
Sea of the Forsaken

It was supposed to be a normal visit to her uncle's place. Everything was planned out to prevent anything from happening by her parents, but it didn't end that way in the end. After taking a dive in an underwater cave with her cousins, Lynae and Meredith, something changed within her. Ever since that day, Amelia, Lynae, and Meredith uncover more on their family's secret lineage resulting in them becoming something that they thought was not possible. Now showing their true scales, they adjust their lives into becoming more than just mermaids, but as the rightful rulers of the five water realms along with two mermen. They meet other merfolk along the way to help guide them into making each of their designated realm a better place for everyone. However, not everyone would agree with what the five rulers have in mind as for what is best. The main concern would be set on the five after they discovered that they each inherited a special power from each sibling. But with those powers come with great distress. Fearing that history may repeat itself, the mer are keeping a close eye on Amelia since she is the reincarnate of the one whom was good at heart but became corrupt to the very end resulting in her transforming into a great beast that terrorized the underwater kingdom. If you want to take a dive into an adventure that stretches around the world while witnessing the supernatural elements these mer face everyday, then you are in the right place. Come under and see why the merfolk are not just a fairytale, but a lost race that the humans have forgotten for over centuries. 2020's WATTPAD'S NOBEL PRIZE WINNER - FANTASY CATEGORY 2020's ARCANA BOOK AWARDS SECOND PLACE - FANTASY CATEGORY HONORABLY RECOGNIZED IN THE 2020 SERANIAN AWARDS 2020's HALCYON AWARDS SECOND PLACE - ADVENTURE CATEGORY

Luna_Mermaid1 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 22 - Panama

Chapter 22


Amelia passed out being in Rimulus' arms crying out to her hoping she would wake up. However, she was out of it. There were no convulsions or seizures. She just laid there as if she were sleeping.

"You overdid it again, didn't you?" A voice was calling out to Amelia in her unconscious state.

"What do you want, Allura? First you tell me that I have to master my own skills and the mer's language and now you are lecturing me for overdoing it? Is anything not good enough for you?!"

"I said it was going to take time, you're rushing the process. You keep doing this, you will not be fit to take your place in Atlantica as reigning regina. This is also the curse of your gift as well which led to Cirra's ultimate demise. She did not find inner peace with herself. She let her mind ramble on and on. That itself consumed and let her transform to the Magna Aquia Draconem. Slow down, hear yourself breathe, feel the water go in and from your gills, you cannot master your skill and master your knowledge of the history behind these waters until you know to ease your mind. Ease it, don't let the same with what happened to Cirra happen once more,"

It was a few hours until she woke back up and saw that she was in a room different from the library. She got up slowly and looked around.

"Where am I?"

"Atlantica's palace also formerly known as the Aula – or as you see from what it originally was. It's all now to rubble. Since, the death of the dynasty, the merfolk made sure to make their disgust with the family known by destroying the palace. I'm sorry, my lady, this is all I could find to lay you safely here without being disturbed,"

"It's fine, Rimulus. So, what did it look like before?"

"No one knows. There were stories that the palace had the finest limestone as the palace's flooring, but as I see now, that isn't true at all," Rimulus said looking down playing part of the rubble on the flooring with his fins.

"I think I found us a new project to do Rimulus."

"My lady, you just collapsed, how can you think of doing a major project like this?! This isn't a one-mer job!"

"I know that. We just need to take one thing at a time. I think the first thing we need to accomplish is to get the structure exterior first. Then we can worry about the interior."

"Hi, Mia, are you busy?"

A familiar voice came to telepath Amelia in which she'd never thought she would hear back from so soon.

"Lyn! No, well actually not yet, I'm trying to rest up on my next big project, what's going on?"

"I've got a problem, well, it involves Meredith in it as well. We ran off from school, and we dove into the water together running away."

"Dear Neptune...." Amelia couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"A kid tried to tease Meredith, and well, she sort of went overboard. I don't know if the school is looking for us, but I'm sure by now our parents are worried sick. I can't face them, Mia. I can't live on the surface anymore knowing what I am branded to them. I know you must be thinking I'm some sort of hypocrite by now..."

"Lyn, that's the last thing I am thinking of about you. My overall concern for you now is if you are okay and happier than you were. But I would let your parents know that you are alright though and that everything is okay."

"I can't, everyone on the island is probably having a massive search party - even divers are probably looking for us!"

Amelia concentrated a bit and saw a news station covering a story about two missing girls that darted out of their high school. Also, they found their last traces leading to the beach and found their clothes underneath the docking area.

"You're right, I see it. They're going to send in divers. Lyn, if you don't want them to find out, you have to leave where you're at. It's too dangerous!"

"But Meredith is an apprentice at this blacksmith shop, I can't let her ditch that!"

"She needs to lay low for the next few weeks. As for you, I'd advise coming over to Atlantica where we can throw off the search party. If they find one of you, then they'll figure the other one is there nearby. We can't risk it."

"Are you crazy? And leave Meredith all by herself?! No way! I can't do that to her!"

"You need to tell Meredith what is going on and what I have seen, Lyn! I can't telepath her, you know that as well as I do! This involves her too – not just you!"

"Alright, alright, I'll tell her. But she's not going to like the options."

"What choice do you have? You can't afford to be seen as a mermaid and you know that!"

"I'll telepath you back on what she wants to do,"

"Alright, be careful,"

Rimulus stepped in.

"Everything alright my lady?"

"We may need to hold off on the project, we've got bigger things to worry about."

"What do you mean?"

"Lynae and Meredith are in trouble. A search party is looking for them and divers are scouting the waters where they're at,"

"That's not good at all, how are we going to reach them in time?"

"I don't think we can. We just have to wait – maybe this is an opportunity to clear my mind while I wait,"

"Let me know if there is anything I can do for you for the time being,"

"Thank you, Rimulus. But there's nothing I need from you right now. Just take it easy that's all we can do,"

Back in Oceanus in the blacksmith shop, Lynae rushed into where Meredith was still learning to forge.

"Mere, we have to go,"

"Uh, Lyn, I'm in the middle of learning something,"

"No, we have to go NOW!"

"What's going on?" Elihu asked.

"There's divers searching the place,"

"They won't make it down deep in the ocean floors, my dear,"

"You do not understand, we're... we're... run-aways!"

"Run-aways? What did you do?"

"We're minors in their eyes. They think we're citizens of the terra land."

"Does this have to do with the boy who did those atrocious things to you?"


Elihu paused for a moment thinking of the best possible solution.

"Meredith, you should go with your sister for now." Elihu spoke with a firm tone.

"But I-"

"I'm suspending your apprenticeship with me until further notice. When the divers have ceased searching, I'll send you a fan letting you know that you can return."

"But I can't leave you guys. There are raiders in a fifteen-mile radius from here. We faced one of the groups and saved a man from what they were going to do to him."

Lynae clenched at her fists remembering that day and also what happened with the villagers when one of the homes was burning down.

"She's right, Elihu. You're not safe here – neither you nor your son. I saved a woman and her child from a burning home that they started. They would have died if I didn't go after them. Come with us, we can carry your blacksmith stuff and you can start over there – or at least my sister can." Lynae said explaining the situation.

"No, my place is here." Elihu responded firmly.

"Then I'm staying. Lyn, you can go without me." Meredith kneeled down with her arms crossed.



"Apprenticeship or not, I am staying if you are staying. You can't face them alone. If I leave now, you won't have a standing chance against them. You and Ernest will die if I am not here. And besides, the divers are looking for the two of us – together! If we split up being miles apart, they won't find us. We would be able to throw them off if we did this if you won't go," Meredith said in a loud tone.

Lynae remembered hearing that from Amelia before telling Meredith the news. She knew Amelia could not sense Meredith at any way. However, hearing the other option clear as day made Lynae realize that those were the two best options.

"Papa, think about this, if the maidens have seen these raiders and knew what they were capable of, we should consider going with them." Ernest said coming into the conversation.

"My decision is final. You can do whatever you want, son. You're old enough to make your own decisions on what is best for you. For me, my best interest is staying – neither you or you ladies will be able to change that. I am not separating a family that just got reunited. Meredith, my orders are for you to go with your sister." Elihu said crossing his arms and knitting his brows.

"By separating ours?!" Ernest shouts at his father.

"You are dead set on this aren't you?" Meredith sighed.

"It's up to you son to go with them. Meredith has to go though."

"Ernest..." Lynae spoke trying to talk to him but stopped.

"You were always stubborn. Stubborn when mom died, stubborn when Caila died, and stubborn at meeting at what may be your fate! Is your stupid shop worth more than your own life?!" Ernest started shouting.

Ernest stopped there when Elihu slapped him hard in the face. And then grumbled.

"Do not disrespect me or what I have worked for before you were even born, boy,"

There was a tense silence before Ernest spoke up once more.

"Since this shop means so much more than your own son, then I'm going with them. Lead the way, ladies."

Ernest huffed and dashed out of the shop. Lynae then turned to Meredith.

"Go find him, I'll catch up with you in a moment," Lynae motioned her to go on ahead.

Meredith did what Lynae asked her to do and caught up with Ernest. She then spoke up.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I caused all of this." Meredith spoke in a very troubling tone as if she felt guilty of causing a rift between a father and son.

"You didn't. My father was always stubborn since I've known him. Not exactly my way of leaving the nest, but it was bound to happen someday. So where are we heading?"

"We're meeting up with my cousin in Atlantica. We're going to hide up there and then who knows maybe we can come back when it is all clear."

"Right, I've never been to Atlantica before. I've heard it's one of those nice realms with culture and history well considering that is where everyone was from at the beginning."

"Is that so? I haven't gone that way before. I've just been in and out of Samudra and Oceanus so this ought to be interesting for all of us," Meredith said lying through her teeth once more.

"Why didn't you go there? From what I've heard you were a drifter and I'd figured you already went through Atlantica," Ernest said in a confused tone.

"It never crossed my mind to go there, but now I have a reason to go there. You'll like my cousin, she's nice. A bit overbearing other than my sister, but she means well."

Lynae then swam up to catch up to Ernest and Meredith.

"You guys ready?"

"Yeah, why were you taking so long?"

"Doesn't matter, we need to leave."

"Do any of you know how to get to Atlantica?"

Both girls looked at each other with worry after Ernest's question.

When the trio started swimming, Lynae telepathed Amelia on possibly getting directions to get to Panama so they could avoid making the trip extensive going around swimming through Samudra and then to the Atlantic.

"Hey, we're on our way with a bit of company, can you ask Rimulus on how he got to Atlantica to give us an idea on how to get to Panama?"

"Yeah sure, he said 'Panama is dangerous and isn't safe, but it is the quickest route to get to Atlantica.' He also said 'start heading onto the counter current, that's a straight shot to where you need to go'."

"Mia, I don't know currents or all that. Ugh, nevermind, I'll just ask around,"

"Well that wasn't helpful..." Lynae muttered.

"Sorry?" Ernest asked.

"Nothing I was just thinking. We'll just need to ask directions and keep heading in that direction."

An hour passed by after they swam, they stopped by a local town asking for directions to Panama. They started heading southeast as instructed by several townsfolk. After some time being on the currents swimming for the past few hours, they see the entry way of what looked to be a green filled path. They read the signs and Ernest indicated that this was their ticket way into the Panama.

"Stay close, stay alert," Lynae instructed before they went into the pathway.

"Ernest, how did your father know I was from Samudra?" Meredith asked.

"Well, the Samudrans were known to have great strength and high tolerance for pain. They were very virtuous mer just like their awaited ruler from Atlantica Lachlan, the prince of many great strengths,"

"Lachlan was set to rule Samudra?" Lynae asked.

"Oh yeah, haven't you heard of the legend? The five great royal siblings were set to rule the oceans. One realm for each sibling. Cirra was set for Atlantica for obvious reasons. Lachlan chose to rule Samudra for reasons I'm not sure. Scirocco was set to rule Oceanus. As for Eira, her realm would be Arktis. And Ember would rule Australis."

From what the girls have heard, some pieces were coming together to make sense. When Aberdeen mentioned Arktis with Eira. Or when Elihu mentioned Samudra describing the people that took a liking of the characteristics from Lachlan. It makes them wonder if they'll actually meet the reincarnates of Scirocco or Ember.

"Meredith, just in case, anything goes eerie, here. Elihu packed some weapons for you and Ernest for the road to be able to fend off anything. I think this may come in handy," Lynae whispered to Meredith while handing her the miniature scythe like weapon.

Some hours go by after swimming nonstop and they were stopped by an inauspicious group looking to raid them.

"Well, well, fellas, look what we have here, some newbies wanting to cross oceans. We have a price for crossing this side. We want all that you have," The merman grinned curtly.

"Forget it, we aren't giving you sh-" Meredith stood in defensive mode

"Now, now, we don't mean any trouble. We are just here to get to Atlantica that's all."

"Mmhmm, well, our price is your stuff, hand it over."

"Okay, I'll hand it over." Meredith smirked.

She sliced the man's wrist open with her weapon and disarmed him, but she did not anticipate another mer holding a knife to her neck.

"Drop it, maiden, or you'll drop." The tough mermaid said.

Then Ernest blunted the maiden's hand holding the knife with his weapon. The fight kept going until all of them were held hostage by the gang. Then the leader with the sliced wrist came over to Ernest.

"You shouldn't have done that, little bastard. Now you'll pay with your life."

Lynae and Meredith froze at the site seeing that he was about to kill Ernest. But as he lifted his weapon, his arm froze in mid water.

"What are you waiting for? End him!"


The merman couldn't even speak as if he was being held back from doing it. Meredith then saw an opportunity. She flung the mermaiden over, got her weapon back, and yelled.


Ernest broke free of the mer whom was holding him hostage while Meredith pulled the other mer off of Lynae. They swam past them.

"What happened?! He just held back for no reason at all. He could have killed me then and there!"

"I think we were met by some miracle, Ernest!" Lynae said knowing who held him back thinking she was nearby.

To her suspicions, she was correct. She saw Amelia a few miles ahead of the gang still tending to their wounds.

"You really couldn't have come at a better time," Lynae kept huffing for her breath.

"Once I saw that you were coming, I also had a vision that you were going to face imminent danger in the middle of your trip through the canal. Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, you saved Ernest,"

"I'm sorry?" Ernest said didn't catch majority of the conversation but heard his name.

"Oh, um, nevermind, Ernest, this is our cousin Amelia. She is from Atlantica. Amelia, this is Ernest, his father was Meredith's master blacksmith in which she was doing an apprenticeship with,"

"An apprenticeship? What made you want to take blacksmithing?"

"I don't know, I was just fascinated by the craftmanship by what the blacksmith made!" Meredith said in defense.

"With all due respect, she was a really good apprentice. She's even stronger than I am. But that was to be expected from a maiden coming from Samudra, and she even has her hair braided for a change," Ernest said pointing out the dual braids Meredith had on.

Meredith blushed at his statement. She's never had showers of compliments from a guy before – human or mer. It actually made her feel special in a way, but not like in a romantic sort of gesture, but to be acknowledged by a stranger from her strange talent was enough for her.

"Out of curiosity, why did you think that merman stop midway from slaying me?" Ernest said addressing to the girls.

Amelia knew better not to reveal her potential now as it was too soon for that discussion. She kept silent giving hints of the other girls to cover her ability.

"Out of compassion maybe?" Lynae said trying to guess.

"He had full intentions of killing me. I saw it in his eyes. Those were the eyes that were looking for blood and they would not stop for anyone until they get it. He was even speechless when the others chided him into doing it. It was like he was held – like some sort of puppet waiting for the next move from his conductor," Ernest stated on what he witnessed in the man.

"Heh, yeah, weird if you think of it like that," Lynae said laughing it off.

"How much longer? I'm hungry!" Meredith started complaining to get off topic.

"We're not stopping after what had happened back there!" Lynae said determined to get out of the Panama.

"Don't worry, Mere, Rimulus is whipping up something special for us including our honored guest here." Amelia said gesturing over to Ernest.

"How did you know we were hungry and that I was coming with them?" Ernest questioned some more.

"I had some intuition that Lynae and Meredith were not coming alone. Plus, if my calculations are correct, the cross on the Panama with dodging the locks here and there, you three must be famished for swimming for nearly half a day literally."

"Wait, how long have we been in the Panama?!" Lynae said in shock.

"Statistically speaking, you guys must have swum at an average speed including now a total of eleven hours from your starting point," Amelia stated.

"Did you swim the Panama before, Amelia?" Ernest asked.

"No, but I know someone who has, and he said it took him nearly all day to get across counting the ruffians and the locks to get through here."

"Honestly, I'm still wounded up from those guys back there. I haven't even noticed how long we were swimming," Lynae stated.

"Try not to think too much of it, it'll make you tire more." Amelia suggested with a smile.

Another few more hours went by and they saw ahead of them deep blue waters. Amelia immediately knew what that meant. They were getting near out of the Panama. The waters grew warmer as they went further toward that dark blue water. When they finally reached out of Panama, the three were stunned to see that they were finally in Atlantica.

"Well, guys, it's not much further until we reach to where we are staying, but welcome to Atlantica!" Amelia said with enthusiasm feeling glad that the trip through the Panama was finally over and put behind them.