
Chapter 185: Inheritance Trial

The first and second premonitions were uneventful, but it was the third premonition that raised questions.


[Three minutes later, you notice that the group of outsiders ahead has clearly detected the unusualness of the desert. Their pace abruptly increases, almost running towards the front.]

Fourth premonition.


[Three minutes later, you realize that the group of outsiders ahead, still clinging to a sense of luck, continues to run even faster.]

Fifth premonition.


[Three minutes later, the group of outsiders ahead finally recognizes the problem and has to stop and wait for you, wanting to discuss a plan with you.]

"I thought Qian Yu knew a lot about this desert, but it seems not," Su Nan said with disappointment.

He had hoped that Qian Yu would have comprehensive knowledge of this desert, allowing Su Nan to gather information without repeatedly using his precognition ability.

However, it appeared that Qian Yu's understanding was limited, and Su Nan would have to rely on his own trials and exploration.

"Continue the precognition."

Without hesitation, Su Nan chose to continue to see how Qian Yu would handle the situation.

[A few minutes later, the group of outsiders ahead has apparently recognized the anomaly in the desert. They stop and wait for you, intending to discuss a strategy.]

[You catch up to the group, and the leader of the outsiders immediately informs you of the anomaly they've encountered, asking if you know what's going on.]

[You express your limited knowledge of the area and your inability to analyze the current situation, hoping to extract information about the desert from them.]

[As you suspected, the outsiders do have some information about the desert. Initially, they had no intention of sharing it with you, but now they seem to understand that continuing to conceal it would not benefit anyone, so they decide to share it with you.]

[You learn that this place is the inheritance ground of the ancient cave's master. The three regions within this secret area are challenges set by that powerful figure.]

[Only by passing through these three challenging regions in the shortest time can one qualify to receive the inheritance of that ancient master.]

"Inheritance ground!"

"There is really an inheritance here!" Su Nan's breathing quickened.

He remembered that the information he received from the Celestial Pavilion mentioned the possibility of an ancient master's inheritance within the cave.

Back then, he had paid little attention to it because the precognition had suggested that the cave had been thoroughly looted. But now, he was inside the potential inheritance ground, and it appeared that no one had discovered it before.

An inheritance from an ancient master was a tantalizing prospect, and Su Nan couldn't help but feel excited. However, he quickly regained his composure.

"Wait, Qian Yu shouldn't have revealed such important information so easily," Su Nan thought with a furrowed brow.

From a different perspective, if he possessed such crucial information, he wouldn't readily share it, even if he were in a life-threatening situation. Qian Yu revealing this information so easily made Su Nan suspicious.

"There are two possible scenarios here. Either the information Qian Yu shared is false, and he's trying to mislead me."

"Or, obtaining the inheritance is not as simple as he described, and there are hidden conditions that he believes I can't fulfill, so he's comfortable sharing some information."

"In either case, it's clear that Qian Yu might not be as ignorant of the desert as he pretends to be. He may have intentionally revealed this information after noticing I was following him."

Su Nan quickly analyzed the situation and realized the potential motives behind Qian Yu's actions.

Regardless of the scenario, with his ability to foresee the future, Su Nan was confident he could find a solution. The precognition continued.

[You are excited to learn about the ancient master's inheritance, but you also realize that it doesn't help you understand the current anomaly in the desert. After a brief discussion, you decide to continue moving forward.]

[One minute later, you stand on top of a sand dune, looking into the distance, attempting to find a way out of the desert.]

[Two minutes later, the winds in the desert begin to pick up, and a fierce windstorm envelops the area, whipping up a cloud of sand.]

[Three minutes later, you still haven't encountered any danger, but you also haven't found a way out of the desert.]

[You realize that you are trapped in an inescapable Black Wind Desert, where your sense of direction is lost. You may think you've covered dozens of miles, but you're actually just going in circles.]

[The sixth premonition ends. Do you want to continue?]

"Inescapable desert?"

Seeing the information at the end of the sixth premonition, Su Nan finally understood the problem.

In this place, losing one's sense of direction meant being trapped. For players, being trapped somewhere meant being unable to complete daily tasks and improve their strength, making it almost equivalent to losing their gaming qualifications.

Although Su Nan had a Perfect Resurrection Card, which allowed him to choose his respawn location after death, he didn't want to waste this trip if he could avoid it.

"Is there no way to deal with this lost direction issue?"

Su Nan quickly reviewed his available abilities in his mind, hoping to find a solution. Eventually, he realized that he might have a particular ability that could help in this situation.

Dimensional Shift!

Dimensional Shift allowed him to teleport from one place to another without traversing the distance in between, ensuring he wouldn't lose his sense of direction.

With this realization, he decided to give it a try.

[You understand that the Black Wind Desert can cause you to lose your sense of direction. Walking here, you will always be going in circles. You place your hope in your Dimensional Shift ability.]

[You use Dimensional Shift and teleport 2,000 meters away. You find yourself on top of another sand dune, looking into the distance at numerous sand dunes.]

[You don't stop there and use Dimensional Shift again. Your figure disappears from the sand dune and reappears at the base of another sand dune.]

[You continue to use Dimensional Shift, your third teleport bringing you to a relatively low-lying basin.]

[While three uses of Dimensional Shift haven't yet allowed you to leave the desert, they have taken you one step closer to escaping. If you continue like this, you'll soon exit the desert.]

"It works!"

Seeing the last piece of information, Su Nan was elated.

The final premonition made it clear that his Dimensional Shift was effective in maintaining his sense of direction. All he needed to do was to keep using it, and he would soon escape the desert.

"If three times worked, what about six times?"

A plan quickly formed in Su Nan's mind.

His Dimensional Shift ability could be used three times a day, but by utilizing the game's reset time, he could potentially use it six times in succession. No matter what Qian Yu had in mind, Su Nan felt secure in his ability to leave the desert ahead of him.

However, before he could proceed with this plan, he needed to follow Qian Yu and the others closely.

"It's not good, Boss. That guy, Wang Nan, is following us!" One of the players in Qian Yu's group, who was at the rear, quickly noticed Su Nan trailing behind them.

Upon hearing this, Qian Yu subconsciously glanced behind him, and when he saw Su Nan following them, his face turned grim. "Damn, how did he catch up!"

The skinny player next to him said, "What should we do, Boss? If he keeps following us, he might figure out how we plan to leave this place, and trapping him here will be nearly impossible."

"Moreover, if he continues to follow us into the next area, it will be detrimental to our future actions."

Qian Yu fell silent for a moment and then said, "Don't panic. Let's take it one step at a time. Maybe he'll stop following us after a while. If he keeps trailing us, we'll figure something out."

Qian Yu held onto a glimmer of hope.

Unfortunately, Su Nan was determined to follow them, and there was no chance he would give up midway.

More than ten minutes later, Qian Yu noticed Su Nan still following them and felt a growing anger.

"We can't let him know our objective. Since this place can make people lose their way, let's pretend we're lost here!" Qian Yu quickly made up his mind.

Then, Qian Yu began to try to increase their pace as if they were genuinely lost in the desert.

In the rear of the group, Su Nan watched with a smirk as the situation began to unfold just as he had foreseen.

As expected, five or six minutes later, Qian Yu appeared as if he couldn't find a way out, and his face grew dark.

Su Nan calmly walked up to the group, and Qian Yu was the first to speak, "Brother Wang Nan, have you noticed anything wrong with our journey so far?"

Su Nan wore a serious expression and replied, "There does seem to be something wrong here..."

The events that followed were just as Su Nan had foreseen. Qian Yu briefly explained the general anomaly of the area, leaving the problem to Su Nan, hoping that he could solve it.

Su Nan took the opportunity to seek more information about this secret location.

Qian Yu hesitated, then finally gritted his teeth and revealed that this place was the inheritance ground of the ancient master.

Upon hearing this, the two players in Qian Yu's group, one plump and one skinny, grew anxious and sent messages in their private chat:

"Boss, why did you tell him such important information?"

"Yeah, his strength far surpasses ours. If he decides to confront us, we won't stand a chance."

Qian Yu replied calmly, "Don't worry, have you forgotten that obtaining the inheritance isn't as simple as just passing the trials in the shortest time?"

"This Wang Nan clearly thinks he has us figured out. If we don't give him some substantial information, he might keep pestering us."

"But isn't this too obvious? Will he believe us?"

"If he truly believes it, that's the best outcome. As the top-ranked player, he likely has means beyond our imagination. He might leave us alone and find a way to escape."

"If he doesn't believe us, maybe we can use this opportunity to pass the trials first. Being the first to pass the trials also has its advantages."

The group exchanged messages discreetly.

Qian Yu's goal was simple: to make Su Nan leave them.

However, Su Nan had no intention of leaving, and this time, he didn't trail behind the group but walked alongside them, showing no signs of wanting to go on his own.

Qian Yu felt inwardly furious. If it were someone else, he would have acted already, but against Su Nan, he had no choice but to endure the situation.

With Su Nan following, Qian Yu couldn't do what he intended. He could only keep moving forward with Su Nan in tow.

In the blink of an eye, the group had been in the desert for five or six hours, and in reality, it was past 11 in the morning.

Qian Yu said, "Brother Wang Nan, it seems we can't find a way out of this desert. We've been trapped here. Continuing like this won't work. Everyone is tired, and it's time for a rest."

Su Nan felt a slight movement in his heart and nodded, "Alright, let's take a break."

"Everyone takes turns resting," Qian Yu signaled to the others.

Dozens of players received Qian Yu's message and understood what it meant. Half of them logged out of the game, leaving the other half in the game.

Seeing this scene, Su Nan remained calm but couldn't help but smirk inwardly.

He understood Qian Yu's strategy. Qian Yu was using their numerical advantage to wear him down.

With more players, they could take turns logging out for a rest, while Su Nan was alone and couldn't stay logged in indefinitely.

Once Qian Yu noticed that Su Nan had logged out, his group would quickly log in and use that time to distance themselves from Su Nan.

Or perhaps, Qian Yu might simply never log in, and given enough time, Su Nan would have no choice but to leave on his own.

Qian Yu's method was indeed effective. From the Celestial Pavilion to the Red Mountain County and now this secret location, Su

 Nan had not rested on his journey to save time.

Although he was powerful, he still needed to rest; he hadn't reached the point where he could go without sleep.

If Qian Yu kept this up, Su Nan might not be able to hold out.

However, if he could endure until the game refreshed tomorrow, that would not be an issue.

"It's interesting that he came up with this method. Well, let's see who can endure longer."

Both sides were in a waiting game. Su Nan was waiting for the game to refresh, while Qian Yu was waiting for Su Nan to log out so they could shake him off, or for Su Nan to leave voluntarily.

And so, both sides remained deadlocked, unwilling to back down.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, it was already past 11 at night in reality.

"The time is finally approaching."

Su Nan stood up and looked at the future prediction.

When the time reached 11:55 PM, Su Nan initiated another prediction.

(End of this chapter)