

I am visiting Khadeejah's house today because I vowed not to let the problems I was having stop me from fulfilling my promise.

I walked to Yusuf's room to tell him we were leaving.

He opened the door blowing a cigarette at my face.

"Ah! I don't want your sweet scent on my body."

"What do you want Maryam" he said rolling his eyes with hands akimbo.

"Well, I just came to tell you that I am visiting a colleague of mine".

I had to lie because he made me cut all ties with my family and I know he'll definitely stop me from going if he knew who Khadeejah is.

Yes, he is that cruel.

I don't even know why I am seeking his permission because he is literally just my husband by name.

"You can go where ever you want".

I was about to leave when he called "wait!"

Oh God! What does he want again.

"What am I going to eat for lunch"

Is he for real.

I wasn't in the mood for any trouble so I just told him where I kept the food that was supposed to be for me and Abdallah.

"Leave."he said dismissively.

Sabr, Maryam, Sabr.

I glared at his retreating figure and walked to my room.

"Let's go" I said to an excited Abdallah when I got the room.

He has been hyperactive since I told him we were visiting his new found friend.

I held Abdallah's hand and we walked out with him telling me about how he saved Ibteehaj from a bully in school when a lady suddenly blocked our path.

"Excuse me?"

"You are Yusuf's wife right?"

"Yeah, what do you Want" I asked eyeing her.

"Well, not for long"

"May your prayers be answered" I said irking her.

She literally had smoke coming out of her ears.

"I don't even know what he saw in you that made him marry you" she said giving me a disgusted look.

"Okayyyy.... your point?"

I didn't let her talk before I added "see, I have somewhere to be so if you'll excuse me..." I said sidestepping her.

I really can't believe some ladies can stoop so low to the extent of following a man to his house, haven't they heard of word dignity.

We were on our way to Khadeejah's house when we passed by two young couples walking by the state university, obviously students.

I felt a feeling of nostalgia rush through me.

It reminded me so much of myself and a certain someone whose name was not to be mentioned.

We were at the address Khadeejah gave me in no time.

I got Abdallah out and paid him.

"Let's go mummy" he said running towards a house and started knocking.

I quickly ran towards him before he does something stupid.

"Wait Abdallah, first of all, this isn't the house. Secondly, we have to call her first." I said annoyed.

He looked at me and started smiling sheepishly.

I dialed her number and she picked after a few rings.

"I am outside"

"Okay, I am coming"

"Be fast if not you'll just come out and see my melted form" it was like the sun was on a mission to kill us .

I sighted her walking toward us "I thought you weren't going to come" she pouted.

"Why would a sweet soul like me do that"

"Yeah, sweet soul indeed, let's go inside before this heat kills me" she said and carried Abdallah while playing with his cheeks.

See the person talking as if she didn't just come out.

"What would you like to eat"

"It doesn't even matter, you're eating every thing" she said dragging me to the dining table.

Okay, I just hope she doesn't expect me to finish all these because there were a lot of food flasks there.

"Wait you don't expect me to finish all these right?"

"Nope" she said popping the 'p'. "We are all eating, wait let me call the kids" she said and ran off to the backyard where they were playing.

I really can't believe she is married.

"You guys should go and play" she said sending the kids away after we were done eating.

"Okay" they said simultaneously and ran off.

"So tell me how all this happened"

"Its a very very very long sad story" i said having a sad smile playing on my lips.

"Tell me everything" she said eagerly.

"How I got married without any of you knowing or how everything started from beginning".

"Tell me how everything started".

"Okay" I nodded.

I really don't think I am ready but I think its high time I let everything out because I've held it in for long.

"It all started when…"


It was our first day in school and we were already late.

"Hurry up Maryam" Salmah said tapping her feet impatiently making an annoying sound.

"I am done let's go" I said putting my hijab and we both walked out of the house.

We hailed a taxi and hopped in.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"The state university"

"I just hope I bump into a guy today"

Lord, this girl is crazy

"You read to much books that its now getting to your head. Babe, this is reality and instead of you to be thinking about your future you are hear thinking of bumping into a guy, you need deliverance wallahi" I said shaking my head.

"Whatever, you are just being a hater" she feigned anger.

"We are here" the taxi man said.

We quickly hopped down and paid him.

"Okay we'll meet at the cafeteria by 1:00".

"Okay, bye" she said moving towards the direction of her class.

We were having different classes because she was offered the admission to read MLS (medical laboratory science) while I was lucky enough to get the course I applied for which was medicine.

I got to the class before the lecturer because I covered half the distance while running.

I sat down beside a pretty girl. " hey, i am Sameerah Naseer" she said extending her hand.

Wow she seems nice.

"Maryam Ahmad" I said shaking her hands.

I felt someone tap me so I turned and saw a very handsome guy looking at me. He was a bit dark and he looked really tall.

He looks like those guys that just come into your life to charm you into loving them and then they ruin your life.

Okay, I know I am being dramatic right now but its better safe than sorry right?

"Hey, are you there" he said waving his hands at my face and I realized that I had zoned out.

"Yeah sorry, what did you say?" I asked slightly embarrassed.

"Never mind, I am Muhammad El–ishaq, you?"

It seems like I am making a lot of friends today.

"Maryam Ahmad" I said and turned when I heard the lecturer walk in.

Ya Allah help me because wallahi I am on the verge of strangling this guy.

"WHAT! DO! YOU! WANT!" I turned giving him a menacing look.

"Hey" he said waving his hands

Is this guy for real.

"You two" the lecturer said making me turn and saw that she was pointing at us.

"Out of my class" she said and looked away.

I knew better than to beg her so I just packed my books and left the class with the idiot tailing behind me.

"What was that about" I said as soon as we got out of the class.

I didn't let him talk before I continued "that was my first class and I've already been kicked out because of you" I said hitting his leg.

"Woah, easy there. You are supposed to be happy because I just got you out of that boring class" he said smiling like a loon.

He was right because the class was very boring but this isn't highschool where I can just bunk classes, this is uni I need to stay focused, finish and get rich.

"Thank you very much for getting me kicked out of my first class on my very first day, I really appreciate it" I said sarcastically.

I walked to a nearby bench and sat down waiting for the next class.


We were finally done with our classes for the day and I feel like I spent the whole day trying to mop the ocean.

I reached out for my phone to call her when her call came in.

"Timing tiger, or tigress?"

"Shut up."

I could already imagine her rolling her eyes while saying that.

"Whatever, are you done?"

"Yeah, but I don't think I can't go to the cafeteria because that's more stress moreover I've already called Hammad and he said he is on his way"

I guess I am not the only person that is tired.

"Wait just tell me where you are I am coming" she added.

"I am going, see you tomorrow" Sameerah said.


She was there in a few minutes and let me tell you what, she looks worse than me.

"I think i am going to drop out of school because this shit is obviously not for me" she said as she sat on the bench next to me.

I shook my head and told her about my encounter with Muhammad and she was laughing so hard when I was done.

"Serves you right" she said still laughing.

Remind me why I am friends with this idiot.

"So, did you bump into anybody?"

"Sadly, no." she said pouting.

End of flashback.

"God, I need to go" I said as I realized we had spent a long time talking.

"But we aren't even done" she whined.

"Yeah, and we wouldn't be even if we are going to sit here for the rest of the day talking" I said packing my belongings.

"So how are we going to do it"

"Maybe we'll meet and you'll tell me till I get to know everything"

"Good idea" I said and carried a sleeping Abdallah.

"Bye" she said escorting me to the door.
