
Chapter 136: The Identity of the Green Wolf Demon King

As expected, when they heard "Tianlang Clan," the horned demon was visibly surprised. The Tianlang Clan was a major clan among the demons, with numerous demon kings and even demon emperors among them, not someone to be trifled with.

Then, a voice rang out, breaking the silence, "Hahaha, Old Sheep, you're not afraid to boast. The Tianlang Clan, even with their current weakened state, is not something you can discuss lightly."

The voice was followed by a black bird that descended from the sky and perched on a nearby willow tree, transforming into a young man with wings on his back.

"Ying Gao, this is my territory, you've crossed the line!" Old Sheep, the demon they had referred to earlier, spoke with a darkening expression upon seeing the young man.

However, Ying Gao remained unfazed and said, "Old buddy, you seem to have forgotten that our Green Wolf Demon King has a close relationship with the Tianlang Clan. If the Green Wolf Demon King finds out you dared to say such things, hehe..."

Upon hearing this, Old Sheep's face changed. He had forgotten this crucial detail. But soon, another thought occurred to him, and he sneered, "What can the Tianlang Clan do? They couldn't even withstand the Pointed Star Sect, and now they're a defeated enemy."

Old Sheep's words were met with sudden laughter. "Hahaha, Old Sheep, you're not afraid to exaggerate, but even if the Tianlang Clan is weakened, it's not for you to judge."

The laughter subsided as a wolf-headed humanoid demon walked slowly along a nearby path. It was none other than Lang Thirteen, in his transformed appearance.

"Master!" Upon seeing Su Nan, both Niu Dadan and Jia Lao Ba breathed a sigh of relief.

Old Sheep and Ying Gao, however, were bewildered. The masters of these two middle-stage Spirit-level demons were just a Spirit-level novice?

Both demons found it hard to believe. "Is he really their master?"

Su Nan glanced at them calmly and asked, "Who among you wanted to harm me earlier?"

Initially, upon hearing that their masters were from the Tianlang Clan, Old Sheep had been somewhat cautious. Now, upon seeing Su Nan as just a Spirit-level novice, he felt ashamed of his earlier caution. But when he heard Su Nan's question, he sneered, "It was me! What's it to you, kid? Your people trespassed into my territory, and I have the right to do as I please, including dealing with you!"

Su Nan ignored their threats and coldly said, "I'll give you two options now: either die or willingly let me imprint this mark on you."

Su Nan held two crimson imprints in his hand. 

"The Bloodline Slave Imprint?" The two demons recognized the imprints in Su Nan's hand.

Ying Gao exclaimed in shock, "Impossible! You must be out of your mind if you think I'd let you control me, even if it costs me my life!"

"Very well, then you can die!" Su Nan's eyes flashed, and he threw a punch at Ying Gao's head.

"You dare to attack me, thinking you're from the Tianlang Clan?" Old Sheep was furious. He never expected a Spirit-level novice to initiate an attack against him.

However, in the next moment, his expression changed drastically. As their bodies made contact, he felt a power far beyond Spirit-level novice strength coming from Su Nan.

"You..." Old Sheep's face turned pale, realizing too late that he couldn't resist the attack.

With a loud thud, Old Sheep was sent flying.

Su Nan hadn't used his ultimate attack, only employing his bloodline martial technique combined with the enhancement of his elemental energy. Still, it was enough to send a Spirit-level peak demon like Old Sheep flying.

"How is this possible? You're really just a Spirit-level novice?" Ying Gao was astonished.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong and attempted to transform into his true form to escape.

"Think you can escape?" Su Nan's eyes gleamed, and his soul power turned into a spear, piercing towards Ying Gao.

"Ah!" Ying Gao let out a miserable cry and fell from the tree.

"Soul power! You can use soul power!" Freed from the influence of Su Nan's soul power, Ying Gao was both shocked and furious.

"This kid is too mysterious. Let's attack together!" Old Sheep quickly suggested.

"Agreed!" Ying Gao responded decisively.

Two demons, who were previously not on friendly terms, joined forces against Su Nan.

Su Nan remained calm, continuing to fight. Old Sheep was a body-based demon, while Ying Gao had elemental magic. The two worked together quite well.

Unfortunately for them, they were facing Su Nan, who possessed three different types of powers.

Su Nan controlled the way he attacked. He didn't use his ultimate techniques like Heaven-Shattering Strike or Savage Serpent Dance. Those were his last resorts and not to be used lightly.

And definitely not the Annihilation Serpent Dance. He planned to use it only when he needed to act as Zhang Yang, as its characteristics were too distinctive and would easily arouse suspicion.

"How is this possible? Are you really just a Spirit-level novice?" 

After two or three minutes of battle, the fight came to a halt.

Old Sheep and Ying Gao lay on the ground, looking miserable. The awe they had previously held had completely vanished.

Su Nan stood in front of them, and they no longer displayed the arrogance they had before. Old Sheep said with a bitter expression, "You can't kill us. We are under the command of King Xiongyan. If you kill us, King Xiongyan won't spare you."

Su Nan ignored their threats and coldly replied, "Now, I'll give you two options: die, or willingly let me imprint this mark on you."

Su Nan held two crimson imprints in his hand.

"Bloodline Slave Imprint?" The two demons recognized the imprints in Su Nan's hand.

Ying Gao exclaimed in shock, "Impossible! You must be out of your mind if you think I'd let you control me, even if it costs me my life!"

"Well then, you can die!" Su Nan's eyes flashed, and he threw a punch at Ying Gao's head.

"Wait!" At the critical moment, Ying Gao relented.

He stared at Su Nan, reluctantly admitting, "I agree!"

Su Nan smiled and then turned to Old Sheep, asking, "What about you?"

Old Sheep glanced at Ying Gao, sighed in defeat, and said, "Do I have any other choice?"

"Very well, cooperate with me to imprint this mark inside you."

With a wave of his hand, the two imprints shot towards the two demons.

Su Nan didn't kill the two demons, not on a whim, but because his premonition had warned him that if he killed the two demons, he would be pursued by another powerful demon, their superior.

That demon was their superior, Xiongyan, a mid-level Xuan-ranked demon.

At this point, Su Nan was not a match for such a demon.

The Bloodline Slave Imprints entered the bodies of the two demons. They immediately tried to reject

 the imprints, but ultimately, they gritted their teeth and accepted them.

Seeing Su Nan control the two demons in this way, Niu Dadan and Jia Lao Ba, who had been controlled by him, felt a sense of schadenfreude.

Having witnessed Su Nan's strength, they now had fewer grievances about being controlled.

Finally, the two Bloodline Slave Imprints took root completely within the two monsters.

"Master!" Old Sheep and Ying Gao said reluctantly.

At this point, they still had some resistance, but they had no choice but to accept their fate.

Su Nan looked at Old Sheep and asked, "What do you mean when you said this was your territory? Does every part of Tianyun City have its own owner?"

Old Sheep nodded and said, "Yes, Master. In Tianyun City, except for a few places, most of the markets, streets, and rivers have owners."

"This Pointed Star Road is my territory."

Ying Gao added, "My territory is the neighboring Golden Wine Brewery, and we are under the command of King Xiongyan, along with five other Spirit-level monsters."

"And King Xiongyan, along with eight other kings, are all under the Green Wolf Demon King."

The Green Wolf Demon King had nine mid-level Xuan-ranked demons under his command!

Su Nan was shocked. He now understood that the monsters in Tianyun City were clearly divided into two major factions.

The two Demon Kings controlled some Xuan-ranked demons, and under the Xuan-ranked demons were the Spirit-level monsters that controlled each street.

Ying Gao's eyes lit up as he asked, "Master, you're from the Sky Wolf Clan, right? Are you here to join the Green Wolf Demon King?"

"Why do you think so? What's the relationship between the Green Wolf Demon King and the Sky Wolf Clan?"

Su Nan suddenly thought of the princess inside his Qi Ring, who had instructed him to take her to the Li Family in Tianyun City while she was unconscious.

"You don't know, Master?" Both monsters looked surprised.

"That Green Wolf Demon King is said to be the younger sister of the Sky Wolf Clan's Princess. However, for some reason, she left the Sky Wolf Clan."

"The younger sister of the Princess?" Su Nan's pupils contracted.

Su Nan fell silent for a moment and said, "Don't mention my identity to anyone from now on!"

He didn't want to have any connection with the Green Wolf Demon King. If the Green Wolf Demon King found out that his sister had been turned into a Bloodline Slave by him, they might come after him.

"Understood, Master!" Although the four monsters were curious, they dared not ask further questions.

Su Nan looked at Old Sheep and Ying Gao and said, "Continue with what you were doing. Just make sure to inform me of the main movements of the monsters in the city every day."

"Monster movements?"

Old Sheep and Ying Gao exchanged glances, still curious about what Su Nan wanted to do.

The two monsters nodded and said, "Yes, Master!"

At this moment, Ying Gao suddenly remembered something and said, "I just received some news that you might find interesting."

"What news?"

"It's about the Exorcism Bureau."

"Just today, a new Bureau Chief has arrived at the Exorcism Bureau, and it's said that his strength is only at the early Spirit level. Now, most of the Spirit-level monsters in the city are preparing to hunt him down."

Su Nan's mouth twitched. It seemed that he had become a hot commodity.

At this point, Old Sheep added, "According to the rules, whoever can take down the new Bureau Chief can obtain a Bloodline Spirit Fruit as a reward."

"According to the rules set by the Human County Lord and the two Demon Kings, high-level monsters are not allowed to attack warriors below their own level."

"In the past, the Bureau Chiefs were all at the Xuan level, so there was no chance for us. But this time, the Bureau Chief is only at the Spirit level, which is a rare opportunity for us."

"Bloodline Spirit Fruit?" Su Nan's interest was piqued.

He immediately thought of the reward for the third stage of Lang Thirteen's main quest, "The Wrath of the Demon Emperor."

The reward for the third stage was called the Bloodline Spirit Fruit.

"What is a Bloodline Spirit Fruit?" Su Nan asked.

Ying Gao explained, "It's a treasure that can purify bloodlines. After consuming it, there is a certain probability of reverting our demon bloodlines back to their ancestral forms!"

"Reverting bloodlines to their ancestral forms?"

"Can it make our bloodlines reach the level of ancient demons?"

"It's not impossible, but the probability of that is very low, and one Bloodline Spirit Fruit is definitely not enough."

"I heard that both Demon Kings have consumed several Bloodline Spirit Fruits, but they still haven't reverted their bloodlines."

"However, even if we can't revert our bloodlines, it's a rare treasure for us demons. Each one we consume will enhance our bloodlines and make it easier for us to advance."

Su Nan nodded. Being able to enhance bloodlines was a great temptation for demons.

"This matter is not something you should get involved in. Just gather information for me," Su Nan said.

"Do you mean you want to take action yourself?"

The two monsters exchanged glances and immediately said, "Master, according to the rules, only the monster whose territory the Bureau Chief enters can take action. If you act rashly, it may anger the two Demon Kings."

"Rules like these?" Su Nan's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

This rule was quite interesting!

Su Nan didn't continue with this question and said, "Among the Xuan-ranked demons in Tianyun City, which one is the weakest in strength?"

Today, he had only completed two daily tasks, and the remaining tasks to hunt down mortal and Spirit-level monsters hadn't been done yet. He planned to go do them later.

And when the tasks refreshed next time, it was likely that there would be a task to hunt down Xuan-ranked monsters, so he wanted to scout ahead.

Ying Gao said, "If we're talking about the strongest, it's definitely the Nine-Tails King."

"But as for the weakest, we really don't know."

Old Sheep thought for a moment and said, "Under the White Water Demon King, there are two Xuan-ranked early-stage demons. Under our Green Wolf Demon King, there are also two."

"Give me all the information you have on them."

A moment later.

Su Nan left Pointed Star Road and headed towards the direction of East City.

In his hand, he held a map of Tianyun City.

On the map were marked the territories of over a hundred Spirit-level monsters and the influence areas of the corresponding Xuan-ranked demons.

"There are twenty-three peak Spirit-level monsters left on the list of the Exorcism Bureau. Let's start with them."

He planned to randomly select two lucky ones.

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The typing speed is too slow, and my abilities are limited. If you tip me, it is difficult for me to update more frequently, so I am very sorry for that, so there is no need to tip me.

Let me explain the plot again. Recently, I feel that the writing has become more and more shallow, and the pace has changed significantly. Part of it may be because the recent chapters are all set-up, and I will try to

 adjust it in the future.

The end of this chapter.