelled the man backwards and he rushed towards him to seize him. Skull held onto the man's arms and banged his head into his twice, afterwards he punched him in the guts repeatedly; and he punched him in the chin which caused him to triple over a block and fell head straight to the ground. Regardless of the outcome, skull knew he would still end up victorious so he never wanted to indulge them in a brawl in the first place, he stood they and watched the gangs men pulled their leader away afterwards he walked away.