
Sea of the Forsaken

It was supposed to be a normal visit to her uncle's place. Everything was planned out to prevent anything from happening by her parents, but it didn't end that way in the end. After taking a dive in an underwater cave with her cousins, Lynae and Meredith, something changed within her. Ever since that day, Amelia, Lynae, and Meredith uncover more on their family's secret lineage resulting in them becoming something that they thought was not possible. Now showing their true scales, they adjust their lives into becoming more than just mermaids, but as the rightful rulers of the five water realms along with two mermen. They meet other merfolk along the way to help guide them into making each of their designated realm a better place for everyone. However, not everyone would agree with what the five rulers have in mind as for what is best. The main concern would be set on the five after they discovered that they each inherited a special power from each sibling. But with those powers come with great distress. Fearing that history may repeat itself, the mer are keeping a close eye on Amelia since she is the reincarnate of the one whom was good at heart but became corrupt to the very end resulting in her transforming into a great beast that terrorized the underwater kingdom. If you want to take a dive into an adventure that stretches around the world while witnessing the supernatural elements these mer face everyday, then you are in the right place. Come under and see why the merfolk are not just a fairytale, but a lost race that the humans have forgotten for over centuries. 2020's WATTPAD'S NOBEL PRIZE WINNER - FANTASY CATEGORY 2020's ARCANA BOOK AWARDS SECOND PLACE - FANTASY CATEGORY HONORABLY RECOGNIZED IN THE 2020 SERANIAN AWARDS 2020's HALCYON AWARDS SECOND PLACE - ADVENTURE CATEGORY

Luna_Mermaid1 · Fantasy
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Chapter 24 - Back on Track

Chapter 24

Back on Track

"I never thought we would get a big wall around finished. I'm exhausted," Meredith said laying down.

"At least now we have some form of shelter," Rimulus added.

"I can't believe you girls have these abilities! That was amazing!" Ernest said excitingly.

"You think that's amazing? You'd probably faint at what else we can do, that's nothing," Lynae said.

"Is Amelia going to be okay? She looked agitated while working," Ernest asked.

"Don't know; Rim, what are your thoughts on Amelia's condition? You know her better than us," Lynae asked.

"I'm worried. I know she just wants us to all think she's okay, but deep down I know she's struggling,"

"Do you think we should get Allura involved with her?"

"Honestly, I can't say. If it were up to me, I would ask for her if I were in her shoes, but I cannot speak on my lady's behalf," Rimulus said looking gloomy toward Amelia's direction.

"Maybe we do need her. I mean I don't need her, but Amelia might benefit from her to at least get her powers under control and to be able to handle them better," Lynae stated.

"It's getting dark, we should probably get some food," Ernest said.

"I'll come with you, Ernest. Lady Lynae, could you watch my lady and Lady Meredith?"

"I know Meredith won't, so yeah, be careful out there," Lynae said wishing them safe travels.

"We won't be gone long, I'll show Ernest the really good spots on where to get some fish and oysters." Rimulus said on where he was going to go.

While Ernest and Rimulus left, Lynae heard another voice speaking to her.

"You wish to speak with me?"

Only this time it wasn't Amelia speaking to her, it was Allura herself! Lynae was surprised but at the same time half expected her to hear because of the nature of her powers were identical to Amelia's.

"Yeah, Amelia's having trouble keeping control of her powers. It's taking a toll not only mentally but it's starting to show physically as well,"

"I'm actually finishing some business in Australis myself. I'll be at the aula in two days' time. Don't let her push it with her powers until I arrive. I already sensed what issues she's having and right now she needs to slow down."

Hesitantly, Lynae agreed with Allura even though she did not see eye to eye with her. She lost communication with Allura after that, and Meredith began waking up.

"What did I miss?" Meredith asked.

"The guys are getting some food. Mere, make sure Amelia isn't going overboard with the whole reconstruction project. Allura is on her way to help with Amelia."

"I thought we didn't want to see Allura again," Meredith said in concern.

"Yeah, I know, but she's the only one that can help Amelia with what she is facing now. I also need you to keep control over her. If she seems to get out of control, do what you need to do to keep her in check."

"Sure," Meredith said with worry on her face knowing what kind of responsibility she will have making sure Amelia doesn't face imminent danger from her own abilities.

A half an hour later, the guys returned with fresh picked oysters and skewed fish from their spears. Amelia was still asleep when they returned. "I should probably take some to my lady, she needs to eat," Rimulus said while getting up but someone else stopped him. "I'll do it, go ahead and eat, Rim," Meredith said handling the portion and heading towards Amelia's direction. Lynae glared at him insisting that Meredith would handle it after the discussion they had together. Rimulus submitted and ate with Ernest and Lynae.

Meredith lightly tapped Amelia on the shoulder and she started moving around at her touch. Meredith thought she might have tapped her a bit too hard, but looked as if Amelia was waking up anyway.

"What time is it?" Amelia said looking up at Meredith hazily.

"Time for you to eat your dinner. I'm not leaving until you had at least two bites from the oysters and fish." Meredith instructed her as if she were her caretaker.

"Mere..." Amelia tried to talk but had food up on her mouth. The minute she smelled the oysters she vomited a little bit.

"Oh no..." Meredith sighed. "I'm fine, don't worry about me," Amelia said while having her hand over her mouth.

"You're not fine, you're sick."

"But the aula..."

"The aula is going to have to wait! Right now, I'm concerned about your health! Now lay back down, and when you are up to it, eat that, but if I catch you flapping your tail in another direction, I'll pin you down myself," Meredith threatened the ailing Amelia.

Meredith went back to everyone else with a grimaced look on her face.

"What's wrong? Is she giving you crap?" Lynae asked.

"No, worse. She's sick,"

"What's going on with her?" Rimulus rose up instantly.

"She vomited a little when I tried to feed her. Any ideas why she might be doing that?"

"The only thing that would cause that if she had a nematodic parasite inside her. Other than that, it could be just stress. I've seen my father throw up a couple of times due to high demanding orders at the shop," Ernest added.

"I see, well, I telepathed Allura, and she's on her way to help," Lynae stated to everyone.

"I thought you don't have telepathy powers?" Ernest questioned.

"I don't, but another mermaid does. Her name is Allura, she's the reason we found out about our abilities."

"That's impossible, there should only be one with those powers," Ernest said taken back at the statement.

"Well, she has those powers just like Amelia. I don't know all about this reincarnation stuff or all that, but all I see it now is that she's the only one that can help her now," Lynae said with her voice shaking in worry. "We'll have to hold off the project until Allura arrives in two days. Amelia cannot work in the state she is in."

"What do we do until then?" Ernest asked.

"We could continue on that apprenticeship, master," Meredith suggested at where she was left off.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but we don't have a shop,"

"We could make one?" Meredith suggested.

"Do you know how much that equipment cost?"

Meredith stopped there. She didn't know what the currency was here in Atlantica nor how much the tools at the shop cost including the furnace itself. She thought maybe she could find another blacksmith or possibly find a job to get that currency to save up for a furnace.

"Actually, I don't know what you guys use for money here."

"Well, this is Atlantica, in Oceanus we use these coins," Ernest showed his pocket change. "That is a numus that is worth a penny, this is a lima, which is worth a nickel or five of the numus. This over here is a sampu worth either two of the limas or ten of the numus. And then, there are silver, copper, gold, and bronze."

"Luckily for the oceans around, the metals are widespread meaning their value stays the same. Gold is gold, bronze is bronze, etc. However, what Ernest will have difficulty with is his pocket change with the lima and sampu. That is not recognized here in Atlantica. They still recognize the numus; however, their currency in placement of the lima is the quinque, and in placement of the sampu, it is the decusis. Next, is the quinquaginta which we shorten it to quinquag. That would be the final currency before it goes to bronze which is worth two quinquags. Copper is next with it being worth five bronze. Silver would then be next in value for twenty bronze or four copper. Then, the upmost value is gold which is in standing value of eighty-five silver." Rimulus continued on the currency explanation.

"Holy cow!" Meredith exclaimed as Rimulus explained.

"Do you know who would be able to get their hands on gold like that?" Lynae asked.

"Not a lot of mer especially now a days. Gold you would see high class mer or even royalty carrying around that, but like I said, it's rare to see today. Most common I've seen were the silver and copper used to pay for items." Rimulus said explaining how often gold was used.

"So that's how bad the economy is underseas," Lynae assumed at what Rimulus was getting at.

"Well, I wouldn't say it's mostly economic, but since the fall of the royal family, Oceanus hasn't really recovered from the instability which is why you see a lot of barter and trade. But Atlantica, they seem to have it together better than Oceanus from what I have seen. The other seas I cannot say for certain on their stances because I've never been there nor have I seen what they do," Rimulus stated from observation.

"Well, this certainly helps for sure. Oceanus is economically struggling as well as crime. Have you noticed anything from Atlantica from gangs or bandits?" Meredith asked.

"Not as much but this is the capital that we are at. Atlantica is a huge ocean so I'm sure there are some spots where there is crime, but they are not struggling with that from what I see. I don't know if they have a government or some form of direction going on, but they seem more 'civilized' than Oceanus. No offense, Ernest," Rimulus continued on.

"No, I agree, we've had some robberies and my dad, when he was younger, was able to stop thieves from stealing our crafts. We've just been lucky for the past few years they haven't tried anything with him aging." Ernest explained.

"I still think we should get some jobs around. At least enough to pay for some food." Meredith suggested.

"I think that might be our only option at this point other than hunting. Plus, we will need it if we ever have to travel long distance to get food on the go," Lynae agreed thinking it over.

"Meredith and I will go look for some hard labor jobs and maybe the local blacksmith will have some openings for us since we have some experience under our belts – well for the most part." Ernest said.

"I can always work at one of those carts or help sell some produce or something light," Lynae suggested.

"I would recommend going to one of the shops where they sell some of their crafts like stone or crystal carvings."

"I don't know how to carve," Lynae said admittingly.

"Not as a carver, keeping the shop clean and help customers like that sort of thing," Rimulus explained.

"Oh, I see, yeah I can do that,"

"So, when Allura gets here, we'll start our search?" Ernest suggested.

"That's the plan," Lynae smiled agreeing to the plan Ernest had.

The day came when Allura arrived. Meredith kept track on her progress and her condition; she also reported to her on her sleep patterns, and eating schedule. Allura was grateful for Meredith taking care of Amelia. After taking an extensive look at Amelia, Allura then turned to the rest explaining her findings.

"I had the same symptoms and side effects when first using my powers extensively. Her body is not use to so much exertion she puts on herself using the energy she has to these powers. Not only that, her powers connect to her mind so it really doesn't help replenishing that energy – at least for right now."

"Is there a way she can overcome this?" Lynae asked.

"There is, she just needs time. Her body is at the state of rejecting the flow of energy that is coursing through her nervous system and cognitive state. That being said, the nervous system itself is trying so hard to fight off her newfound sense thus giving her the side effects she is displaying now – nausea, fever, fatigue, and vomiting."

"So that's it, no medicine or nothing?!" Lynae was shocked at Allura's cooled answer.

"Even if we give her herbals, it won't affect her condition in any way. The phase she is going through is like introducing a substance to the immune system when you are getting a vaccination. I'm sure you two have felt ill after getting your influenza shots, am I not mistaken?" Allura said directly to the girls.

"Well, no, when you put it that way, it makes sense sort of," Meredith replied thinking the concept over and over. Lynae still looked at Allura with disgust at her answer. She thought she was here to help not let Amelia suffer like a martyr.

"Come on, guys, let's go do what we're set to do while Allura heals Amelia," Lynae barked while giving a mocking scorn directing at Allura.

"Don't mock me, I know more of what Amelia is going through, the only thing I can do at this point is to help get her through it" Allura telepathed Lynae trying to justify her intentions.

Lynae dismissed her telepath message by scoffing while swimming away towards the nearest town. She then began regretting telepathing Allura to come back after what her response and suggestion was to help Amelia. Plus, she thought if she needed to get through this on her own then she would not have bothered contacting Allura in the first place.

Meredith and Ernest parted ways with Lynae and Rimulus while the other two went to the other direction to go to the shop Rimulus was talking about.

"Are you alright, lady Lynae?" Rimulus asked.

"You know, if I knew that haughty wench was going to sit on her ass all day watching Amelia suffer, I wouldn't have asked her to come."

"She seems to know what.." Rimulus was cut off. "Knows what? All I see her to me is a nuisance, a gnawing gnat that just has to come in and ruin everything. I don't blame Amelia one bit for that night, I blame her! She did the transformations, and I'm almost certain she went through all that because she wants Amelia for something!"

"Lynae, how can you say..."

"Because she's not doing anything to help! Sure, she's helping train Amelia on how to get her powers in check; and for what? I see how she has her eyes set on Amelia and not us. Yeah, we're the other reincarnates of the royal siblings, but Amelia is special to Allura." Lynae continued to rant.

"Because she has something in common with Amelia. They both have those powers,"

"But how did she get those powers? How come SHE is not Cirra?! How come Amelia is Cirra?"

"I'm sure there's a difference between them surely. If Miss Allura says she is destined to rule, I believe her, but I believe more in Amelia than Miss Allura,"

"You know, I'm starting to think you want to stay beside Allura by how you are defending her,"

"Now you've gone too far! I am looking at every best interest in my lady. I made a vow that I would never leave her side until her dying breath or mine whichever comes first. I see Miss Allura as a possible ally for my lady. She knows about her powers and says she can help Amelia have better control at them. If she is able to teach her, then by gods, I want her to help my lady! If I see her as a threat to my lady, then I will not hesitate in protecting her Highness," Rimulus scolded at Lynae's accusation.

Lynae clicked her tongue in annoyance and let the subject go. They made it to one of the shops Rimulus was talking about. Whilst going in the building, they were greeted with a young woman but older than Lynae by far.

"Welcome, how can I help you today?"

"We were..." Lynae was cut off from Rimulus clearing his throat hinting that he wasn't interested in the job position. "I mean, I was wondering if you were looking for some help for hire."

"Well, I am looking for someone to help clean the shop but I can only hire one at this time," the mermaid said. Rimulus opened up. "I'm just accompanying her. I was telling her that you might had an opening?"

"You most certainly were right. Although, the job involves cleaning the shelves, polishing the stock items, and keeping the place overall clean and watching the store for customers and that in general,"

"I can do that, my dad ran a tight brink and always made sure everything was spotless. He raised me and my sister that way."

"Oh, I see! Well, your father has my many thanks in the way of raising you! How are you with dealing with customers?" The mermaid asked probingly. Lynae knew that her people skills were not the best and tried to find a good situation where she was when Rimulus stepped in. "She has a great persona in dealing with mer, I've seen where she is not afraid of conflict and how to win mer over with her charisma,"

"Interesting, mind if I put this to the test?" The mermaid asked. The two looked at each other and they both nodded to her. "Nadah!" The mermaid called out. Another mermaid that was elderly came out from the back. "What is it, darling?" Nadah asked sweetly. "Nadah, I need your talent to test this young mermaid out for how to handle dealing with different situations with customers," The mermaid smirked. Nadah opened her mouth in eagerness getting at what she was wanting her to do. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her facial expression changed as if she were completely a different person. Her left eye was bulging while the other one was closed. Her posture stiffened and the hunch on her back was no longer there. "How come you don't sell any Chalcedony yet you sell the typical agate?! I thought this was a shop with exquisite precious treasures here? Not a boring rock collection!" Lynae was taken aback from her demeanor and got that this was the test the mermaid set her up on. "Yes, ma'am I apologize that we do not have the Chalcedony in our stock as of right now, might I show you the Druzy? It's no Chalcedony sure, but it's one of my personal favorites!" Lynae looked around and saw the stock of druzy on the shelf behind her. "Well, Druzy is no Chalcedony, but I'll take a look at what you have." Lynae sighed as she was grateful that she had that rock collection when she was in middle school. Otherwise, she probably thought she would have lost. After finishing, Nadah's body shifted into her elderly hunched form once more.

"Your friend certainly knows from experience from being around you, child. I'm surprised you recognized that stone over there," Nadah praised Lynae. "I collected stones when I was younger," Lynae explained averting her gaze in bashfulness. Nadah then turned to the mermaid. "Any more you want me to do?" "No, that will be all, thank you Nadah, you can carry on what you were doing," Nadah then headed in the back as instructed by the mermaid. Then the mermaid turned her attention back to Lynae.

"When can you start?" The mermaid asked. "Right away," Lynae stated in surprise from her response. "Okay, let me show you around the shop and I'll show you what you'll be doing each day. My name is Nerine, I am the owner of the shop. I cast jewelry, mend stones to get that finishing touch, and basically make or touch up anything we sell here. Nadah also specializes in making the jewelry and polishing off gemstones, but she is mostly in the back."

Rimulus got the hint that Lynae was put to work, and said he would meet her back home when she is finished for the day. Lynae was placed in charge of watching the store in front and helped any customers that came in and they only asked simple questions about pricing but nothing out of what Lynae was capable of doing. She was later trained on listing what they sold and their pricing and when each item would come in shipping or Nerine would go to a local stone farm and harvest the minerals there. She finished up the day with what she learned and was paid daily for the services she performed for the shop. Nerine went to her glove box and paid Lynae one silver and two copper pieces for today. "It's not much, but it's all I can afford to pay you,"

Lynae stared down at the pieces feeling guilty of taking the money for some peculiar reason. She took the two copper pieces and tried returning it to her. Nerine was shocked and tried reassuring her. "No, this is yours, you've earned it." "But..." Lynae tried to ask. "Take it, I insist. You did well for your first day. Will I be seeing you again tomorrow?" Nerine asked hopefully. Lynae then answered straight away. "Of course, bright and early?" "We actually open mid dawn just before high noon so I would need you two hours before high tide." Nerine stated.

"Okay, I will be here," Lynae smiled. She waved goodbye keeping the two copper pieces along with the one silver. She swam back to the aula with everyone waiting for her return.

"Rimulus said you found some work? When will you get paid?" Meredith asked. Lynae scoffed grabbing the money from her pocket. "Is money the only thing that concerns you?"

"So, they pay daily from what I see," Ernest said. "What about you guys?" Lynae asked them. "We won't get paid until the end of each week," Meredith explained. "But we get paid ten silver a week," Ernest said smiling with excitement.

"No wonder you guys have a higher pay if they are making you wait this long," Lynae said. "Well, it's a large business that harbors and sends out goods throughout the seven seas."

"What do you guys harbor?" Lynae asked in concern. "Anything really, fish, kelp, goods, gemstones, rocks, you name it," Meredith said. "How long of a shift do you work?" Lynae asked wanting to know more about the job. "Between first and second low tides," Ernest said.

While being in the sea for some time, they learned that they tell time from when the low or high tides hit. For high tides it would be the equivalent to midnight and noon. For low tides it would be the equivalent to six in the morning and evening. Then they would say for example if it were nine or three in either evening or morning, they would say half tide. Then they would say either hours after a tide or hours until tide and so forth.

"Twelve hours straight!?" Lynae shrieked. "We get breaks in between, and we only work three days a week," Ernest explained. "Still, that's a whole lot," Lynae wavered at the thought of the two working themselves to death. "It's until we can afford the parts for the furnace. We decided to make our own blacksmith shop, right here, inside the courtyard," Meredith said explaining their plan.

"You can't be serious!" Lynae chided them. "We are; besides, we will need to forge our own weapons for defense purposes as well and other things that could be beneficial to the aula itself." Meredith responded back firmly.

"They do have a point, Lynae, eventually we will need our own smith to forge our own weapons. Relying on another blacksmith in town is too risky especially with the situation you girls are in," Rimulus advised then he spoke further, "But right now, we must focus on finishing the aula as per my lady's wishes."

"How are we going to do that if there is no one able to get a hold of lava without burning themselves?" Lynae asked. "That's where I will step in," Allura butted into the conversation. "Amelia's fever has settled, but she is still recovering. She won't be needing any supervision from me anymore."

"So can you lift the lava like how Amelia did?" Meredith asked in high hope.

"Oh I can do more than what I've seen Amelia lift, and do other things while having the lava at my grasp,"

Lynae glared at Allura thinking she was up to something sinister or just trying to one up Amelia. The rest were stunned thinking about how powerful she must be. Then Lynae boldly stood up. "Let's get something clear. Amelia is the crown princess of Atlantica. Only her, not you. You are here to help her prepare her rightful claim to the throne, is that understood?"

"Lynae, what the hell?" Meredith said being shocked at Lynae's harsh words to Allura. "That is why she is here is to help, isn't that right, Miss Allura?" Rimulus intervened trying to reassure Lynae that she wasn't trying to usurp Amelia's rightful position.

"Of course, that's why I came. You girls have a long way to be prepared to rule your region. And I did say that I will help you be able to maintain control and be able to do great things with your powers for the greater good," Allura said with grace.

Lynae was still scoffing at what Allura was saying to everyone. She wasn't certain if she was really here to "help" like she claimed, but she felt something was off about her. But everyone sat down and ate dinner together with no other drama coming in between them for the night.

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