

Author: brckuvq49
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What is sdfiueiie

Read ‘sdfiueiie’ Online for Free, written by the author brckuvq49, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: aeef8uueifdk



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"I like the song" her blinding smile was enough for the man infront of her to fall for her once again. "I like the women in my arms" he twirled her before once again taking her in his arms. "I like your deep eyes" she grazed the back of her index finger at the end of his eyes and again put her hand on his broad shoulder. Her long dark blue gown flowing with her steps as the both of them were lost in each other. "I like your shining eyes" He gave her a bow. 'and don't want them to look at someone else' but he  couldn't say it. Her smile was enchanting. She probably haven't smiled this much till now. But she herself was not sure what the smile was for. "I like you lips" she gently carresed her finger on his thin lips that formed a straight line. Her feet moving on their own as she continued to dance and as she continued to stare at the handsome man in front of her. "I like you fingers" he said truly 'And don't want anyone's ring on your finger' A meaningful smile came on her face as she heard him. 'Your fingers are slender' the person she knew was straight forward with everyone except her. She was sure that there was a part of him that probably liked her even now when he doesn't remember anything. The man himself didn't know why he said that he liked her fingers wasn't it a little idiotic. What will this sly women will think of him now? He wanted to smack himself. He circled her waist, brought her more closer, lifted her slightly in the air and once again twirled her. She encircled her hand around his neck. "I..(her breath hitting his neck)...like...(she closed her eyes and sniffed his neck)...the gun pointed at my waist... and head...(she blowed on his ear)." Their eyes locked. Light brown against ocean blue. He knew that she knew what he was upto and same was the case with him. "I like the gun pointed at my neck" he said keeping his stoic face. Causing a full blown smile to come on her face. She neared him, brought her face more closed to him. Her nose was touching his now. Their eyes locked on each other. They looked as they were so in love with each other. The envious eyes of many people were on both of them. "Should I kill you first?" Her breath hitting his lips. Tempting him. "Have Patience" he brought her to her original position. Both of their hearts beating for each other, but sadly both of them were not aware of it. Not aware of what the future will bring for them. It was perhaps impossible for them to be together. ........... Laurain Morgan Stone, an orphan girl with a family, a beautiful ruthless killer. Have strong concrete walls around her heart, her only goal was to take revenge or precisely kill the person who murdered her family. But who would have thought that she has to go against the king of the underworld, leader of the worlds largest gang, which has its roots in almost every country. He ruled almost anything and everything. The richest businessman who's wealth knew no bounds. The little girl who grew up only to exact her revenge, Will she succeed? Or will She die? like many others who tried to take him down from his throne. Will her revenge relieve some of her pain? OR Will shatter her more? Will the mighty general be able to mend his little lover's broken heart and stop her from going against the world? 

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The Demon CEO Finds Lost Love

SEASON 2 TELAH SELESAI SEASON 3 UNTUK SEMENTARA HIATUS, DEMI PERSIAPAN KONFLIK BARU MENGUSUNG SCI-FI. HIATUS...!!! Maaf jika Season 3 tidak langsung saya garap. jujur mengusung tema Sci-fi yang di padukan dengan romance itu sulit. Apalagi, sebenarnya novel saya basic nya itu adalah kisah cinta ala-ala CEO, yang di gemari para ibu-ibu. sedangkan di season 3 nanti banting setir ke sci-fi demi alur. Jadi, mohon pengertiannya. Tapi karena memang dari season 1 sudah membawa alur menuju ke sana. Maka harus saya lanjutkan juga membawa SCI-FI. INGAT!!! tidak semudah itu membuat cerita, saya bukan kekurangan ide, hanya masih dilema akan lanjut atau di buat sekuel. Karena memang jalan ceritanya genre nya akan sedikit berubah. AKAN DI LANJUTKAN SEASON 3 SETELAH 3 TAHUN YANG AKAN DATANG. TERIMA KASIH . MOHON DOANYA SEMOGA 3 TAHUN YG AKAN DATANG SAYA MASIH BISA MELANJUTKAN CERITA INI KE SEASON 3. Dapatkah seorang atheis berhati dingin jatuh cinta? Temui Ludius Lu! Pria atheis berdarah dingin, penguasa sekaligus CEO yang mendominasi Seluruh Daratan China ini mampu mendapatkan apapun yang ia inginkan, termasuk wanita. Tapi...kenapa dia tak bisa dapatkan hati gadis ini? Ia tidak tahu apa yang salah dengan dirinya? Mengapa ia tidak bisa menaklukkan wanita lemah sepertinya? Hatinya yang beku sekian lamanya begitu mudahnya dicairkan oleh seorang gadis tak berdaya. Gadis yang terlahir dari rahim wanita Indonesia ini, Silvia Zhu, seorang wanita berkeyakinan kuat. Demi mengemban amanah Ayahnya sebelum meninggal, Ia bertekad pergi ke Negara China untuk mencari keluarga Ayahnya berada. Tapi apakah Silvia tahu, bahwa niatannya akan berujung pada sebuah Takdir?? Takdir yang merubah hidup keduanya, menggoncang hati sang penguasa dingin. Akankah Ludius berhasil mendapatkan hati Silvia? Ketika Takdir di hadapkan pada dua kehidupan yang saling berlawanan, apa yang akan terjadi? Sequel dari Novel ini "Ludius, cukup..! mengapa kamu selalu menanggungnya sendiri? Tidakkah itu menyakitkan?" Bisik Silvia, air matanya tiba-tiba saja menetes. Ludius hanya terdiam, mulutnya seakan terkunci untuk berbicara. 'Silvia, kamu tidak tahu betapa kejam dunia ini. Jika aku ingin bertahan, maka aku harus berdiri tegak di depan semua orang. Selama ini aku sudah membuang hati dan perasaanku, yang ku anggap sebagai kelemahan ku. Tapi kamu mampu melihat sisi lemah ku'. Ludius melepas pelukannya, Dia mengusap air mata Silvia dengan lembut. "Jangan menangis, aku tidak pernah mengizinkanmu untuk itu. Kamu tahu.. Kamu adalah wanita pertama yang mampu menebak isi hatiku". "Walau begitu kamu masih tidak mau membaginya denganku?" Perkataan Silvia penuh makna. "Belum waktunya, Jika tiba saatnya aku pasti akan membaginya denganmu". Ludius menarik tangan Silvia menuju hamparan bunga yang memenuhi taman. Mereka duduk di bangku di tengah hamparan bunga.  Angin berhembus menyibakkan rambut Silvia,  "Ludius, Bukankah bunga ini menenangkan hati mu? Disini seakan kita bisa lebih jujur pada hati kita sendiri" ucap Silvia yang masih menikmati kesejukan angin yang berhembus. "Entahlah.. aku hanya merasa sedikit nyaman berada di sini". jawab Ludius yang masih memandang hamparan bunga. // // // // // TAG MAFIA, CEO, SWEET ROMANCE, COLD MAN, PERFECT HUSBAND, ACTION, ARROGANT, SWEET, MISTERY, BOSS, PERFECT PARTNER, KILL, BLOOD, TRAGEDY, Di Volume ke 2 nantinya akan banyak pemain baru, cinta dan aksi serta mengungkap masalah yang masih tertinggal di Volume 1. Bagi pembaca baru saya sarankan membaca Volume 1 terlebih dahulu untuk memahami alur cerita. copyright Embun_nada Hak cipta di lindungi undang-undang, dilarang mengcopy dan sebagainya tanpa sepengetahuan penulis. fb Embun_nada dan Rotul nada instagram Embun nada

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