
sea of blood

A world in which humans have an organ called the age sac. When this age sac explodes, the person dies naturally, but if a person is killed before the age sack explodes, the person will be a pool of blood that cannot be disposed of, and one day all the blood in the earth gathers To be a sea of blood

Akato_Niva · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 9: So here I am stepping

Knock Knock Knock

door knocking sound

Isaac yelled, "Come in."

The tying boy showed me Isaac a complete void, let's go back to the ring

Isaac nodded his head okay anyway I'm fine now

After Isaac changed his clothes, the tying boy followed me in the ring. When Isaac entered, everyone welcomed him with all respect, and he also greeted them with greetings. Isaac and the tying boy sat down.

It was the beginning of another fight, the doll announced the name of the first competitor, Ain al-Burkan, a young man dressed in red clothes entered the full B with a medium build, dark red hair and radiant red eyes

The doll called me the names of the houses. Sisyphus was a young man in a long overcoat with black hair combed behind me and a slight smile.

When Isaac heard I promised people the name Sisyphus remember the legend of Sisyphus which talks about Sisyphus who was cursed by me pushing a rock to the top of a mountain and then letting it roll and then pushing it to me I climbed the mountain to me repeating this process every time and forever

The doll screamed, "Let me start a fight!"

The volcanic eye brought me forward, but Sisyphus remained standing, not moving. The action of the volcanic eye made me come out from under the ground. Small volcanoes. I started to fill the arena with lava.

Damn, that eye has the ability to expel volcanoes cursing Sisyphus in his mind while he was riding a starting boat approaching the competition of the greatest manipulator, Sisyphus' ability was to take me back in time but he cannot determine the time he wants to return to him and also his maximum from the moment he entered the sea for me Blood in the day, after Sisyphus arrived, he began to look around him, whispering in his heart, "Who is back with me?"

Isaac was shocked when he saw himself standing in front of an arena. What, when I am here, is it possible that this happened to me because of Sisyphus' ability after Isaac realized that he had brought me back in time?

He's starting to get a little pissed off. Fuck you, Sisyphus. You've put me in a moral dilemma now, which is to kill a child

After Isaac spotted his surroundings, the shattered man pulled back to me, as if he wanted to get out of this place

Cursing Isaac in his mind, damn you, Sisyphus. You also brought back the smasher, and then I'm going to quit too.

Isaac turn to me Crusher

Show my tying boy Isaac where are you going

Isaac responded quickly, don't worry, I'll be right back

After the wrecked one saw Isaac in front of him, he said to me with fear, leave me alone

Calm down, Isaac, don't worry, I won't hurt you

The Crusher tried to escape, but at this point Isaac spoke

I will help you find your father

The crasher stopped and asked how did he know I was looking for my father

Isaac answered me calmly, I am also several times like you, and I had ways for me to know this, well listen, all you have to do is claim defeat and then surrender, but break some of my bones in order to be excluded from the competition

Crusher replied ok but you will help me find my dad

Isaac hurriedly answered, don't worry, hurry up now and register yourself for the competition

And in the act, both Isaac and the Crusher implemented the plan

Isaac needed a reputation in a sea of ​​blood. Reputation may benefit you a lot in the future. Of course, he does not care about my opinions, NASA, but he needs me a reputation.

After the fight of Isaac and the Crusher ended,

A guy in his thirties stared at me, the Wrecker, and then I turned a big guy to his left, Captain. We gotta recruit the Wrecker.

The captain looked at me, a man with astonishment, why would we find a weak man like him who would easily surrender to me?

A man replied that he is actually the son of a mist robe

The captain and those with him were so shocked that they opened their mouths to me above the sky

Li's First Contender's Mist Robe was the Greatest Manipulator, Contender Master, what you're saying is true

The man replied, "Yes, I checked part of his memories."

So who knows, we might get a portion of the mist robe's inheritance

"Inheritance is mostly passed down by blood relationship"

The captain spoke to me calmly. Well, I entrust this task to you, sparrow of hell. That was the name of a man who discovered it.

Smile, the bird of hell will be my pleasure, sir

Jealousy's eyes were swirling around him, almost beheading him

Then the captain spoke to me fiercely, do not publish this news

The difference at once shouted your order sir

As for Sisyphus, he noticed that the loser or the broken one, or both, had returned, but a third person did not know who he was

Sisyphus knew he wouldn't win so he decided not to participate

Sisyphus needed to participate in the competition for me to join one of the teams, but his reputation and life prevented him from doing so

He sighed deeply, how bad my misfortune is, but who is the third person who took me back in time with me.....