A boy got reincarnated by a chaotic god for fun... as a scythe nonetheless (Nah that is his choice). He will rise steadily from the scrap with the help of his gamer system. And of course, change the story quite a lot too. Warning for some man of culture: no harem biatch
Sorry for the late update guys, My school started again so I don't have that much time to write anymore. Also, I'm having a mid-term exam right now so it's even harder for me to think of a new idea XD
So the updated schedule of all of my stories will become 2 days/ 1 chapter
(Cain POV)
Nice timing System, show me what is my new ability.
Space creation/destruction/manipulation (active) lv max, mp various
Allow you to create, destroy and control the space in the whole universe. MP uses are various but the consumption is very high so please use this skill at your own risk.
[God's soul absorbed: 2%]
Yeah, I can't expect much from just 2% of God's power but hey, being able to control the space in the whole universe is already out of my hand, I doubt that my MP could be enough to affect the moon.
Well, there aren't many things I could do for now so I guess I will have to start building some bad reputation for Jackie and myself then.
"Jackie," I called her, "Do you want to start our little adventure to find your mother?" And she looks really happy after I asked that question, just as expected.
"Yes papa, we want to find our mother! Can we do it now?" She asked excitingly.
"Sure, let's get out of this place first." I grab Jack and cover her body with a jacket "We are going to have a cold night so you will need this." She happily accepts it then grab my hand.
Tonight, I will create a new legend and made it become one of the most famous tales that will be ever told in this world. It's not a story of a hero but a story of the world's most mysterious and notorious killer.
Wait, I mean that is my tale, not Jack-chan is. She will have a normal story of ripping some women apart and remaining unsolved until the end of this world.
And by the way, did I ever mention that I found the bastard Zouken Matou is currently living near our 'base'?
Hell yeah, I will go deal with the worm bastard, gotta save some random guy with a high school girl in the future because I'm a good person. I will do that after teaching Jack how to Rip and Tear... both demon and human.
[new quests received]
Main quest: The destroyer of the world!
Objective 1: create a legend for yourself
Objective 2: summon your servants and create a singularity
Objective 3: become a villain in this story
Bonus objective: destroy the Human's last hope
Bonus objective 2: corrupt Mashu
Main reward: 1 legendary token, 1 servant summon ticket.
Bonus reward: 1 divine token,??
... Damn, I not going to comment about the main objective but I want to say something:
Corrupting the eggplant kouhai might be the most sinful thing I will ever do.
{So? You are the villain in this story so why even care about sin? Not to mention that you are a weapon so throw away that thought already, it's not like karma cares about a weapon.}
Yeah, that is right, I have already played the villain before. Maybe controlling her to kill her senpai would be fun to watch, to be honest.
... I think my cold heart trait affected me more than I thought, whatever, let us move on with the legend creation part first.
{10 days later)
(3rd POV) {Chaldea}
*Knock* Knock* "May I come in Da Vinci-chan?" Ritsuka called out for her servant.
"Sure, come in." The metal door open and reveal 2 Da Vinci, one is a caster servant and the other is a rider servant. They look at the master a smiled "so what brought you here today Ritsuka-kun? Does Gudako-chan leave you alone with your harem again?"
Ritsuka hold his head and sighed "please don't mention that," he shook his head then bring out an old-looking book for the servants to see "whatever, today I come here because of this book. I don't know how but it suddenly appear in my room this morning, I asked the other servant about the title of this book but no one could understand it."
"No one could understand it? even the caster servants?" The caster Da Vinci asked as curious began to fill her complicated brain, "Yeah, even the wise king and the authors' servants couldn't understand it with their magic so I could only rely on science now," The master handed over the book to the duo and leave.
"GAH, damn it!" On his way, he found the other master which is his twin sister trying to walk back to the cafeteria while cursing nonstop.
"Onee-san, please stop, you might become a bad influence for the child servants." He remind his sister and pointed at the group of child servants playing around the cafeteria.
She stopped cursing and decide to take a seat and call EMIYA for some food, Ritsuka sit next to his sister and they have a long awkward moment of silence.
"Mother." Jack (normal ver) pulled Gudako's sleeve which shifted her attention at the child servant, "there is a book suddenly appear in our room today and there is a note on it which said that we have to pass this book to you."
Hearing Jack's words, Gudako's depression was replaced with curiosity, she take the book and look at the note which say that this book have to be passed to the master. Ritsuka take a glance at the book and found a similar pattern on the cover which got him surprised because it's the same pattern as the book he just give to Da Vinci.
"Sister, can you lend me that book?" Gudako were confused about why does her brother asked for the book but she give it to him anyways, she was never a person who enjoy book anyways.
Ritsuka look closely at the book's title, it has the same language as the title as the book that appears in his room - which he can't understand but looks similar - he rubs his head and doesn't understand what is the point of this.
Gudako look at her brother and then at the book, "what is the problem Ritsuka? You seem to be... strangely serious." She asked worriedly
"Ah, nothing at all sister, it's just... about those strange books just keep appearing out of nowhere." He smiled awkwardly and hand over the book to Gudako "I think you better keep it onee-san,"
Gudako take the book and look at it curiously, she opened the first page and saw the... otherworldly language written inside it.
But instead of closing the book, Gudako chooses to flip to the next page, she continues to do it until she reaches the last page. On the last page, there is a text written in English
"The legend of a Jack the Ripper? Why there is a book about Jack-chan here?" Gudako read out loud the title at the end of the book which surprise Ritsuka, "Wait, sis, you can read it?"
"No I can't but there is an English text at the end of this book. But the question is who would put a book about Jackie inside her room?" Gudako questioned everyone present in the cafeteria, only a handful of servants listen to her words though since most of them are eating.
"Hm, it seems like we have a new case. Maybe someone wants to mess with Jack or it's just a book someone has forgotten in her room?" Holmes walk toward the group while holding the book that Ritsuka has handed to Da Vinci a while earlier. "I, however, think both of them aren't the case, on the end of this book there is a single line that said: the last singularity."
"Wait, does it mean actual singularity or just pseudo-singularity?" Ritsuka asked nervously. Before the detective could answer, Mashu rush into the cafeteria with the caster Da Vinci.
"Senpai! We have discovered the appearance of a new singularity!" her words shocked everyone.
"That is impossible! All of the demon gods pillar has been destroyed, there can't be another Singularity, are you sure isn't a pseudo-singularity or a Lostbelt?" Ritsuka asked his kouhai nervously.
"We have checked it many times master, it's indeed a singularity that linked to our history. But unlike Goetia's singularities points, this singularity doesn't cause any damage to the human's foundation yet. But it's still a singularity and we must restore it as soon as possible!"
"We understand." The master duo replies firmly and sets off for preparation.
{smol time skip}
"Are you ready Gudako-san, Ritsuka-san?" the twin nodded and get ready for the Rayshift, "starting Rayshift in 3, 2, 1... go!"
*insert Rayshift sound cause I'm lazy*
(the scene above is about Chaldea arrival 10 days later, let's go back with our main protagonist.)
{Meanwhile with Cain}
"Jackie, what I have told you about ripping people apart with your hand? Your hand are too weak at this moment you know, don't force your body to that extent yet." Cain grabbed Jack's hands and take out a handkerchief to clean her bloody hand.
"I understand papa, I won't do it next time." Seeing Jack's smile somehow make Cain's non-existing heart skip a beat, although he doesn't feel pain at all, his darker side is inviting him to join them.
"I think it's enough for this night, let's go back, Jackie." "Okay papa"