
Chapter 286: The Test of the Royal Ancestral Temple

It seemed that there was a royal-level Sacrificial God Demon in the Great Xuan Palace.

If he were to enter directly, there was a high probability that he would be discovered and killed by the Sacrificial God Demon.

Fortunately, he had the power of transformation, and he could become anything he wanted.

Apart from members of the Great Xuan royal family, he could even transform into the appearance of flying insects or beasts and quietly infiltrate the palace.

"My demonic energy is also sufficient. It's perfect; I can use this opportunity to see what happens when I merge bloodlines."

He still had over two hundred points of demonic energy left, and today's three character tasks could be easily completed. Besides exploring the Great Xuan Palace, the other tasks would give him 150 points of demonic energy once completed.

Even if there were no tasks to complete in the next few days, his demonic energy would be sufficient for him to use for several days.

He switched to the character Lang Thirteen.

He planned to enhance Lang Thirteen's bloodline.

He had already attempted to merge the Swallowing Star Demon bloodline once in foresight when entering the Lost Land. However, just to be safe, he decided to foresee again.

Looking at the Swallowing Star Demon bloodline on the panel, with a consumption of 160 points of demonic energy, a bloodline that hadn't seen any improvement for over a week, and had never even reached the initial stage, it quickly advanced to the perfection stage!

His foresight increased by three times, finally reaching a total of seventy-two times.

"Do you want to merge a secret-level Profound bloodline? But you know that merging bloodlines carries a certain risk. Do you want to consume a certain number of foresight attempts to foresee the situation three minutes before your death?"


As he confirmed, one opportunity for foresight was consumed.

"Only one time?"

Su Nan furrowed his brows. It was evident that this attempt had ended in failure. Of course, it wasn't due to merging bloodlines but rather his attempt to enter the Great Xuan Palace.

"You know, your bloodline fusion is progressing too quickly. Although it seems that your bloodline has merged with your body, it has not truly integrated with you. Only by merging with powerful ancient demon bloodlines can you continue to enhance your strength."

"You attempted to merge bloodlines, and your speculation was correct. Although the process of merging bloodlines this time was not smooth and almost failed, you ultimately succeeded in merging a second bloodline. After that, you prepared to enter the Great Xuan Palace."

"With your incredible shapeshifting abilities, you can become anything you want. You decide to change your appearance and sneak into the Great Xuan Royal Palace."

"You have learned that the Great Xuan Kingdom has five princes and two princesses. After the main ruler of the Great Xuan Kingdom was killed, all the members of the royal family have returned to the palace."

"Because of your presence, the Great Xuan Royal Palace has been sealed off. Except for four guards responsible for collecting supplies, no one else is allowed to enter or leave the palace until a new ruler of the Great Xuan Kingdom ascends to the throne."

"In your opinion, the only way to enter the palace is through the four guards."

"You learn that the four guards leave the palace from a rear gate in the northwest of the palace every day. One minute later, you arrive outside the rear gate of the Great Xuan Palace, ready to enter the palace in the guise of a guard."

"To your disappointment, it is not the time for the four guards to purchase supplies, and the rear gate is still closed. You can only wait for the time being."

"Two minutes later, the rear gate is still closed, and you realize that the palace guards will not be coming out to purchase supplies in the short term. Not wanting to waste any more time, you decide to try transforming into the shape of a flying bird and sneak into the palace."

"Using your shapeshifting ability, you transform into the appearance of a sparrow and fly into the palace. The moment you enter the palace, a powerful formation is triggered."

"You have been discovered, and an invisible entity of terror has noticed you."

"You are dead."

"A formation? The entire palace is covered by a formation?"

Su Nan's face darkened as he quickly figured out what had happened.

Clearly, the Great Xuan royal family was aware that he might attempt to infiltrate the palace, so they had made preparations.

"No wonder it's an ancient dynasty established by the Great Xuan Empire; their background is truly profound."

Su Nan sighed and then looked at the information from his foresight with a furrowed brow.

"Changing into a flying bird won't work, and it's likely that transforming into a guard won't work either."

The entire palace was enveloped in a formation, and once he entered, he would be detected. If he wanted to enter, he first had to understand how the palace's formation identified him.

Without figuring this out, even if he transformed into a member of the Great Xuan royal family, it probably wouldn't work.

Undoubtedly, the five major families in this world were the ones who knew the most about the Great Xuan royal family. Only they might possess information about the formation.

"Continue foresight."

"Do you want to enter the Great Xuan Palace, but you know that there are unknown dangers inside. Do you want to consume a certain number of foresight attempts to foresee the situation three minutes before your death?"


As he confirmed, two opportunities for foresight were consumed.


"You know that the mark on your body can only be maintained for three minutes. You don't want to waste time and quickly arrive at the front of the Scripture Repository. Then, you use your Heavenly Teleportation and directly enter the Scripture Repository."

"You successfully enter the Scripture Repository and see that, except for the wall where the main door is located, the other five walls all have recesses, in which many ancient scrolls are placed."

"At a glance, you see that the scrolls on this floor are just some ordinary documents, not what you're looking for. You quickly move to the higher floor."

"Two minutes later, you arrive on the second floor, where the recesses in the walls no longer contain ancient scrolls, but rather jade slips. There are thousands of them, and you realize that most likely, these jade slips contain demonic techniques."

"You try to pick up one of the jade slips, but the moment you pick it up, the formation in the Scripture Repository is triggered. An old guardian of the fourth floor is alerted and quickly approaches you."

Apologies for the previous deviation. Let's continue with the prompt.

"You know, now the King Xuan's palace is shrouded in an unknown formation. To enter the King Xuan's palace, you must break the formation. You go to the Wang family and try to gather relevant information from them."

"The head of the Wang family tells you that only those with the bloodline of the King Xuan's royal family or those who have been bestowed with a special mark by the King Xuan's royal family can freely enter and exit. The mark is only given to servants and guards in the palace."

"You are not a member of the King Xuan's royal family, so you don't have their bloodline, and you don't possess the special mark to enter the formation. There's no way for you to enter the King Xuan's palace without being detected."

"You are not satisfied and decide to focus on the mark. You plan to try to remove the mark from one of the guards who can enter and exit the palace."

"You return to the northwest rear door of the King Xuan's palace and wait patiently."

"One hour later, you finally see the back door open. You capture all four guards, and with the help of the Grand Princess of the Sky Wolf Tribe, you search for the marks on the guards."

"The marks on the guards are not hidden, and with the assistance of the Grand Princess, you successfully remove one of the marks from one of the guards and transfer it to yourself."

"Subsequently, with the help of the Grand Princess, you gain access to some of the guards' memories and learn about the general layout of the palace."

"One minute later, with the mark, you transform into the appearance of a guard and successfully enter the palace."

"The palace is heavily guarded, and the guard you have transformed into can only move in specific areas. However, with your ability to change shape, you keep changing your appearance and gradually approach the core area of the palace."

"You don't realize that the mark on you begins to fade invisibly the moment you enter the palace. Three minutes later, you arrive at the Imperial Library of the King Xuan's royal family, where ancient books and scriptures are kept. You intend to find information about divine rituals."

"This is a four-story hexagonal tower-like building. When you're about to enter the library, the mark on you completely dissipates, and your presence is suddenly noticed by a terrifying entity."

"You die."

"The mark fades away? Is it because it was removed?"

The foresight ends with another failure.

Fortunately, this time, he entered the palace, and it wasn't entirely fruitless.

"The mark can only last for three minutes. If I act quickly, the time should be enough."

His purpose in entering the palace was to find information about divine rituals. If he could determine the location of the divine ritual information, three minutes should be sufficient to retrieve what he needed.

He initiates another foresight.