
scythe of calamity

A boy got reincarnated by a chaotic god for fun... as a scythe nonetheless (Nah that is his choice). He will rise steadily from the scrap with the help of his gamer system. And of course, change the story quite a lot too. Warning for some man of culture: no harem biatch

Aoxobzad · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Beating up an old man and Obito

(Cain's POV) {at a random street stall}

"Cain-nii, why are you reading the newspaper? I thought we are going to find the Akatsuki." This is the fourth time you asked this question Hidan, just let me find the news about them first so I can know what is their next move.

In the anime each time they capture a new jinchuriki, it will take them 2 to 3 days to finish exacting the beast from its host, we will take that chance to detect their location then strike each of them.

"Ho, here we are, the Nibi has been captured by Akatsuki." Yes, now I know where to go, but in the canon is was Kakuzu and Hidan who capture the beast, if Hidan is here then who is Kakuzu's partner now? Nah, who cares?

"Hidan I know where to go now, let move to Kumogakure." I turn my head to see Hidan, I clearly remember that she is eating ramen but...does she even have a limit? Like a hundred bowls already. "Hidan, what did I tell you about eating like a lady? You are a girl yet look at this mess, I can't believe after 4 years you are still such a carefree person." I scold at here but it doesn't seem very effective.

I facepalm, 'just do this the usual way then.' I waited for her to finish her last bowl, grab her hand and her waist, and carry her with princess style.

[Shadow step active]

(Q: Why don't he ride Diablo? A: Diablo is too big and attracts too much attention, using Eternal form on her cost quite a lot of mp)

'now for the question, what direction is Kumogakure at? I have no map here.' And after that, I continue to use shadow steps to go around.



After an hour, I know that I have run back to the fire country without knowing.


(3rd POV) {Somewhere in the forest}

"This is already the second day of the extract process and if we can't find Kakuzu soon, we will miss the chance to finish one of the most dangerous villains here," Cain speaks through telepathy while roaming the whole forest near Kumogakure.

"But aren't we are villains as well? Why should we kill him?" Hidan scratches her head in confusion, she is standing on a black flying sword made by her yin creation Jutsu.

"I rather call us anti-heroes more than a villain." Cain reply

"...I have no comment on that, let just focus on finding the weird masked guy." Hidan sigh deeply and create 10 clones, each standing on their respective sword "You know what to do, find him." they nodded, and each fly in a different direction.

"Now that is my girl, I gonna rest for a bit, let me check if there is anything that can help us." Cain ignores Hidan's complaint and goes into his inventory. 'Let see here, is there anything I got from the treasure room and shinobi's corpse'

Kunai (common) x24325

A simple kunai can use to throw at your enemy and can be used as a close combat weapon

Explosion tags (common) x12512

Channel your charka into these tags will make it explode, can stick on a wall or throw with a weapon

Shuriken (common) x 35192




Soul necklace (epic)

This necklace can contain 10 souls from the dead creature

Soul contained: 1/10

"Hm? hey System, when did this necklace absorb a soul?"

[When the host defeated Saiken, you can't eat his soul because Tails beast's soul is a bit special. It has special protection on its soul which make the soul make some sort of resistance to your skill. Since you can't devour it, the system has decided to store the Bijuu's soul in the necklace]

"... I think I will need to talk about your AI and give you a name soon

{After a while}

"I still can not detect their presence, they are likely has used some kind of Jutsu to prevent detection." after 4 hours of nonstop running the deadly couple still have no clue about the 2 members of Akatsuki.

Cain thought for a moment and reply "...Hidan, tries to run as far as possible, remember to hold me well, I gonna do something crazy." The girl tense up upon hearing that, "Oi, you are not going to destroy the whole forest right?"

"Just run, I will give you 5 minutes, this skill needs some time to act." Hidan wastes no more time and began to fly as far as possible from Cain's location, she might be immortal, but she doesn't want to become atoms then revive, she goes through that once and that is so terrifying.

"Ok, you can do this Cain, system, show me my MP bar"

MP: 300280/329800 MPR: 32980/min

'Enough to do 3 of it then, gonna save some MP so let's do 2 of them'

"Multicast: Sword of judgment!" Cain shouted as he claps his hand together, pretending like an actual shinobi (why not?)

In the sky, 2 large gaps slowly open up, each of their diameters is at least a kilometer large.

"Go, destroy everything!" 2 black swords fly out of the gap, each of them flies in a different direction.

Cain dematerializes himself before the swords touch the ground, disappearing from the scene.

*Insert nuclear bomb explode sound* x2

"That is a big one, I thought you didn't make it." Cain uses his spirit form and appears next to Hidan, scared the daylight out of the girl. "What a bastard you are, I almost have a heart attack from that."

"Well, even you have a heart attack, you can't die right?" Cain just shrug his shoulders with a smug smile on his face

"You! *sigh* I gave up, now can we continue to find them now?" Hidan knows that whatever she said can't do anything to Cain so she decided to give up and change the subject. "Sure, that triple (nuclear) bomb should be enough to destroy half of this forest and the formation they are using to hide from us." Cain proudly praise his plan

"But you don't even have half of your MP left" Hidan replies with a smug smile. "That... fine, that is a flaw of this plan, well I can borrow your anyways." But she refuses "Nope, your MP is 3 times higher than me, uses your own." the big brother can only sigh but agree with the statement.

"Back to the topic, I think that explosions do something to the formation, I can sense them now, let go," Cain grab Hidan's hand and pull the girl on the sword down to the ground. Not only that, he began to violently pull her and run at terrifying speed to the place he senses Akatsuki's member.


*Insert nuclear bomb sound here*

"Huh? What happening outside?" A masked man with Akatsuki's well-known red cloud cloaks asked. This Kakuzu, the man with 5 heart - and also an old man

The other one, who is also wearing Akatsuki's cloak and has an orange spiral mask on his face shook his head "Tobi have no idea, Tobi hope it won't break Tobi's seal." He replies with a childish tone.

This is Tobi, but Tobi is only a fake name that is well known to everyone else, his true name is Obito, the old friend of Kakashi, who has thought that has been dead on the battlefield many years ago.

Suddenly, a big vibration wave appears from outside of the cave, Kakuzu and Tobi immediately realize that they have been discovered. They quickly inform their leader and exit the ceremony.

They stand in front of the rock, preparing for an attack, "Let make this quick, I need to finish the stupid extracting and continue making money." Kakuzu said dissatisfied with the development.



As they expected, the intruder breaks the rock with brute force, while Kakuzu used his technique to protect himself from the destroyed rock pieces, Obito continues his act and hides behind Kakuzu.

After the dust has been clear, two people show up to be Cain and Hidan, while Cain's holding a pitch-black sword, Hidan is using Cain's real body as a weapon.

"Greeting old man, what a good place to hide right?" Cain steps up and points his sword at Kakuzu "Let end this quick, I still have work to do. Huh? and who do we have here, come out orange dude, why do you even hide?"

'Well I didn't expect Obito to be Kakuzu's partner, but this can help me shorten my plan.' For real, Cain is shocked when he found out that Tobi is here with Kakuzu, he has expected Zetsu to be the one who will go with the old man but this is unexpected.

"Both of your heads worth a lot of money so I won't let you run away brat!" Kakuzu exclaims right after he realizes that both of them are on the wanted list.

"Entertain me, old man! Let see if you can beat me when I'm running out of man- charka!" Cain smile then teleport behind Kakuzu, Cain stab his charka-made sword in Kakuzu's chest but it was blocked by Kakuzu's harden technique

Cain then cloaks his fists with Haki, making it pitch-black. Kakuzu misunderstands that Cain is using the same technique as him so he just stands there and active his Jutsu to counter.


But unfortunately for our old man, his defence was easily broken by our main character, Cain's fist go through Kakuzu's body and rip one of his heart apart. "4 more to go, if you don't take this seriously, all of your heart will be gone, old man.

"Arrogant brat! I will tear you apart and take your heart to replace the one you have broken!" Kakuzu shouted in frustration and jump back, he takes off his red clouds cloak to reveal his back, 4 masks with different shapes and colours, the blue one has been destroyed by Cain.

The 3 remaining masks start to leave Kakuzu's body, after a while, they become separate creatures made of black thread, each has its mask on its face. "Look like it's time for me to get serious too then," Cain said as he creates a new sword.

{on the other side}

"Stop running you moron, come back here and fight me! Stupid pumpkin!" Hidan shouted in frustration as she continues chasing Tobi who is jokingly running away from Hidan.

"AHHH! Don't hurt Tobi, Tobi is a good boy, Tobi hasn't done anything bad yet!" Tobi screams as he secretly glances at Kakuzu and Cain's battlefield 'What troublesome thorns, I must destroy both of them fast, the charka this girl is emitting is no joke.' Obito thought as he slowly came up with a plan to exterminate the duo.

"COME BACK HERE!" Hidan shouted again, cutting through Obito's thought.

{back with Cain and Kakuzu}

"You brat! HOW?!" Kakuzu shouted in pure anger, surrounding him is 4 of his mask, all broken. "As I said, I will finish this one quick, I will have many things to do." Cain smile, "I hope you have a coffin just in case because you will need it right now. Goodbye, old man, you are too old for this generation!"

"Damn brat! The younger generation now doesn't know how to respect the elder!" Kakuzu uses all of his remaining strength to active his Jutsu and scolds Cain. The protagonist just smirks and cut Kakuzu's last heart into 2 pieces, "thank you for the compliment, old man."

[You have killed Kakuzu, one of the-]

"Show me all of the information after I kill Obito." Cain swipes the notification aside and goes to aid Hidan.

"Why I can't hit you! You ugly pumpkin!" Hidan shouted in frustration while continuously swinging Cain's body but all of her attacks pass through Tobi like he is not there. "Hidan, that guy has a space type Kekkei Genkai, you know what to do!" Cain rushes into the battle and blocks Tobi.

"Alright! Dimensional slash!" Hidan slams the scythe down, creating a giant vertical slash toward Obito, 'Kakuzu has been defeated? I need to kill both of them here or else they will be obstacles in my plan!' Obito immediately realizes the situation when he saw Cain coming but he made a mistake: He didn't dodge Hidan's attack.



Obito's right arm was cut off easily like cutting butter. Take the chance when Obito is still shocked by the event, Cain waste no time and perform another dimensional slash.

'This Kekkei Genkai can affect space?! I need to dodge.' Obito conclude then move to the right just in time to dodge the incoming attack, "Oi! Don't forget that you have to deal with 2 people here" Hidan from behind perform another dimensional slash, Obito waste no time and use his ability to pass through the wall, intent to escape.

Cain uses his fist and breaks through the wall, he immediately saw Obito using Kamui to escape. "You not gonna escape from my hand Uchiha Obito! I will track you down no matter what." Tobi's eyes widened after hearing his real name, he stops his 'teleportation' and glare at Cain, "how did you know my name! I changed my mind, you both not gonna get out of here alive!"

"Thank you for waiting, special dish coming up." Hidan from behind shouted, taking the attention of Obito. The poor guy feel his body is being pulled by some strange force, then he saw, a pitch-black orb the size of a normal ball floating in the air.

"Maximum powered blackhole for you!" Hidan shouted as Obito feels the force begin to pull him in becoming much stronger and faster, ' I need to escape!' He tried to use Kamui but surprisingly he was sucked out of his dimension. 'It affects dimension too?! Then how about this? he shifts his Mangekyou Sharingan to aim at the girl, its success, both of her arms were sucked into his dimension but the Jutsu still hasn't stopped yet!

"Hah! It's useless, this Jutsu won't stop if I lose pair of arms, it will only stop when the caster is killed, and just in case you don't know yet, I'm Hidan the immortal!" Hidan began to laugh like a maniac when she saw Obito's angry face. 'There is no choice left, I need to use Izanagi now!'

After he was sucked into the black hole, his body began to put itself in the place, after a while, Obito sense finally comes back to normal, he used Kamui right after that and disappear.

"Hey, why did you let him go? We wasted so much effort just to make him use Izanagi once?" Hidan followed behind Cain and asked. "Well, let just say that he is needed for our next plan."

"What do you gonna do?" Cain smirks "I gonna defeat Kaguya and find a way to bring you to another world with me."

"Really?" Hidan asked full of expectation. "...Just kidding"

"Tch, I hate you." Hidan blocked her ears and ignore Cain's action and start her journey back to Konoha